97 research outputs found

    Trace element concentrations in iron type cosmic spherules determined by the SR-XRF method

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    The X-ray fluorescence method using synchrotron radiation (SR-XRF) was applied to determine trace element abundances in iron type (I-type) cosmic spherules collected at deep-sea sediments. Cr, Co, and Ni were detected from almost all spherules and average concentrations are 1336,2991ppm, and 4.0%, respectively. Ga, Ge, and Mn were detected from 20,30,and 20% of spherules and average concentrations are 4,4 and 486ppm, respectively. Spherules containing metallic cores were enriched in Ni and Co and depleted in volatile elements such as Ga and Ge relative to those without cores. The Ni and Co enrichments resulted from high concentrations of the elements in the metallic cores, while the Ga and Ge depletion might indicate that core-bearing spherules have experienced more severe heating during atmospheric entry than the core-lacking ones. On the basis of Mn concentration we divided spherules into two groups : high and low Mn groups. Trace element abundances of the low Mn group are systematically fractionated relative to those of iron meteorites : volatile elements are depleted and refractory ones are enriched in the spherules. This appears to be consistent with the hypothesis that I-type spherules are ablation products of iron meteorites that have lost volatile elements during melting. Production of the low Mn spherules by ablation of chondritic meteorites is also possible, but chondrite melting should have occurred under a limited range of oxygen fugacity in order to enrich Cr and remove Mn in the spherules. Spherules belonging to high Mn group show a complex trace element pattern when normalized to chondrites. A large Mn excess relative to Cr in this type of spherules can not be explained by any formation process, thus it is difficult to infer the precursor material of the Mn-rich spherules

    Scaling the stimulated emission of polarization-entangled photons using passive optical components

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    Bright sources of polarization-entangled photon pairs are essential components for quantum information technologies. In general, it is necessary to introduce a resonator that combines active optical components such as an electric optical modulator to enhance the stimulated emission of polarization-entangled photons. It is technically difficult to perform the time series operation to output the stimulated entangled photons in the resonator by synchronizing laser pulses. In this paper, we propose a scheme to scale up the stimulated emission of polarization-entangled photon pairs using a resonator with only passive optical components. We show the theoretical aspects of the scheme and also perform a proof-of-principle experimental demonstration of the scheme in a double-pass configuration.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, Physical Review A to be publishe

    A consortium study of Antarctic micrometeorites recovered from the Dome Fuji Station

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    Deposits in the water tank at the Dome Fuji Station were collected by the 37th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition team in 1996. We recovered 233 micrometeorites from the deposits. A consortium study was started in late 1998 to investigate mineralogy, petrology, bulk chemistry, and isotopic compositions of the micrometeorites. This is the first case of an organized study of micrometeorites in Japan, in order to establish the methods to investigate micrometeorites routinely. Consortium results on mineralogy, petrology, minor and trace element compositions, isotopic compositions of noble gases of the micrometeorites are reported in this volume. We also found a sequence of mineralogical and compositional changes of micrometeorites experienced from frictional heating during atmospheric entry. INAA and ion probe studies are now in progress

    Antarctic micrometeorites collected at the Dome Fuji Station

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    Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs) were found among the precipitated fine particles recovered from a water tank in the Dome Fuji Station. These AMMs had been contained in the recent fallen snow around the station. Initial processing of the precipitated particles revealed that they were dominated by natural and artificial terrestrial materials, thus a series of processes were developed to separate AMMs from terrestrial particles. The recovery rate of AMMs by the processes was approximately 45% in weight, which was determined from a weight ratio of recovered/accreted AMMs. The micro-morphology and major-element concentration of the recovered AMMs were characterized. They appear to have been heated upon atmospheric entry to varying temperatures and can be classified into two major types based on the degree of heating : (1) fine-grained, irregular-shaped, partial-melted micrometeorites with chondritic composition, and (2) total-melted spherical micrometeorites with chondritic composition except for volatile elements. A digital catalog for the AMMs identified in this study was established on the web site [URL : http : //dust. cc. gakushuin. ac. jp/], in which optical characteristics, high-resolution images, and chemical compositions of individual AMMs are presented. The AMMs listed in the catalog are the first Japanese collection of extraterrestrial dust. The criterion and techniques developed for the selection and initial analysis of AMMs are applicable for the dust samples that are being collected by the 39th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition team

    General characterization of Antarctic micrometeorites collected by the 39th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition: Consortium studies of JARE AMMs (III)

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    From November 1998 to January 1999,the 39th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-39) undertook Japanese first large-scale collection of Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs), with sizes larger than 10μm, at the Meteorite Ice Field around the Yamato Mountains in Antarctica (at three different locations, for a total of 24 collection sites). The number of collected AMMs larger than 40μm is estimated to be about 5000. Here we present the general characterization (i.e., micro-morphology and surface chemical composition using SEM/EDS) of ∿810 AMMs chosen from 5 of the 24 sites. Additionally, the mineral composition of 61 out of 810 AMMs was determined by Synchrotron X-ray radiation. Preliminary results on mineralogical and chemical compositions show similarities with that of previous studies, even though a pronounced alteration of some AMMs is noticed. A correlation is found between the Mg/Si ratio at the sample\u27s surfaces of unmelted AMMs and the age of snow/ice in which the AMMs are embedded

    Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top-quark pair production in the lepton-plus-jets final state in pp collision data at s=8TeV\sqrt{s}=8\,\mathrm TeV{} with the ATLAS detector

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    ATLAS Run 1 searches for direct pair production of third-generation squarks at the Large Hadron Collider

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    学力の生産関数の推定 : 底上げをどう図るか

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    本研究では、2007年から2009 年に文部科学省が実施した「全国学力・学習状況調査」の公表された結果を用いて、3 か年分の都道府県別パネルデータを作成し、公立小学校児童のテスト結果を従属変数、小学校教育費や教員一人あたり児童数などの学校投入資源を独立変数として、学力の生産関数を推定した。2000 年代に入ってから日本において学力の低下問題に関心が集まっていることに鑑み、分析の対象として、テスト結果の平均点に加え下位成績層のばらつきに着目したことが本研究の特徴である。具体的には、テスト結果の50パーセンタイルと10 パーセンタイルの比を「下位分散」と定義し、これらがどの学校投入資源と関係があるのかを検証した。分析の結果、教育関連予算と平均点との間には有意な関係が見られない一方で、教育関連予算と下位成績層のばらつきとの間には有意な関係が見られることが明らかとなった