24 research outputs found

    An Assessment Story

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    Exploring the association of the discharge medicines review with patient hospital readmissions through national routine data linkage in Wales: a retrospective cohort study

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    Objective To evaluate the association of the discharge medicines review (DMR) community pharmacy service with hospital readmissions through linking National Health Service data sets. Design Retrospective cohort study. Setting All hospitals and 703 community pharmacies across Wales. Participants Inpatients meeting the referral criteria for a community pharmacy DMR. Interventions Information related to the patient’s medication and hospital stay is provided to the community pharmacists on discharge from hospital, who undertake a two-part service involving medicines reconciliation and a medicine use review. To investigate the association of this DMR service with hospital readmission, a data linking process was undertaken across six national databases. Primary outcome Rate of hospital readmission within 90 days for patients with and without a DMR part 1 started. Secondary outcome Strength of association of age decile, sex, deprivation decile, diagnostic grouping and DMR type (started or not started) with reduction in readmission within 90 days. Results 1923 patients were referred for a DMR over a 13-month period (February 2017–April 2018). Provision of DMR was found to be the most significant attributing factor to reducing likelihood of 90-day readmission using χ2 testing and classification methods. Cox regression survival analysis demonstrated that those receiving the intervention had a lower hospital readmission rate at 40 days (p<0.000, HR: 0.59739, CI 0.5043 to 0.7076). Conclusions DMR after a hospital discharge is associated with a reduction in risk of hospital readmission within 40 days. Linking data across disparate national data records is feasible but requires a complex processual architecture. There is a significant value for integrated informatics to improve continuity and coherency of care, and also to facilitate service optimisation, evaluation and evidenced-based practice

    A 5-year evaluation of the emergency contraception enhanced community pharmacy service provided in Wales

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    Background Access to emergency contraception (EC) has been a core component of attempts to address high teenage pregnancy rates in Wales. A national service was commissioned in 2011, allowing supply of EC free of charge from community pharmacies (CPs). This study investigated 5 years of the EC service, to describe its use and investigate changes in the pattern of use over time. Methods Secondary analyses of data from all National Health Service funded CP EC consultations in Wales between 1 August 2012 and 31 July 2017 (n=181 359). Data comprised standardised clinical and demographic information, in the form of predefined service user responses, submitted for reimbursement by CPs. Results Overall service provision remained relatively consistent over the study period, with women aged between 13 and 59 years accessing the service. An association was observed between the time since unprotected sexual intercourse and the day on which the service was accessed (Χ2(18)=16 292.327, p<0.001). Almost half (47.9%) of requests were because no contraception had been used, with a strong and positive association for teenagers and women aged 40+ years. A statistically significant and increasing percentage of consultations were accompanied by further sexual health advice (r=0.7, p<0.01). Conclusions Access to EC through CPs is contributing to reducing teenage conceptions and termination rates. However, action is needed to increase contraception use in all age groups. Reduced availability of CP services on Sundays is a barrier to timely EC access. Findings support an expanded role for community pharmacists in provision of regular contraception

    Impact of a pilot NHS-funded sore throat test and treat service in community pharmacies on provision and quality of patient care

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    Objective A National Health Service (NHS)-funded sore throat test and treat (STTT) service was introduced in selected pharmacies in two local health boards in Wales, as an extension to the national pharmacy common ailment scheme. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of STTT on provision and quality of patient care, namely antibiotic use, patient safety and general practitioner (GP) consultation rates. Methods Secondary analyses of STTT consultation data to describe service outcomes, and routine data to explore changes in antibiotic prescribing and the prevalence of complications. Data were also collected from one GP practice to explore the feasibility of measuring changes in sore throat consultation rates in general practice. Results Less than 20% of 1725 consultations resulted in antibiotic supply. The availability of STTT was associated with greater reductions in prescriptions for phenoxymethylpenicillin than in areas where STTT was not available (−3.8% and −3.4%, difference 0.4%). When pharmacy supplies were included, the reductions in the supply of the antibiotic were similar. No increase in the monthly number of incidents of quinsy was detected, and patients were appropriately referred to other healthcare professionals during pharmacy consultations. GP consultation rates since introduction of STTT were found to be lower than the equivalent monthly average since 2014. Conclusions Data from the first 5 months of the STTT service suggest that it may have a role in safely rebalancing uncomplicated sore throat management from general practice to community pharmacies while continuing to promote antibiotic stewardship

    Using technology-supported transfer of care systems: informing good practice recommendations

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    The Discharge Medicines Review (DMR) referral system, Refer-to-Pharmacy (RTP), PharmOutcomes and Help for Harry are UK transfer of care systems that aim to reduce the risks associated with hospital discharge. These systems use technology to facilitate the transmission of discharge information to community pharmacy, allowing community pharmacists to provide an adherence-support service. Despite the evidence that these systems benefit patient safety, there is a paucity of literature on their use. This study aimed to describe, compare and contrast these systems to highlight areas that could inform good practice recommendations. A rapid literature review was completed, and from the twenty-six sources of literature that were synthesised, three themes were identified for further exploration in semi-structured interviews with key informants: implementation, system attributes and stakeholder engagement. The key informants were purposively sampled for their role in the development and/or strategic implementation of each transfer of care system (n = 4). Audio recordings were transcribed ad verbatim and analysed both deductively and inductively. One interview was undertaken for each of the DMR, RTP and PharmOutcomes systems. Although all systems shared the same aim, differences were identified such as automated feedback for referrals, marketing strategies and practitioner accountability. Good practice recommendations suggested in this study could be applied to the future development of such systems

    Community pharmacist views on the early stages of implementation of a pathfinder sore throat test and treat service in Wales: an exploratory study

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    Objectives: To explore the views and opinions of community pharmacists regarding their initial experience of and levels of preparedness for the pathfinder sore throat test and treat (STTT) service in Wales. Methods: A phenomenological qualitative approach with constructivist paradigm was adopted as the first cycle of ongoing action research. Semi-structured interviews with community pharmacists who had completed at least three consultations within the first 3 weeks of the service were conducted, with informed consent and audio recorded. Interviews were transcribed ad verbatim and data were thematically analysed both inductively and deductively. Results: A total of seven interviews with pharmacists who had conducted more than three consultations identified three main themes: 1) perceived impact of the service on patient care, including the value of the structure and technology infrastructure, the role of STTT towards antimicrobial stewardship, and its potential role in rebalancing primary care resources so that workload is distributed appropriately among healthcare professionals; 2) factors that empower pharmacists to deliver the service, in particular quality and consistency of training, appropriate staffing resource and internally motivated willingness to engage; 3) interface with GP surgeries such as nature of existing relationships before implementing the service, role of GP staff and GP perceived value of STTT. Conclusion: The pathfinder STTT service has been well received by pharmacists who recognised the service’s role in providing patient education and contributing to principles of antimicrobial stewardship and described factors that would empower them to deliver the service confidently. Results have been fed back to the service implementation team to inform future developments

    Understanding the impact of a new pharmacy sore throat test and treat service on patient experience: a survey study

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    Background A pilot of the first NHS funded Sore Throat Test and Treat (STTT) service in the United Kingdom began in selected community pharmacies in Wales in November 2018. The aim of this research was to explore whether a pharmacist delivering consultation for sore throat that included clinical scoring and point-of-care testing was acceptable to patients and how this might influence future health-seeking behaviour. Methods A non-experimental design was employed using a survey research tool including a mix of closed and open questions. The patient experience survey was distributed to all patients who had completed a consultation between November 2018 and May 2019. Data from completed surveys were entered in Jisc Online Surveys® and exported to Excel® for descriptive statistics. Free-text comments were analysed using content and inductive thematic analysis. Results A total of 510 surveys were received (n = 2,839 total consultations, response rate 18%). Overall, 501 patients (98%) were satisfied with the service. Patients’ confidence in managing their condition and service satisfaction was not dependent on having been supplied antibiotics. After the service, 504 patients (99%) stated that they would return to the pharmacy for subsequent sore throat symptoms. Three themes were constructed after inductive analysis of free-text comments (n = 242) revealed 3 themes: convenience and accessibility; professionalism of pharmacy team; and perceived value of the service. Conclusions Results confirmed high levels of patient satisfaction with the new service, its delivery and the choice of options offered for sore throat symptom management. Whilst this research can only discuss patients’ reported future behaviour, the patient-reported stated intentions signify a potential shift in health-seeking behaviour towards a pharmacist-led service. This has important implications in supporting the long-term plan of the governments in Wales and England to redirect management of uncomplicated conditions from GPs to pharmacies