63 research outputs found

    Interactions of cortisol and prolactin with other selected menstrual cycle hormones affecting the chances of conception in infertile women

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    One of the major problems of success in infertility treatment could depend on the understanding how the potential factors may affect the conception. The aim of this study was to evaluate present understanding of such factors or hormonal causes that may induce infertility. We studied the interactions between the two menstrual cycle hormones i.e., cortisol (COR) and prolactin (PRL), along with the ultrasonographic ovulation parameters in a group of N = 205 women with diagnosed infertility. The control group consisted of N = 100 women with confirmed fertility. In both groups, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), PRL, COR were examined on the third day of the cycle, and estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), and COR were examined during ovulation and 7-days afterwards. In the infertile group, higher levels of PRL and COR were observed than that of in the control group. Cortisol levels at all phases of the menstrual cycle and PRL negatively correlated with E2 secretion during and after ovulation, thus contributed to the attenuation of the ovulatory LH surge. Infertile women who conceived presented with higher levels of E2 during and after ovulation, higher P after ovulation, and thicker endometrium than that of the women who failed to conceive. In conclusion, elevated secretion of COR and PRL in infertile women impairs the menstrual cycle by decreasing the pre-ovulatory LH peak and E2 and postovulatory E2 levels that affect the endometrial growth, and consequently reduce the chances to conceive

    Effect of excessive body weight and emotional disorders on the course of pregnancy and well-being of a newborn before and during COVID-19 pandemic

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    This study aimed to evaluate whether excessive body weight and the COVID-19 pandemic affect depression, and subsequently whether depression, excessive body weight, and the COVID-19 pandemic affect the course of pregnancy, as well as the well-being of a newborn. The research material included data retrieved from the medical records of 280 pregnant women who were provided with care by medical facilities in Lublin (100 women with normal weight, 100 overweight women, 50 with Class I and 30 with Class II obesity). They completed a Beck depression inventory (BDI) in pregnancy twice, in order to assess the risk of occurrence of postpartum depression. Pre-pregnancy BMI positively correlated with the severity of depression, both at 10–13 weeks of pregnancy (p < 0.001), and at 32 weeks of pregnancy (p < 0.001). The higher the pre-pregnancy BMI, on average the higher the severity of depression. The severity of depression was significantly higher during the pandemic than before it in women with normal body weight before pregnancy (p < 0.001), as well as in those overweight (p < 0.001) and with Class II obesity (p = 0.015). Excessive body weight before pregnancy leads to depressive disorders during pregnancy, increases the risk of preterm delivery, and exerts a negative effect on the state of a newborn. Depressive symptoms among pregnant, overweight and obese women intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Self-perception of body by women of child-bearing age

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    Introduction. In psychology, the way in which we perceive our body is what is called “body image”, a concept which is associated with our social and psychical functioning. A positive image of one’s own body is connected with being attractive, having high self-esteem, high self-confidence and general satisfaction with life [1]. Therefore, contentment, or lack thereof, of one’s body comprises an emotional element of body image [2]. The feelings we have towards our body are changing all the time, as well as other behaviours and are conditioned by individual circumstances and mood. Nevertheless, our relationship with the body and its main components are a relatively stable construction [3]. Aim of the study. Recognition of the emotional component of body image of the polled women, and observation of behaviours concomitant with dissatisfaction, lead to improvement of body appearance. Methods and materials. The study was conducted in 2014, in which 200 women of child-bearing age – students of Medical University in Lublin, Poland, participated. The applied measurement tools were a questionnaire and a scale for assessing one’s body, both designed by the authors of the study. Results. The average age of respondents – 22; BMI – 21.1840. In the general “one’s body assessment” scale, the highest mean values were achieved in the subscale of “Aspirations for attaining an ideal figure”. There is a statistically significant correlation between the status of relationship, diet, and aspiration for an ideal figure. Conclusions. Most of the surveyed women were satisfied with their appearance and had a high self-esteem. No statistically significant relations were observed between BMI and the subscales of “General body assessment.” The “Cult of Thin” created by the mass media did not influence the subjective perception of one’s body

    Perception and degree of acceptance of menopause-related changes in various spheres of life by postmenopausal women

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    [b]Objective[/b]. The objective of the study was retrospective analysis of self-reported perception and acceptance of changes related to menopause among women 1–10 years after the occurrence of their last menstrual period. The selected aspects covered social contacts with the family level (social wellbeing), perception of own physicality and inner feelings concerning sex life (psychological wellbeing). [b]Materials and methods[/b]. The study covered 204 postmenopausal women 1–10 years after the last menstrual period. Analysis was performed based on a self-designed questionnaire and the data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. Relationships were detected using the χ [sup]2[/sup] test. The p values p<0.05 were considered statistically significant (5% level of error probability). [b]Results[/b]. Women who coped with the menopausal transition easier more rarely perceived unfavourable changes in their family life. In the group of women with a high or very high level of difficulties in adaptation to menopause, the women twice less frequently declared positive sexual sensations or lack of changes. No significant differences were observed in the perception of own physicality and degree of experiencing the transition through menopause. [b]Conclusions[/b]. The perimenopausal period exerts a great effect on the psychological and social wellbeing of women. The degree of difficulties in experiencing the menopausal transition is important. Women who adapt to changes associated with menopause with more ease have fewer difficulties in their family life, and statistically less frequently report negative experiences in sexual contacts

    Superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activity in pregnancy complicated by diabetes

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    The objective of the study was determination of the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in blood and placental tissues of pregnant women with pregnancy complicated by diabetes, pregnant women with physiological pregnancy, and non-pregnant women, as well as a comparative analysis of blood and placental tissue parameters in the groups of women examined. The material for the study was blood and placental tissue from 50 pregnant women who received treatment due to insulin-dependent diabetes (PD). For the control group, 50 pregnant women without diabetes (HP), and 30 non-pregnant women (NP) were selected. SOD activity in erythrocytes was evaluated by the method of spectrophotometry with the use of RANSOD kit (RANDOX Laboratories Ltd., UK). The activity of GPx activity in erythrocytes was determined according to the method by Paglia and Valentine using RANSEL kit (RANDOX Laboratories Ltd). The results were subject to statistical analysis. Insulin-dependent diabetes in pregnancy affects the activity of anti-oxidative enzymes. In the blood of women with pregnancy complicated by diabetes, the activity of anti-oxidative enzymes – SOD and GPx is higher than in the blood of women with physiological pregnancy and the control group. In the placental tissue from pregnancy complicated by diabetes, the activity of SOD significantly decreases, while the activity of GPx increases, compared to women in physiological pregnancy

    Sexuality of pregnant women

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    Ciąża jest dynamicznie przebiegającym procesem zmian, które dotyczą poszczególnych narządów, jak również samopoczucia i psychiki kobiety. Zmianom podlegają także relacje z partnerem i dotychczasowe wzory zachowań. Kobiety szczególnie w tym czasie odczuwają potrzebę bliskości, ciepła i porozumienia. Niejednokrotnie zmianom ulegają również potrzeby aktywności seksualnej oraz ich forma. Współżycie w czasie ciąży pozostaje wciąż tematem tabu dla wielu ginekologów i położnych. Kobiety w ciąży często wstydzą się pytać lekarza o zalecane indywidualne modyfikacje ułożeń ciał partnerów w czasie stosunków płciowych w poszczególnych trymestrach ciąży lub o wpływ aktywności seksualnej na stan zdrowia noworodka. Podczas prawidłowej ciąży niskiego ryzyka ani stosunek płciowy, ani orgazm nie powinny wpływać negatywnie na stan zdrowia noworodka. Zagrożeniami związanymi z aktywnością seksualną, mającymi istotny wpływ na przebieg ciąży, mogą być infekcje układu moczowo-płciowego, ból podczas stosunku, poronienia, porody przedwczesne, przedwczesne odpływanie płynu owodniowego, skurcz macicy trwający około jednej minuty, przyspieszona częstość pracy serca dziecka. Kobiety w ciąży przeżywają różnorakie stany emocjonalne od optymizmu i zadowolenia do skrajnego pesymizmu. Ciąża może być powodem lęków, stresów i wahań nastrojów, dlatego tak ważne jest, aby w tym szczególnym czasie kobieta mogła bez skrępowania swobodnie rozmawiać o różnorodności swoich odczuć i spotykać się z akceptacją ze strony rodziny i innych osób. Ogromne znaczenie dla samopoczucia i samooceny kobiety ciężarnej ma siła związku emocjonalnego z ojcem poczętego dziecka. W badaniach udowodniono, że im ten związek jest silniejszy, tym mniej niepokojów odczuwa kobieta.Pregnancy is a dynamic process proceeding all changes that affect individual organs, as well as mood and psyche of women. These changes are also subject to the relations with a partner and past patterns of behavior. Women, especially at this time feel the need for closeness, warmth and understanding. Sometimes changes are also necessary in sexual activity and their form. Intercourse during pregnancy is still taboo for many gynecologists and midwives. Pregnant women are often too embarrassed to ask your doctor about individual modifications of partners bodies during sexual intercourse in various trimesters of pregnancy or the impact of sexual activity on the health of the newborn. During normal pregnancy or low risk of sexual intercourse or orgasm should not cause problems. Risks associated with sexual activity, having a significant impact on pregnancy can be infections urogenital system, pain during intercourse, miscarriage, premature births, premature amniotic fluid flows, uterine contraction lasting about one minute, fast heart rate of the child. Pregnant women experiencing various emotional states of optimism and contentment, to extreme pessimism. Pregnancy can cause anxiety, stress and mood fluctuations, so it’s important that at this particular time, a woman could feel comfortable and talk freely about the diversity of their feelings and meet with acceptance from family and others. Great importance for the well-being and self-assessment of a pregnant woman has the power of emotional connection with the father of the unborn child. Studies prove that their relationship is stronger if the woman feels less anxiety

    Poziom prolaktyny i polimorfizm genu apolipoproteiny E a funkcje poznawcze kobiet po menopauzie

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    Objective: The objective of the study was to analyze a possible association between cognitive functions and level of prolactin in menopausal women with different polymorphisms of apolipoprotein E gene (APOE). The examined population included women from the south-eastern part of Poland; aged 50-65 years; at least 2 years after their last menstruation; in good health; with at least primary education, FSH>30 mlU/ml. The MoCA test (Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test) allowed us to exclude women with signs of dementia. The cognitive functions assessment was conducted with the CNS-VitalSigns diagnostic equipment (Polish version). The prolactin designations were conducted by SYNEVO – an accredited laboratory. The examination of APOE polymorphism was performed using the multiplex-PCR method. The results were statistically analyzed. Results and conclusion: Higher level of prolactin turned out to be associated with better test results in the following areas: NCI, memory, verbal memory, psychomotor speed and concentration. Women with higher level of prolactin had better results in NCI, psychomotor speed and verbal memory tests. The test results of other cognitive function were not unequivocally related to higher levels of prolactin. Thus, it was not possible to conclude that the presence of APOE polymorphism is related to the effect of prolactin on cognitive functions of the examined menopausal women.Cel pracy: Celem pracy było zbadanie związku między funkcjami poznawczymi a poziomem prolaktyny u kobiet po menopauzie, będących nosicielkami poszczególnych polimorfizmów genu apolipoproteiny E (APOE). Materiał i metoda: Grupę badaną stanowiły kobiety, pochodzące z terenu Polski południowo-wschodniej minimum 2 lata od ostatniej miesiączki, w wieku 50-65 lat; z ogólnie dobrym stanem zdrowia; wykształceniem co najmniej pełnym podstawowym oraz FSH>30 mlU/ml. Za pomocą testu MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test) wykluczono z badania kobiety z cechami demencji. Ocena funkcji poznawczych została przeprowadzona w oparciu o aparaturę diagnostyczną CNS–VitalSigns (wersja polska). Oznaczenia prolaktyny zostały wykonane w akredytowanym laboratorium SYNEVO. Badanie polimorfizmu APOE zostało wykonane przy użyciu metody multiplet PCR. Wyniki badań poddano analizie statystycznej. Wyniki i wnioski: Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz można stwierdzić, iż wyższy poziom prolaktyny był związany z lepszymi wynikami w zakresie NCI (Indeks Neurokognitywny), pamięci, pamięci werbalnej, szybkości psychomotorycznej i skupiania uwagi badanych kobiet po menopauzie. Lepsze oceny NCI, szybkości psychomotorycznej oraz pamięci werbalnej uzyskały badane z wyższymi wartościami prolaktyny. Oceny pozostałych funkcji poznawczych nie były jednoznacznie związane z wartościami prolaktyny. Nie można stwierdzić, iż posiadanie poszczególnych polimorfizmów APOE ma związek z wpływem prolaktyny na funkcje poznawcze badanej grupie kobiet po menopauzie