538 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Cargo Recognition During Selective Autophagy

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    S-Nitrosation of Cellular Proteins by NO Donors in Rat Embryonic Fibroblast 3Y1 Cells: Factors Affecting S-Nitrosation

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    The mechanism of protein S-nitrosation in cells is not fully understood. Using rat 3Y1 cells, we addressed this issue. Among S-nitrosothiols and NO donors tested, only S-nitrosocysteine (CysNO) induced S-nitrosation when exposed in Hanks' balanced salt solution (HBSS) and not in serum-containing general culture medium. In HBSS, NO release from CysNO was almost completely abolished by sequestering metal ions with a metal chelator without affecting cellular S-nitrosation. In contrast, L-leucine, a substrate of L-type amino acid transporters (LATs), significantly inhibited S-nitrosation. The absence of S-nitrosation with CysNO in general culture medium resulted not only from a competition with amino acids in the medium for LATs but also from transnitrosation of cysteine residues in serum albumin. Collectively, these results suggest that in simple buffered saline, CysNO-dependent S-nitrosation occurs through a cellular incorporation-dependent mechanism, but if it occurs in general culture media, it may be through an NO-dependent mechanism

    Observation of posterior corneal vesicles with in vivo confocal microscopy and anterior segment OCT

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    The histopathology of posterior corneal vesicles (PCV) has not yet been revealed. A 15-year-old girl, who was diagnosed by slit-lamp microscopy as PCV, was examined using specular microscopy, in vivo confocal microscopy, and anterior segment OCT (optical coherence tomography). Anterior segment OCT showed that the thickness of both corneas was within normal limits. At the same time, in vivo confocal microscopy revealed endothelial cells in the rounded dark areas, acellular hyporeflective layers on the Descemet’s membrane, and hyperreflective linear lesions. These findings were not reported previously by slit-lamp and specular microscopy. The abnormal findings only existed at the Descemet’s membrane and corneal endothelial layer. Previous reports dealing with posterior polymorphous dystrophy (PPMD) examined using in vivo confocal microscopy reported almost the same findings, suggesting that PCV and PPMD may be the same at the microstructural level

    Long-term and wide-range research on sea ice ecosystem changes in East Antarctica: Observations by top predators

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Special session: [S] Future plan of Antarctic research: Towards phase X of the Japanese Antarctic Research Project (2022-2028) and beyond, Tue. 3 Dec. / 2F Auditorium, National Institute of Polar Researc

    Free-Ranging Macaque Mothers Exaggerate Tool-Using Behavior when Observed by Offspring

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    The population-level use of tools has been reported in various animals. Nonetheless, how tool use might spread throughout a population is still an open question. In order to answer that, we observed the behavior of inserting human hair or human-hair-like material between their teeth as if they were using dental floss in a group of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Thailand. The observation was undertaken by video-recording the tool-use of 7 adult females who were rearing 1-year-old infants, using the focal-animal-sampling method. When the data recorded were analyzed separately according to the presence/absence of the infant of the target animal in the target animal's proximity, the pattern of the tool-using action of long-tailed adult female macaques under our observation changed in the presence of the infant as compared with that in the absence of the infant so that the stream of tool-using action was punctuated by more pauses, repeated more often, and performed for a longer period during each bout in the presence of the infant. We interpret this as evidence for the possibility that they exaggerate their action in tool-using so as to facilitate the learning of the action by their own infants

    Shipper collaboration matching: fast enumeration of triangular transports with high cooperation effects

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    The logistics industry in Japan is facing a severe shortage of labor. Therefore, there is an increasing need for joint transportation allowing large amounts of cargo to be transported using fewer trucks. In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence and other new technologies has gained wide attention for improving matching efficiency. However, it is difficult to develop a system that can instantly respond to requests because browsing through enormous combinations of two transport lanes is time consuming. In this study, we focus on a form of joint transportation called triangular transportation and enumerate the combinations with high cooperation effects. The proposed algorithm makes good use of hidden inequalities, such as the distance axiom, to narrow down the search range without sacrificing accuracy. Numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithm is thousands of times faster than simple brute force. With this technology as the core engine, we developed a joint transportation matching system. The system has already been in use by over 150 companies as of October 2022, and was featured in a collection of logistics digital transformation cases published by Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    A clear separation of foraging areas between two neighboring colonies of Adelie Penguins observed in a year of extensive sea ice cover

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    The Tenth Symposium on Polar Science/Ordinary sessions : [OB] Polar Biology, Wed. 4 Dec. / Entrance Hall (1st floor) , National Institute of Polar Researc