22 research outputs found


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    Root canal treatment is a step in order to maintain and preserve the tooth. The success rate of root canal treatment depend on the degree of severity illness and treatment techniques are performed. Reciprocal system is a techniques which use rotary one file endodontic. Single visit endodontic on this treatment was chosenbecause this techniques provide distinct advantages, more economical cost and risk contamination can be reduced.Female 25 years-old with irreversible pulpitis in maxillary left first molar, on the X-ray picture of the root canal looks normal without any narrowing. Root canal treatment performed with anesthetic infiltration pehacain 2 %, using rubber dam during treatment to prevent bacterial contamination and access opening. Tooth preparation using rotary one file reciprocal system R#25, previously done by determining work length with apex locator and confirm with X-ray picture. Obturation with single cone gutta percha R#25 and top seal paste, cotton pellet and temporary material filling. Control after 24 hours, percussion is negative, patient feel little ofpain.Success of endodontic is depend on eliminate bacterial product. One visit endodontic with reciprocal technique is a relatively reliable and simple technique for dentist

    Perawatan Dalam Bidang Konservasi Kedokteran Gigi Dengan Menggunakan Terapi Ozon (03)

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    Ozone (O3) is a gas that naturally exists in the earth's atmosphere formed from oxygen molecules and oxygen atoms can decompose quickly into oxygen. Ozone is a strong disinfectant and can kill 99% of bacteria, fungi, viruses quickly. Ozone therapy in the medical field is used to treat: vascular abnormalities, myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, wounds, and gynecological disorders. While in dentistry it is used as an alternative therapy for endodontic treatment, pit caries and fissure, root caries and cervical caries, caries on the tooth surface, deep caries care, root sensitivity, orthodontics, soft tissue treatment, and mandibular fractures. In the treatment of caries, there are still many doctors who treat with conventional techniques. The treatment process uses burial which can cause pain and fear especially in children. Ozone therapy as a safe and effective method for preventing damage to healthy tissue and caring for teeth by restoring the remineralization process and can reduce pain and fear

    Investigating the risky behavior of international tourists riding motorcycles in Bali

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    Motorcycle accidents and injuries in Bali have been highly occurred as to a cause of their predominance in urban transportation structures. While riding a motorcycle, a tourist eventually is obligated to his/ her own particular safety. Road safety analysts are concerned with accident risk faced by tourists because of a great possibility to be associated with a road accident while on vacation. This research investigated motorcycle riding behaviors and combined with a scope of psychosocial factors for example, sensation seeking, risky riding intentions and attitudes using international tourists riding motorcycles whilst on vacation in Bali as the respondents. Two models are constructed comprising of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM). Predictors employed socio-demographic variables consisting exposure and years licensed, gender, age, education levels, and estimates of distance travelled. International tourists revealed a scope of purposes behind riding motorcycles in Bali, for example, for fun and feelings of freedom. This research discovered that male international tourists with sensation seeking will probably be taking part in traffic and speeding infringement in contrast with females. These study outcomes alongside the suggestions for tourists training and road safety campaign while on holiday in Bali are examined

    Analysing local motorcyclists’ perception towards road safety

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    This study sought to investigate differences in local motorcyclists’ perception towards road safety in Bali. The independent variables consisted of socio-demographic characteristics containing gender, age, marital status, education levels, riding license ownerships, exposure measured by estimates of distance travelled, future riding purposes in the next year, self estimation in riding skill and in being safer motorcyclists, experiences of minor motorcycle crashes, and casualties in the last three years. Two models were developed which consisted of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM). This study found that sensation seeking significantly influences on attitudes towards risky riding indicating motorcyclists in Bali are more likely to undertake risky riding behaviours on the road as long as they believe there is some degree of control. Interestingly, female motorcyclists involving local residents have low perceptions towards road safety. Further studies on the gender of motorcyclists therefore, are required to provide more information for more target specific and effective road safety campaign


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    Background: Gingivitis is a periodontal disease caused by accumulation of bacteria plaque on the tooth surface. The primary treatment of gingivitis by removing its etiologic factors that found in phase I of periodontal therapy is scaling and plaque control. Healing process of gingivitis takes time, therefore sometimes using antimicrobial and antiinflamatory drugs as an adjunctive therapy is needed. The use of celery extract as mouthwash containing flavonoid (apiin and apigenin) works as antibacterial and antiinflamatory agent. The purpose of this study is to acknowledge the use of celery leafs extract (Apium graveolens L.) 10% and Chlorhexidine glukonat 0.1% as mouthwash to accelerate the healing process of gingivitis after scaling and root planing.Method: Experimental study using pre and post-test control group design. Samples were taken from FKG UNMAS students and RSGM FKG UNMAS patients within the period that met the inclusion criteria of caries patients, male sex, age 18-25 years old, with exclusion systemic disease and undergo orthodontic treatment, denture or prosthesis others. Subjects have index teeth (11, 16, 26, 36, 31, 46) and willing to take part in the research. A total of 32 samples divided into two groups by simple random sampling technique. Group I as control group rinsing with chlorhexidine gluconate 0,1% after scaling and Group II as experimental group rinsing with celery leaf extract 10% after scalingResult: The mean of gingival index pre-post treatment in group I: 1,29+0,11 and group II: 1,09+ 0,16. Data analyzed with independent t-test, and the results shows no significant difference between both group (p=0,071) Conclusion: Gargling for three days showed no significant difference between gargling with celery leaf extract (Apium graveolens L.) 10% and chlorhexidine gluconate 0.1% because it was equally effective at treating post-scaling gingivitis


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    Tooth decay might be maintained through a variety of treatments, root canal treatment is the common treatment for irreversible damage. In the present decade many offer various kinds of fillers and root canal sealers, but each filler and sealer has advantages and disadvantages. The aim of this study was to ensure that resin sealer has good properties to fill root canal. The function of the root canal filling material is to fill the root canal and eliminate all entrances between the periodontium and the root canal. However, to get the ideal cover material, in addition to the core filling material, a sealer material is also needed to cover the gap between gutta percha and the root canal wall. This literature review concluded that resin sealers have biocompatibility, may adhere to dentin and have better adhesive properties than other sealers

    Vitamin D inhibits TNF-α serum level in wistar rats stimulated with Porphyromonas gingivalis

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    Periodontitis is a chronic inflammation of the periodontal tissues initiated by increased proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α due to the induction of Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg). This study aimed to analyze the effect of vitamin D (cholecalciferol) on TNF-α serum level in Wistar rats stimulated with Pg to induce periodontitis. Twenty-seven male Wistar rats (n = 27) were divided into three equal groups. Group I was healthy Wistar rats that received 2000 IU vitamin D once a day. Group II was Wistar rats stimulated with Pg and received 2000 IU vitamin D, while group III was Wistar rats stimulated with Pg but did not receive vitamin D. Blood was collected through the orbital sinus and centrifuged to get the serum. TNF-α serum levels were assessed using Elisa method on the 7th, 14th, and 28th. The data were normally distributed and homogeneous. The mean TNF-α data was analyzed for differences between groups using the one-way ANOVA and LSD post hoc test. Significant differences were seen in group II (418.49 ± 161.08 ng/mL) and group III (172.16 ± 104.18 ng/mL) on the 28th day (p = 0.001). The findings suggest that vitamin D inhibits the TNF-α serum level in Wistar rats stimulated with Pg on the 28th day


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    ABSTRACTBackground: The utilization of dental prosthesis services in Indonesia is rare, compared to other dental and oral health services. The use of prosthesis services in Bali is still relatively low compared to other parts of Western Indonesia. Based on data from BPJS Kesehatan Denpasar Branch Office, the demand for dental prostheses services by participants in the three working areas of BPJS Kesehatan Denpasar Branch Office is still low. Method: This research was conducted using quantitative research. The population were all participants providers of FKTP BPJS Kesehatan Badung Regency, and samples were taken through purposive sampling. Quantitative data were analyzed using binary logistic regression.Result: The results that the predisposing factors for JKN program participants (income, knowledge of dental prostheses, knowledge of JKN dental prosthesis services, perceptions of service quality, and perceptions of cost); enabling factor (access), and the need factor (the perception of pain when losing a tooth) contributions have a significant positive effect on the utilization rate of JKN dental prostheses. The predisposing factors (age and education) and enabling factor (social support) do not have a significant effect on the utilization rate of JKN dental prostheses. Conclusion: The results that the predisposing factors for JKN program participants contributions have a significant positive effect on the utilization rate of JKN dental prostheses

    Analyzing the influence of age groups of motorcycle riders on traffic violations and accidents in small city using a structural equation model

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    Over the last three years, there has been a tremendous increase in the amount of road accidents in Mataram City-Lombok with majority of the victims being motorcycle riders between the ages of 16-40 years. The age difference may have an impact on the rider’s behavior which in turn leads to road accidents. This study aims at investigating the influence of age groups on motorcycle riders resulting to traffic violations and road accidents in Mataram City. Data was collected using questionnaire survey for which 600 respondents participated covering 6 sub-districts in Mataram City. A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS V.22.0 was constructed to analyze the motorcycle rider behavior. The developed model was made up of behavioral, violation and accident latent variables, with four variables of behavior, three variables of violation, and two observed variables of accident. Three age groups were used in this study with three categories consists of 15-24 years, 25-44 years, and 45-64 years old. This study found that these riders behaviors varied significantly with regards to traffic violations. The age groups of riders between 15-24 years and 45-64 years has a 65% influence on traffic violation compared to those between the ages of 25-44 years. Traffic violations with regards to road accidents was however, found to be less significant for all age group. Traffic violations committed by riders between ages of 45-64 years were found to be 14% less than those between the ages of 15-44 years. The analysis obtained from the data indicates that there are differences among the three listed age groups