4,554 research outputs found

    Color screening in 2+12+1 flavor QCD at large distances

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    We study correlation functions of spatially separated static quark-antiquark pairs in 2+12+1 flavor QCD in order to investigate the nature of color screening at high temperatures. We perform lattice calculations in a wide temperature range, 116 MeV≤T≤5814 MeV116~\text{MeV} \leq T \leq 5814~\text{MeV}, using the highly improved staggered quark (HISQ) action and several lattice spacings to control discretization effects. We alleviate the UV noise problem through the use of four dimensional hypercubic (HYP) smearing, which enables the reconstruction of correlators and determination of screening properties even at low temperatures and at large distances.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Knowledge Does Not Fall Far from the Tree - A Case Study on the Diffusion of Solar Cells in Germany

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    The purpose of this paper is to illuminate the geographical diffusion of photovoltaic installations in Germany quantitatively and to test if preexisting photovoltaic systems stimulate further installations nearby; thus we investigate to which extent knowledge flows depend on geographic proximity. We develop an econometric model, which is discrete in time and space, but the level of geographical agglomeration is adjustable in arbitrarily small steps. We find that the probability to install a photovoltaic system dependents on the geographic proximity to agents, who have previously installed a photovoltaic system. In conclusion, our results confirm that knowledge exchange attenuates with distance.

    Minimally doubled fermions at one loop

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    Minimally doubled fermions have been proposed as a cost-effective realization of chiral symmetry at non-zero lattice spacing. Using lattice perturbation theory at one loop, we study their renormalization properties. Specifically, we investigate the consequences of the breaking of hyper-cubic symmetry, which is a typical feature of this class of fermionic discretizations. Our results for the quark self-energy indicate that the four-momentum undergoes a renormalization which contains a linearly divergent piece. We also compute renormalization factors for quark bilinears, construct the conserved vector and axial-vector currents and verify that at one loop the renormalization factors of the latter are equal to one.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, discussion of renormalization of four-momentum modified, increased numerical precision of one-loop integrals, results and conclusions unchange

    Speeding up SOR Solvers for Constraint-based GUIs with a Warm-Start Strategy

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    Many computer programs have graphical user interfaces (GUIs), which need good layout to make efficient use of the available screen real estate. Most GUIs do not have a fixed layout, but are resizable and able to adapt themselves. Constraints are a powerful tool for specifying adaptable GUI layouts: they are used to specify a layout in a general form, and a constraint solver is used to find a satisfying concrete layout, e.g.\ for a specific GUI size. The constraint solver has to calculate a new layout every time a GUI is resized or changed, so it needs to be efficient to ensure a good user experience. One approach for constraint solvers is based on the Gauss-Seidel algorithm and successive over-relaxation (SOR). Our observation is that a solution after resizing or changing is similar in structure to a previous solution. Thus, our hypothesis is that we can increase the computational performance of an SOR-based constraint solver if we reuse the solution of a previous layout to warm-start the solving of a new layout. In this paper we report on experiments to test this hypothesis experimentally for three common use cases: big-step resizing, small-step resizing and constraint change. In our experiments, we measured the solving time for randomly generated GUI layout specifications of various sizes. For all three cases we found that the performance is improved if an existing solution is used as a starting solution for a new layout

    Spin-taste structure of minimally doubled fermions

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    Minimally doubled fermions realize one degenerate pair of Dirac fermions on the lattice. Similarities to staggered fermions exist, namely, spin and taste degrees of freedom become intertwined, and a remnant, non-singlet chiral symmetry and ultralocality are maintained. However, charge conjugation, isotropy and some space-time reflection symmetries are broken by the cutoff. For two variants, i.e., Karsten-Wilczek (KW) or Borici-Creutz (BC) fermions, a tasted charge conjugation symmetry can be identified, and the respective representations of the spin-taste algebra can be constructed explicitly. In the case of BC fermions, the tasted symmetry indicates that amendments to the published counterterms are necessary. The spin-taste representation on the quark level permits construction of local or extended hadron interpolating operators for any spin-taste combination, albeit with contamination by parity partners and taste-symmetry violation. The few available numerical results for KW fermions are in line with expectations.Comment: 9 pages, 0 figures; Parallel talk at The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2023), July 31st - August 4th, 2023, Fermi National Accelerator Laborator
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