3 research outputs found

    Indirect Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis of Pineapple Induced by Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid

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    This research aimed to study the effect of 2,4-D,AdS, and basal media to the regeneration of pineapplethrough indirect organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis,and to study the complete event of somatic embryogenesis.Callus formation was induced by 21, 41, and 62 μM 2,4-Dwith addition of 9 μM TDZ. The non embryogenic calli weretransferred onto 4.65 μM Kn containing medium.Embryogenic callus formation was induced on MS or Bacbasal media consisted of N-organic compounds withaddition of AdS (0, 0.05 and 0.1 μM). The embryogenic calliwere regenerated on modified MS medium with addition of0.9 μM IBA, 1.1 μM BA, 0.09 μM GA3 or MS mediumsupplemented with 0.018 mM BA. The result proved that thesingle auxin of 2,4-D was not enough to induce embryogeniccells. Therefore the non embryogenic calli were regeneratedthrough organogenesis. The 21 μM 2,4-D yielded high level ofcallus formation (80%), higher fresh weight (0.2 g/explant)and higher number of shoot (25 shoots/explant in twomonths). Embryogenic calli were produced on N-organiccompounds enriched media. The regeneration mediumsignificantly affected the level of browning, where the MSmedium with addition of 0.018 mM BA yielded lower level ofbrowning. There was an interaction of embryogenic callusinduction medium and regeneration medium to the numberof mature somatic embryos. The embryogenic callusinduction on MS medium enriched with N-organiccompounds and 0.05 μM AdS followed by the regenerationof somatic embryos on MS medium with addition of 0.018mM BA was the best treatment which yielded 17 maturesomatic embryos/explant

    Skinning Injury Responses in Sweetpotato

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    In sweetpotatoes (Ipomoea batatas L. Lamb), the loss of skin from the surface of the storage roots is known as skinning injury. It is responsible for significant postharvest loss resulting from moisture increase and weight reduction, wrinkling, and susceptibility to pathogen attack. Reduced root weight by water loss is associated with a higher rate of rot predominantly occurred in the developing and underdeveloped countries which can count of 8-20% of postharvest loss. Plants have different adaptation to protect themselves against skinning injury. Lignification, suberization, and increased sugar at the wound site have been shown to be correlated with wound healing. Changing in gene expressions have been associated with skinning injury. Genes associated in the biosynthesis of lignin and suberin, protein fate, cell-wall modification, transcription and protein synthesis, and stress responses and defense have been associated with skinning injury responses in plants. Understanding the skinning injury responses and how to regulate them can be used to produce a more desirable plant resistant to skinning injury. This paper especially reviews and discusses skinning injury responses in sweetpotato, a root crop which product may severely be affected by skinning injury. Keywords: gene expression, Ipomoea batatas, lignification, postharvest loss, wounding   ABSTRAK Pada ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas L. Lamb), cedera kulit adalah hilangnya kulit dari permukaan umbi. Cedera kulit ini bertanggung jawab atas kerugian pascapanen yang signifikan akibat peningkatan laju kelembaban dan penurunan berat umbi, pengerutan, dan kerentanan terhadap serangan patogen. Berat umbi yang berkurang karena kehilangan air dikaitkan dengan tingkat pembusukan yang lebih tinggi, terutama terjadi di negara-negara berkembang dan yang kurang berkembang dengan kehilangan hasil panen umbi 8-20%. Tanaman memiliki adaptasi yang berbeda untuk melindungi diri dari cedera kulit. Lignifikasi, suberisasi, dan peningkatan gula di lokasi pelukaan telah terbukti berkorelasi dengan penyembuhan luka. Perubahan ekspresi gen telah dikaitkan dengan cedera kulit. Gen-gen yang terlibat dalam jalur biosintesis lignin dan suberin, protein tujuan akhir, modifikasi dinding sel, transkripsi dan sintesis protein, serta respons stres dan pertahanan telah dikaitkan dengan respons cedera kulit pada tanaman. Memahami respons cedera kulit dan bagimana cara mengaturnya dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan tanaman yang diinginkan yang tahan terhadap cedera kulit umbi. Paper ini secara khusus mengulas dan membahas respon cedera kulit pada ubi jalar, suatu tanaman umbian yang hasilnya sangat terpengaruh oleh cedera kulit. Kata kunci: ekspresi gen, Ipomoea batatas, lignifikasi, kehilangan pascapanen, pelukaa

    Indirect Organogenesis and Somatic Embryogenesis of Pineapple Induced by Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid

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    This research aimed to study the effect of 2,4-D,AdS, and basal media to the regeneration of pineapplethrough indirect organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis,and to study the complete event of somatic embryogenesis.Callus formation was induced by 21, 41, and 62 μM 2,4-Dwith addition of 9 μM TDZ. The non embryogenic calli weretransferred onto 4.65 μM Kn containing medium.Embryogenic callus formation was induced on MS or Bacbasal media consisted of N-organic compounds withaddition of AdS (0, 0.05 and 0.1 μM). The embryogenic calliwere regenerated on modified MS medium with addition of0.9 μM IBA, 1.1 μM BA, 0.09 μM GA3 or MS mediumsupplemented with 0.018 mM BA. The result proved that thesingle auxin of 2,4-D was not enough to induce embryogeniccells. Therefore the non embryogenic calli were regeneratedthrough organogenesis. The 21 μM 2,4-D yielded high level ofcallus formation (80%), higher fresh weight (0.2 g/explant)and higher number of shoot (25 shoots/explant in twomonths). Embryogenic calli were produced on N-organiccompounds enriched media. The regeneration mediumsignificantly affected the level of browning, where the MSmedium with addition of 0.018 mM BA yielded lower level ofbrowning. There was an interaction of embryogenic callusinduction medium and regeneration medium to the numberof mature somatic embryos. The embryogenic callusinduction on MS medium enriched with N-organiccompounds and 0.05 μM AdS followed by the regenerationof somatic embryos on MS medium with addition of 0.018mM BA was the best treatment which yielded 17 maturesomatic embryos/explant