19 research outputs found

    Reading rates and digit span in bilinguals: the superiority of mother tongue

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    Several studies have shown a negative linear relationship between speech rate and memory span. This relationship has implications for bilingual studies, since span could be larger in a bilingual's secondary language provided that pronunciation rate is faster than in the mother language. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of digit word length on digit span in bilinguals. Experiment 1 tested the effects of digit syllable length on speech rate in five different bilingual groups. Results revealed that digit reading rates were significantly faster in all mother languages. Experiment 2 examined more closely the correspondence between speech rate and digit span with Portuguese-English bilinguals. Results showed that digit reading rates were faster and digit span larger in the mother language even if the mean number of syllables per digit was higher. The superiority of mother tongue was discussed according to the view that digits are subject to massive practice in one's native language with a strong tendency to be abbreviated reducing therefore its spoken duration