4 research outputs found

    Population Behavior and Practices during the First Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic in Low Resource-Conditions of South Kivu, East of Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Background: In DR Congo, South Kivu is among the cities most affected by COVID-19 with its dense population and common mass movement. This study aimed to investigate the population behavior and practices during the spread period of Corona in South Kivu, East of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Subjects dan Method: A cross-sectional analytical study was undertaken in South Kivu province and included 800 hundred individuals. The survey questionnaire was designed and comprised information on independent variables including socio-demographic and socioeconomic parameters, travel history of individuals, and person's history of COVID-19 comorbidity factors. These data were used to explain the dependent variable which was the population behavior and practices which was linked to the COVID-19 positivity or negativity. A rapid test of the COVID-19 antigen for people suspected of having cough and fever followed by RT-PCR tests was conducted. Statistical analyses were performed under R, version 3.5.1. Results: Results indicate three categories of people depending on their behavior and practices during the COVID-19. These include the negative group, those who contracted the disease and knew their serological status, and those who did not know their serological status. The behavior of these categories varied with age, education level, income, and their geographical location. Variable behaviors have been adopted, including lack of action, prayer, self-medication, lifestyle change, and change in feeding. Efforts to control the spread of the disease entailed two most commonly used barriers: wearing a mask (95%) and frequent hand washing (94%). In the COVID-19 infected category, type 1 individuals developed the most characteristic symptoms of COVID-19, mainly cough, asthenia, fever, and headache. Types 2 and 3 individuals were less likely to engage in any of the behaviors associated with COVID-19 because they have fewer comorbidities and have developed fewer of the symptoms characteristic of COVID-19. Conclusion: Education level and socioeconomic conditions are among the factors to be considered in pandemic control strategies. Keywords: Typology, SARS, comorbidity, population believe. Correspondence: Ayagirwe Rodrigue Basengere. Bioscience unit, UniversitĂ© EvangĂ©lique en Afrique. Bukavu, PO Box 3323, Democratic Republic of Congo. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +243979318796

    Essaie de production et composition chimique des asticots élevés sur des substrats locaux au Sud-Kivu (RDC)

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    Objectifs : Ce travail visait à évaluer la productivité des substrats disponibles localement ainsi que la composition chimique des asticots élevés sur ces substrats afin de proposer aux éleveurs du milieu les sources alternatives des protéines, peu concurrentielles avec l’homme. Méthodologie et résultats : L’expérience était menée dans un hangar en bâche ouvert, de 11 m de long, 5 m de large et 2 m de hauteur au CRSN/Lwiro. Elle a porté sur 9 substrats dont 3 d’origine végétale et 6 d’origine animale pour produire les asticots. Après la capture manuelle des mouches sur différents substrats, l’identification a été faite sur base leurs caractères morphologiques au laboratoire d’entomologie du CRSN/Lwiro. Pour les paramètres de production, 40 asticots par traitement ont été prélevés afin de déterminer la taille moyenne des asticots. Quant à la composition chimique, les échantillons d’asticots ont été séchés à l'étuve à 70°C puis broyés et directement analysés pour déterminer les teneurs en glucide, protéines brutes et en matières grasses. Les résultats obtenus révèlent la présence de trois familles de mouches : Calliphoridae, Muscidae et Sarcophagidae qui sont impliquées dans la ponte sur différents sous-produits utilisés comme substrats. Il a été aussi observé que les substrats d’origine animale sont les plus productifs en asticots par rapport à ceux d’origine végétale y compris les crottes de chèvres dont la production était nulle (0,00756˂0,05). Quant à la composition chimique des larves, elle dépend en majeur partie des substrats alimentaires sur lesquels elles sont produites, mais également de leur stade de développement. Ainsi, les larves du 4e cycle de production sont plus riches en protéine, glucide et lipide que celles du 1re, 2e et 3e cycle. Conclusion et application des résultats : Enfin, les asticots de ces trois familles de mouches peuvent donc constituer les sources locales des protéines surtout à leur 4e cycle et ainsi réduire le coût exorbitant lié à la nutrition animale afin de combattre la concurrence alimentaire entre l’homme et les animaux. La valorisation des déchets produisant les asticots constitue aussi un moyen d’assainir les milieux et de lutter contre la pollution atmosphérique.Mots clés : Asticots, substrats, productivité, composition chimique, RD Cong

    Characterization of smallholder cattle production systems in South-Kivu province, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

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    In South-Kivu province, cattle farming is an integral component of farmers’ livelihoods and one of the few income-generating opportunities for smallholders. However, very few studies have been conducted to characterize smallholders’ cattle production systems. This study documents cattle production systems to better understand their current situation, constraints they face and opportunities they offer. For that purpose, an investigation was conducted based on a structured survey questionnaire and participatory interviews with 863 farmers in South-Kivu province. Collected data were analysed using factorial analysis of mixed data and clustering techniques. The results revealed three types of smallholder cattle farms differing mainly in their herds’ sizes and landholding. The first category is the most common and includes farmers raising small herds (6.3 ± 6.7 cattle) of local breeds in herding system (in this work, “herding system” refers to a rearing system for which the farmer drives and stays with his animals on pastures and fallow land during the day) and grazing fodder in community pastures, fallow lands and roadside grasses, while land constitutes a scarce resource. In the second category, some farmers have small tracts of land ( 5 ha), but all have medium-size herds (45.1 ± 19.4 cattle) made up of local breeds, which they rear in herding system. They also exploit community pastures, fallow land and roadside fodder for animal feeding. The third and last category includes farmers with large cattle herds (78.1 ± 28.1 cattle) of local, crossbred and exotic breeds raised free range in the fenced paddocks on vast areas of land (> 5 ha) found in high-altitude regions. However, while being different according to the above-considered characteristics, the three categories of cattle farming remain extensive pastoral farms dominated by male farmers. Agriculture and/or animal husbandry are their main source of income while their livestock are also composed of goats and poultry, beside cattle. Still, the three farming groups require more inputs and improvement strategies for increased productivity in the challenging environment characterized by low land accessibility and high demand for milk and meat. Fodder cultivation and crop-livestock integration through agro-ecological systems as well as access to credit and extension services are the proposed strategies for the improvement of this economic sector