20,934 research outputs found

    Retort braze bonding of borsic/aluminum composite sheet to titanium

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    Braze bonding studies between Borsic/aluminum composite and titanium sheet were conducted to establish acceptable brazing techniques and to assess potential joint efficiencies. Excellent braze joints were produced which exhibited joint strengths exceeding 117 MPa (17,000 psi) and which retained up to 2/3 of this strength at 589 K (600 F). Noticeable composite strength degradation resulting from the required high temperature braze cycle was found to be a problem

    Computational Methods and Results for Structured Multiscale Models of Tumor Invasion

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    We present multiscale models of cancer tumor invasion with components at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels. We provide biological justifications for the model components, present computational results from the model, and discuss the scientific-computing methodology used to solve the model equations. The models and methodology presented in this paper form the basis for developing and treating increasingly complex, mechanistic models of tumor invasion that will be more predictive and less phenomenological. Because many of the features of the cancer models, such as taxis, aging and growth, are seen in other biological systems, the models and methods discussed here also provide a template for handling a broader range of biological problems

    Supersolid Helium at High Pressure

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    We have measured the pressure dependence of the supersolid fraction by a torsional oscillator technique. Superflow is found from 25.6 bar up to 136.9 bar. The supersolid fraction in the low temperature limit increases from 0.6 % at 25.6 bar near the melting boundary up to a maximum of 1.5% near 55 bar before showing a monotonic decrease with pressure extrapolating to zero near 170 bar.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Single-stage electrohydraulic servosystem for actuating on airflow valve with frequencies to 500 hertz

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    An airflow valve and its electrohydraulic actuation servosystem are described. The servosystem uses a high-power, single-stage servovalve to obtain a dynamic response beyond that of systems designed with conventional two-stage servovalves. The electrohydraulic servosystem is analyzed and the limitations imposed on system performance by such nonlinearities as signal saturations and power limitations are discussed. Descriptions of the mechanical design concepts and developmental considerations are included. Dynamic data, in the form of sweep-frequency test results, are presented and comparison with analytical results obtained with an analog computer model is made

    The Density Spike in Cosmic-Ray-Modified Shocks: Formation, Evolution, and Instability

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    We examine the formation and evolution of the density enhancement (density spike) that appears downstream of strong, cosmic-ray-modified shocks. This feature results from temporary overcompression of the flow by the combined cosmic-ray shock precursor/gas subshock. Formation of the density spike is expected whenever shock modification by cosmic-ray pressure increases strongly. That occurence may be anticipated for newly generated strong shocks or for cosmic-ray-modified shocks encountering a region of higher external density, for example. The predicted mass density within the spike increases with the shock Mach number and with shocks more dominated by cosmic-ray pressure. We find this spike to be linearly unstable under a modified Rayleigh-Taylor instability criterion at the early stage of its formation. We confirm this instability numerically using two independent codes based on the two-fluid model for cosmic-ray transport. These two-dimensional simulations show that the instability grows impulsively at early stages and then slows down as the gradients of total pressure and gas density decrease. Observational discovery of this unstable density spike behind shocks, possibly through radio emission enhanced by the amplified magnetic fields would provide evidence for the existence of strongly cosmic-ray modified shock structures.Comment: 26 pages in Latex and 6 figures. Accepted to Ap

    Interacting electrons on a quantum ring: exact and variational approach

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    We study a system of interacting electrons on a one-dimensional quantum ring using exact diagonalization and the variational quantum Monte Carlo method. We examine the accuracy of the Slater-Jastrow -type many-body wave function and compare energies and pair distribution functions obtained from the two approaches. Our results show that this wave function captures most correlation effects. We then study the smooth transition to a regime where the electrons localize in the rotating frame, which for the ultrathin quantum ring system happens at quite high electron density.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in the New Journal of Physic

    Water balance complexities in ephemeral catchments with different land uses: Insights from monitoring and distributed hydrologic modeling

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    Although ephemeral catchments are widespread in arid and semiarid climates, the relationship of their water balance with climate, geology, topography, and land cover is poorly known. Here we use 4 years (2011–2014) of rainfall, streamflow, and groundwater level measurements to estimate the water balance components in two adjacent ephemeral catchments in south-eastern Australia, with one catchment planted with young eucalypts and the other dedicated to grazing pasture. To corroborate the interpretation of the observations, the physically based hydrological model CATHY was calibrated and validated against the data in the two catchments. The estimated water balances showed that despite a significant decline in groundwater level and greater evapotranspiration in the eucalypt catchment (104–119% of rainfall) compared with the pasture catchment (95–104% of rainfall), streamflow consistently accounted for 1–4% of rainfall in both catchments for the entire study period. Streamflow in the two catchments was mostly driven by the rainfall regime, particularly rainfall frequency (i.e., the number of rain days per year), while the downslope orientation of the plantation furrows also promoted runoff. With minimum calibration, the model was able to adequately reproduce the periods of flow in both catchments in all years. Although streamflow and groundwater levels were better reproduced in the pasture than in the plantation, model-computed water balance terms confirmed the estimates from the observations in both catchments. Overall, the interplay of climate, topography, and geology seems to overshadow the effect of land use in the study catchments, indicating that the management of ephemeral catchments remains highly challenging