9 research outputs found

    Interactions of cortisol and prolactin with other selected menstrual cycle hormones affecting the chances of conception in infertile women

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    One of the major problems of success in infertility treatment could depend on the understanding how the potential factors may affect the conception. The aim of this study was to evaluate present understanding of such factors or hormonal causes that may induce infertility. We studied the interactions between the two menstrual cycle hormones i.e., cortisol (COR) and prolactin (PRL), along with the ultrasonographic ovulation parameters in a group of N = 205 women with diagnosed infertility. The control group consisted of N = 100 women with confirmed fertility. In both groups, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), PRL, COR were examined on the third day of the cycle, and estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), and COR were examined during ovulation and 7-days afterwards. In the infertile group, higher levels of PRL and COR were observed than that of in the control group. Cortisol levels at all phases of the menstrual cycle and PRL negatively correlated with E2 secretion during and after ovulation, thus contributed to the attenuation of the ovulatory LH surge. Infertile women who conceived presented with higher levels of E2 during and after ovulation, higher P after ovulation, and thicker endometrium than that of the women who failed to conceive. In conclusion, elevated secretion of COR and PRL in infertile women impairs the menstrual cycle by decreasing the pre-ovulatory LH peak and E2 and postovulatory E2 levels that affect the endometrial growth, and consequently reduce the chances to conceive

    Effect of excessive body weight and emotional disorders on the course of pregnancy and well-being of a newborn before and during COVID-19 pandemic

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    This study aimed to evaluate whether excessive body weight and the COVID-19 pandemic affect depression, and subsequently whether depression, excessive body weight, and the COVID-19 pandemic affect the course of pregnancy, as well as the well-being of a newborn. The research material included data retrieved from the medical records of 280 pregnant women who were provided with care by medical facilities in Lublin (100 women with normal weight, 100 overweight women, 50 with Class I and 30 with Class II obesity). They completed a Beck depression inventory (BDI) in pregnancy twice, in order to assess the risk of occurrence of postpartum depression. Pre-pregnancy BMI positively correlated with the severity of depression, both at 10–13 weeks of pregnancy (p < 0.001), and at 32 weeks of pregnancy (p < 0.001). The higher the pre-pregnancy BMI, on average the higher the severity of depression. The severity of depression was significantly higher during the pandemic than before it in women with normal body weight before pregnancy (p < 0.001), as well as in those overweight (p < 0.001) and with Class II obesity (p = 0.015). Excessive body weight before pregnancy leads to depressive disorders during pregnancy, increases the risk of preterm delivery, and exerts a negative effect on the state of a newborn. Depressive symptoms among pregnant, overweight and obese women intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic

    • Technologie w optymalizacji opieki medycznej

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    Abstract Introduction. According to The World Health Organization, sexual health is &quot;a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality.&quot; Human sexuality is considered an area which comprises emotions and behaviors (psyche, soma, polis), whose biological aim is human sexual activity. The goal of this work was to demonstrate the selected aspects of men&apos;s sexual life treated for infertility. Materials and methods. The research was conducted on a group of 121 patients who were divided into two groups. The first group of the examined were men aged 20-40, treated for infertility in the OVEA medical center, Lublin. The second (follow-up) group constituted healthy men aged 20-40 having a family or being in permanent relationships. The research was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the Medical University of Lublin. The method used in this piece of work was a diagnostic survey, whilst the research tool used was an authorial survey questionnaire. The obtained results were subject to statistical analysis. Conclusions. Sexual activity is a very important component of men&apos;s life, both for the infertile and the fertile. Infertility has no influence on men&apos;s sexual contacts

    Effect of Excessive Body Weight and Psoriasis in Women Undergoing ICSI Procedure and State of Health of the Newborn

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    Excessive body weight and some concomitant diseases, such as psoriasis, accompany women treated due to infertility by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). This study is aimed to assess effect of obesity and psoriasis on quality of egg cells, embryos, course of pregnancy, and state of a newborn after treatment with ICSI. A total of 140 women were included into the study (110 healthy women and 30 with psoriasis). Among healthy women, BMI negatively correlated with total recovery rate, total oocyte score, blastocyst formation rate (BFR) and amount and quality of blastocysts (r &lt; 0, p &lt; 0.001). The relationships were similar in psoriasis, however apart from average blastocyst quality (p = 0.17) and BFR (p = 0.352). In healthy patients, BMI negatively correlated with gestational age at delivery (r = &minus;0.444, p = 0.010) and APGAR (r = &minus;0.481, p = 0.005). An excess of adipose tissue exerts an unfavourable effect on female reproductive functions, especially with a simultaneous burden of psoriasis. Excessive body weight is conducive to development of gestational diabetes and shortens the duration of pregnancy. The burden of psoriasis in combination with excessive body weight has an impact on the risk of occurrence of intrauterine growth restriction of foetus. Overweight and obesity negatively affect the state of a newborn, measured using APGAR scale

    Knowledge of contraindications to use of hormonal contraception among students of the Medical University in Lublin

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    Wprowadzenie i cel pracy. Antykoncepcja hormonalna wywiera pośrednio lub bezpośrednio wpływ na cały organizm kobiety, m.in. na: układ krążenia, układ pokarmowy, gospodarkę węglowodanową czy też gospodarkę lipidową. Lista przeciwwskazań do stosowania antykoncepcji hormonalnej dwuskładnikowej jest długa, najważniejsze z nich to: ciąża, karmienie piersią, krwawienia z dróg rodnych o nieznanej etiologii, nowotwory, choroby układu krążenia, migreny, choroby wątroby, palenie tytoniu, choroby autoimmunologiczne, zaburzenia gospodarki lipidowej oraz cukrzyca. Celem naszej pracy była ocena znajomości przeciwwskazań do stosowania antykoncepcji hormonalnej wśród studentów Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie. Materiał i metoda. Grupa badawcza składała się ze 140 studentów Uniwersytetu Medycznego, w wieku od 19 do 31 lat, studiujących na kierunkach: lekarsko-dentystycznym, pielęgniarstwo, położnictwo, ratownictwo medyczne. Przeprowadzono sondaż diagnostyczny za pomocą autorskiej ankiety internetowej, Uzyskane wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej, przy użyciu oprogramowania komputerowego STATISTICA 12.0 (StatSoft, Polska). Wyniki i wnioski. Kierunek studiów wpływa na znajomość przeciwwskazań do stosowania antykoncepcji hormonalnej, takich jak: ciężkie choroby wątroby, wiek powyżej 40 lat i karmienie piersią. Kobiety mają większą świadomość niż mężczyźni, że choroba zakrzepowo-zatorowa jest przeciwwskazaniem do stosowania antykoncepcji hormonalnej.Introduction and objective: Hormonal contraception exerts an indirect and direct effect on the whole body of a woman, including, among others: cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The list of contraindications to the use of hormonal two-component contraception is long, the most important of them being: pregnancy, breastfeeding, vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, migraines, hepatic diseases, tobacco smoking, autoimmune diseases, lipid metabolism disorders and diabetes. The objective of the presented study was evaluation of the knowledge of contraindications to the use of hormonal therapy among students of the Medical University in Lublin. Material and method: The study group included 140 students of the Medical University, aged 19–31, studying the following specialties: medicine-dentistry, nursing, midwifery, and emergency medical services. A diagnostic survey was conducted using an Internet questionnaire designed by the author. The obtained results were statistically analyzed by means of software STATISTICA 12.0 (StatSoft, Poland). Results and conclusions: Study specialty exerts an effect on the knowledge of contraindications to the use of hormonal therapy, such as: severe hepatic diseases, age over 40 and breastfeeding. Females are more aware than males that venous thromboembolism is a contraindication for the use of hormonal contraception

    Knowledge of contraindications to use of hormonal contraception among students of the Medical University in Lublin

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    Wprowadzenie i cel pracy. Antykoncepcja hormonalna wywiera pośrednio lub bezpośrednio wpływ na cały organizm kobiety, m.in. na: układ krążenia, układ pokarmowy, gospodarkę węglowodanową czy też gospodarkę lipidową. Lista przeciwwskazań do stosowania antykoncepcji hormonalnej dwuskładnikowej jest długa, najważniejsze z nich to: ciąża, karmienie piersią, krwawienia z dróg rodnych o nieznanej etiologii, nowotwory, choroby układu krążenia, migreny, choroby wątroby, palenie tytoniu, choroby autoimmunologiczne, zaburzenia gospodarki lipidowej oraz cukrzyca. Celem naszej pracy była ocena znajomości przeciwwskazań do stosowania antykoncepcji hormonalnej wśród studentów Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie. Materiał i metoda. Grupa badawcza składała się ze 140 studentów Uniwersytetu Medycznego, w wieku od 19 do 31 lat, studiujących na kierunkach: lekarsko-dentystycznym, pielęgniarstwo, położnictwo, ratownictwo medyczne. Przeprowadzono sondaż diagnostyczny za pomocą autorskiej ankiety internetowej, Uzyskane wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej, przy użyciu oprogramowania komputerowego STATISTICA 12.0 (StatSoft, Polska). Wyniki i wnioski. Kierunek studiów wpływa na znajomość przeciwwskazań do stosowania antykoncepcji hormonalnej, takich jak: ciężkie choroby wątroby, wiek powyżej 40 lat i karmienie piersią. Kobiety mają większą świadomość niż mężczyźni, że choroba zakrzepowo-zatorowa jest przeciwwskazaniem do stosowania antykoncepcji hormonalnej.Introduction and objective: Hormonal contraception exerts an indirect and direct effect on the whole body of a woman, including, among others: cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The list of contraindications to the use of hormonal two-component contraception is long, the most important of them being: pregnancy, breastfeeding, vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, migraines, hepatic diseases, tobacco smoking, autoimmune diseases, lipid metabolism disorders and diabetes. The objective of the presented study was evaluation of the knowledge of contraindications to the use of hormonal therapy among students of the Medical University in Lublin. Material and method: The study group included 140 students of the Medical University, aged 19–31, studying the following specialties: medicine-dentistry, nursing, midwifery, and emergency medical services. A diagnostic survey was conducted using an Internet questionnaire designed by the author. The obtained results were statistically analyzed by means of software STATISTICA 12.0 (StatSoft, Poland). Results and conclusions: Study specialty exerts an effect on the knowledge of contraindications to the use of hormonal therapy, such as: severe hepatic diseases, age over 40 and breastfeeding. Females are more aware than males that venous thromboembolism is a contraindication for the use of hormonal contraception

    Assessment of quality of life in men treated for infertility in Poland

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    The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life (QoL) of men treated for infertility in Poland. This cross-sectional study was conducted using the Abbreviated World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire (WHOQoL-BREF), Fertility Quality of Life tool (FertiQoL) and an author-constructed questionnaire. The study included 1200 men treated for infertility without the use of assisted reproductive technology (non-ART), intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF). The control group consisted of 100 healthy men with confirmed fertility. The quality of life assessed by the WHOQoL-BREF questionnaire was significantly lower in study groups in the Environmental domain, compared to the control group (p = 0.009). Statistically significant differences were found in the case of FertiQoL subscales: Emotional, Mind-Body, Relational, and Treatment Environment, depending on applied treatment. Men whose partners were treated without the use of ART assessed their QoL significantly more negatively than those treated with IUI. Reproductive problems and type of their treatment influenced the quality of life of the affected men. Non-ART treatment, rural place of residence, and increased BMI were associated with lower Qo