49,709 research outputs found

    Coulomb gauge confinement in the heavy quark limit

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    The relationship between the nonperturbative Green's functions of Yang-Mills theory and the confinement potential is investigated. By rewriting the generating functional of quantum chromodynamics in terms of a heavy quark mass expansion in Coulomb gauge, restricting to leading order in this expansion and considering only the two-point functions of the Yang-Mills sector, the rainbow-ladder approximation to the gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations is shown to be exact in this case and an analytic, nonperturbative solution is presented. It is found that there is a direct connection between the string tension and the temporal gluon propagator. Further, it is shown that for the 4-point quark correlation functions, only confined bound states of color-singlet quark-antiquark (meson) and quark-quark (baryon) pairs exist.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Aspects of the confinement mechanism in Coulomb-gauge QCD

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    Phenomenological consequences of the infrared singular, instantaneous part of the gluon propagator in Coulomb gauge are investigated. The corresponding quark Dyson-Schwinger equation is solved, neglecting retardation and transverse gluons and regulating the resulting infrared singularities. While the quark propagator vanishes as the infrared regulator goes to zero, the frequency integral over the quark propagator stays finite and well-defined. Solutions of the homogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation for the pseudoscalar and vector mesons as well as for scalar and axial-vector diquarks are obtained. In the limit of a vanishing infrared regulator the diquark masses diverge, while meson properties and diquark radii remain finite and well-defined. These features are interpreted with respect to the resulting aspects of confinement for colored quark-quark correlations.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Leading order infrared quantum chromodynamics in Coulomb gauge

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    A truncation scheme for the Dyson-Schwinger equations of quantum chromodynamics in Coulomb gauge within the first order formalism is presented. The truncation is based on an Ansatz for the Coulomb kernel occurring in the action. Results at leading loop order and in the infrared are discussed for both the Yang-Mills and quark sectors. It is found that the resulting equations for the static gluon and quark propagators agree with those derived in a quasi-particle approximation to the canonical Hamiltonian approach. Moreover, a connection to the heavy quark limit is established. The equations are analyzed numerically and it is seen that in both the gluonic and quark sectors, a nontrivial dynamical infrared mass scale emerges.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Perturbation Theory of Coulomb Gauge Yang-Mills Theory Within the First Order Formalism

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    Perturbative Coulomb gauge Yang-Mills theory within the first order formalism is considered. Using a differential equation technique and dimensional regularization, analytic results for both the ultraviolet divergent and finite parts of the two-point functions at one-loop order are derived. It is shown how the non-ultraviolet divergent parts of the results are finite at spacelike momenta with kinematical singularities on the light-cone and subsequent branch cuts extending into the timelike region.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Freezing line of the Lennard-Jones fluid: a Phase Switch Monte Carlo study

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    We report a Phase Switch Monte Carlo (PSMC) method study of the freezing line of the Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid. Our work generalizes to soft potentials the original application of the method to hard sphere freezing, and builds on a previous PSMC study of the LJ system by Errington (J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 120}, 3130 (2004)). The latter work is extended by tracing a large section of the Lennard-Jones freezing curve, the results for which we compare to a previous Gibbs-Duhem integration study. Additionally we provide new background regarding the statistical mechanical basis of the PSMC method and extensive implementation details.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Hadronic unquenching effects in the quark propagator

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    We investigate hadronic unquenching effects in light quarks and mesons. Within the non-perturbative continuum framework of Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter equations we quantify the strength of the back reaction of the pion onto the quark-gluon interaction. To this end we add a Yang-Mills part of the interaction such that unquenched lattice results for various current quark masses are reproduced. We find considerable effects in the quark mass function at low momenta as well as for the chiral condensate. The quark wave function is less affected. The Gell--Mann-Oakes-Renner relation is valid to good accuracy up to pion masses of 400-500 MeV. As a byproduct of our investigation we verify the Coleman theorem, that chiral symmetry cannot be broken spontaneously when QCD is reduced to 1+1 dimensions.Comment: 27 pages, 15 figures, minor corrections and clarifications; version to appear in PR

    Optical/IR studies of Be stars in NGC 6834 with emphasis on two specific stars

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    We present optical and infrared photometric and spectroscopic studies of two Be stars in the 70--80-Myr-old open cluster NGC 6834. NGC 6834(1) has been reported as a binary from speckle interferometric studies whereas NGC 6834(2) may possibly be a gamma Cas-like variable. Infrared photometry and spectroscopy from the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT), and optical data from various facilities are combined with archival data to understand the nature of these candidates. High signal-to-noise near-IR spectra obtained from UKIRT have enabled us to study the optical depth effects in the hydrogen emission lines of these stars. We have explored the spectral classification scheme based on the intensity of emission lines in the HH and KK bands and contrasted it with the conventional classification based on the intensity of hydrogen and helium absorption lines. This work also presents hitherto unavailable UBV CCD photometry of NGC 6834, from which the evolutionary state of the Be stars is identified.Comment: Published in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, RAA 14 (2014) 1173-1192, 20 pages, 10 figure

    Effects of composting manures and other organic wastes on soil processes and pest and disease interactions

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    Introduction Composts and manures are of major importance in providing fertility in organic farming systems, since synthetic fertilisers are prohibited. It is understood that composts have radically different nutrient release characteristics to those of uncomposted materials and manures, and it is believed that composting increases the beneficial effects of organic materials on soil health, soil quality, soil fertility and nutrient use efficiency. It has also been shown that some plant pests and diseases are suppressed through the application of composts and compost extracts to soils. There is considerable potential to use a wider range of feedstocks from on and off-farm sources and to improve the composting process and compost/manure application techniques. This review of scientific work to date was urgently required to help determine key research priorities to achieve this potential (Defra project OF0313). Project aims 1.To document the current standards, regulations and legislation relevant to recycling, compost/manure preparation and application and to review common UK practices relating to the preparation and application of uncomposted materials, manures, composts and compost extracts. 2. To review current scientific knowledge (from the literature) of the effects of different composting processes on chemical and biological parameters in the finished compost or compost extract. 3. To review (from the literature) the effects of uncomposted materials, manures and composts on soil health and quality, soil fertility and crop development and nutrition. 4. To review (from the literature) the effects of uncomposted materials, manures, composts and compost extracts on pest and disease incidence and severity in agricultural and horticultural crops. 5. To outline a proposed strategy for research which seeks to develop composting systems and compost/manure application protocols with a view to optimising soil fertility management and pest and disease control in organic agriculture and horticulture. Objective 1 - The current standards, regulations and legislation relevant to recycling, compost/manure preparation and application are documented in detail in the full report on Objective 1 (Appendix 2). Manures and uncomposted plant materials (e.g. green manures) are commonly used on UK organic farms. True composts (defined in the glossary, Appendix 1) are rarely prepared on UK organic farms, although there is increasing interest in their use, particularly on farms producing high value horticultural crops. An increasing number of companies are producing (or are interested in producing) composts suitable for use on organic farms as soil amendments or growing media. Objective 2 - The effects of different composting processes on chemical and biological parameters in the finished compost or compost extract are reviewed in detail in the full report on Objective 2 (Appendix 3). A short version of this review appears on pages 7-10 of this report. Objective 3 - The effects of uncomposted materials, manures and composts on soil health and quality, soil fertility and crop development and nutrition are reviewed in detail in the full report on Objective 3 (Appendix 4). A short version of this review appears on pages 10-13 of this report. Objective 4 - The effects of uncomposted materials, manures, composts and compost extracts on pest and disease incidence and severity in agricultural and horticultural crops are reviewed in detail in the full report on Objective 4 (Appendix 5). A short version of this review appears on pages 13-17 of this report. Objective 5 - A proposed strategy for research was outlined which seeks to develop composting systems and compost/manure application protocols with a view to optimising soil fertility management and pest/disease control in organic agriculture/horticulture Organic farming systems are by nature holistic. In other words, they function as a whole and all aspects of the system are interdependent on many other aspects of the system. It is essential therefore that research which is carried out to optimise the use of uncomposted plant residues, composts, manures and compost extracts is interdisciplinary; that is it must be carried out with reference to the organic farming system as a whole and not just a single aspect of it. Technology transfer and knowledge transfer are key elements to the proposed strategy for research. Seminars and conferences, farm walks, demonstration farms and a wide range of publishing formats must be used to ensure that end users have full access to the results of research carried out in the UK and abroad. The amount of information which is available for dissemination to those who wish to make or use composts will naturally depend on the amount of relevant research and development work which is going on in the UK, Europe and worldwide