44,155 research outputs found

    Probing Unquenching Effects in the Gluon Polarisation in Light Mesons

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    We introduce an extension to the ladder truncated Bethe-Salpeter equation for mesons and the rainbow truncated quark Dyson-Schwinger equations which includes quark-loop corrections to the gluon propagator. This truncation scheme obeys the axialvector Ward-Takahashi identity relating the quark self-energy and the Bethe-Salpeter kernel. Two different approximations to the Yang-Mills sector are used as input: the first is a sophisticated truncation of the full Yang-Mills Dyson-Schwinger equations, the second is a phenomenologically motivated form. We find that the spectra and decay constants of pseudoscalar and vector mesons are overall described well for either approach. Meson mass results for charge eigenstate vector and pseudoscalar meson masses are compared to lattice data. The effects of unquenching the system are small but not negligible.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Coulomb gauge confinement in the heavy quark limit

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    The relationship between the nonperturbative Green's functions of Yang-Mills theory and the confinement potential is investigated. By rewriting the generating functional of quantum chromodynamics in terms of a heavy quark mass expansion in Coulomb gauge, restricting to leading order in this expansion and considering only the two-point functions of the Yang-Mills sector, the rainbow-ladder approximation to the gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations is shown to be exact in this case and an analytic, nonperturbative solution is presented. It is found that there is a direct connection between the string tension and the temporal gluon propagator. Further, it is shown that for the 4-point quark correlation functions, only confined bound states of color-singlet quark-antiquark (meson) and quark-quark (baryon) pairs exist.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Probing the gluon self-interaction in light mesons

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    We investigate masses and decay constants of light mesons from a coupled system of Dyson--Schwinger and Bethe--Salpeter equations. We explicitly take into account dominant non-Abelian contributions to the dressed quark-gluon vertex stemming from the gluon self-interaction. We construct the corresponding Bethe-Salpeter kernel that satisfies the axial-vector Ward-Takahashi identity. Our numerical treatment fully includes all momentum dependencies with all equations solved completely in the complex plane. This approach goes well beyond the rainbow-ladder approximation and permits us to investigate the influence of the gluon self-interaction on the properties of mesons. As a first result we find indications of a nonperturbative cancellation of the gluon self-interaction contributions and pion cloud effects in the mass of the rho-meson.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Matches published version in PR

    SAPNEW: Parallel finite element code for thin shell structures on the Alliant FX/80

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    The results of a research activity aimed at providing a finite element capability for analyzing turbo-machinery bladed-disk assemblies in a vector/parallel processing environment are summarized. Analysis of aircraft turbofan engines is very computationally intensive. The performance limit of modern day computers with a single processing unit was estimated at 3 billions of floating point operations per second (3 gigaflops). In view of this limit of a sequential unit, performance rates higher than 3 gigaflops can be achieved only through vectorization and/or parallelization as on Alliant FX/80. Accordingly, the efforts of this critically needed research were geared towards developing and evaluating parallel finite element methods for static and vibration analysis. A special purpose code, named with the acronym SAPNEW, performs static and eigen analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom blade models built-up from flat thin shell elements

    Perturbation Theory of Coulomb Gauge Yang-Mills Theory Within the First Order Formalism

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    Perturbative Coulomb gauge Yang-Mills theory within the first order formalism is considered. Using a differential equation technique and dimensional regularization, analytic results for both the ultraviolet divergent and finite parts of the two-point functions at one-loop order are derived. It is shown how the non-ultraviolet divergent parts of the results are finite at spacelike momenta with kinematical singularities on the light-cone and subsequent branch cuts extending into the timelike region.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Solar wind sputtering effects in the Martian atmosphere

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    A Monte Carlo simulation of the sputtering of the upper atmosphere of Mars by the solar wind was performed. The calculated sputtering yields imply loss rates (molecules/cm square - sec escaping the planet) for carbon dioxide, carbon, and oxygen of R(CO2) = 2.6 X 1000000/cm square - sec, R(C) = 6.6 X 1000000/cm square - sec, and R(O) = 7.7 X 1000000/cm - sec. The total mass loss by sputtering is only about 10% of that due to chemical and photo-chemical processes, but sputtering provides a major exospheric sink for carbon. The erosion process described here preferentially removes the lighter components of the atmosphere. Calculations based on a Monte Carlo simulation suggest that for a model atmosphere, 97% of the N2 and 33% of the CO2 originally present may have been sputtered away over 4.5 X 10 to the 9th power y. In the same length of time the (15)N/(14)N isotopic ratio for the bulk atmosphere would have increased by a factor 1.7

    Possible isotopic fractionation effects in sputtered minerals

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    A model which makes definite predictions for the fractionation of isotopes in sputtered material is discussed. The fractionation patterns are nonlinear, and the pattern for a particular set of isotopes depends on the chemical matrix within which those isotopes are contained. Calculations are presented for all nonmonoisotopic elements contained in the minerals perovskite, anorthite, ackermanite, enstatite, and troilite. All isotopes are fractionated at the level of approximately 4-6 deg/o per atomic mass unit. Oxygen is always positively fractionated (heavier isotopes sputtered preferentially), and heavier elements are generally negatively fractioned (light isotopes sputtered preferentially). The value of Delta (O-18:O-16) is always less by about 1.8 deg/o than a linear extrapolation based upon the calculated delta (O-17:O-16) value would suggest. The phenomenon of both negative and positive fractionation patterns from a single target mineral are used to make an experimental test of the proposed model

    Survey of J=0,1 mesons in a Bethe-Salpeter approach

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    The Bethe-Salpeter equation is used to comprehensively study mesons with J=0,1 and equal-mass constituents for quark masses from the chiral limit to the b-quark mass. The survey contains masses of the ground states in all corresponding J^{PC} channels including those with "exotic" quantum numbers. The emphasis is put on each particular state's sensitivity to the low- and intermediate-momentum, i.e., long-range part of the strong interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
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