8 research outputs found

    A Socio Religious Analysis of Suicides and its Impact on Economic Development

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    The aim of this paper is to gaining deeper insight into the reasons and consequences of condemned suicidal act from the socio-religious point of view and its impact on the economic development of a society. The condemned act of suicide and problems relating to it, keeping in view the available facts and figures is analysed in view of social and religious beliefs in the known religions of the world. Suicide is a serious public social problem. It is one of the important problems. Different reports on the causes and consequences of suicide have presented an extremely grim picture. It has threatened the life itself. The people resorted to suicides in huge numbers since last decade. Accordingly, the problem of suicide and other related matters may be viewed in terms of the role performance failure of the social & religious systems concerned and the social entities in their environment. Analogously, the problem may be interpreted in terms of the mal-functions of relationships based role on the reciprocity of expectations amongst the interacting social systems.Suicidal, Economics, Socio-religious, Beliefs, Rituals, problems, Reasons, Consequences, Role-Performance, Interaction.

    Karo Kari : the murder of honour in Sindh Pakistan : an ethnographic study

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    This paper aims to discuss the wider context, in which honour murders occur, the social structures which contribute to the occurrence and perpetuation of the practice of honour murders. An ethnographic fieldwork was conducted in Jacobabad Sindh, Pakistan. The study found that honour murders were not solely driven by customs and traditions, but also by a feudal culture, male-dominated social structures, the complicit role of state institutions and law enforcement agencies and a web of vested interests. Therefore, honour murders may be prevented by reducing the influence and interference of feudal lords on state institutions, in particular law enforcement agencies, and by promoting education that challenges a patriarchal and feudal mind-set in the community


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    Conducting and communicating research is a responsible intellectual job. A researcher would go analysing immense literature and would search for valid evidence. Prior to narrating an authentic statement. Correspondingly while selecting a method for study it is vital to opt for an approach that is ethically suitable in a defined context. While applied on a set of a populace, generally denoted to as a sample and/or universe. Therefore, social research would be a more laborious task. Hence, the social context is ever-changing in terms of time and space. Diverse methods of social research are being invented yearly. To compete with consistently changing social phenomena and needs of evidence. Operational research, evaluation, and screen monitoring are the most prominent approaches of modern social research. Hence, these naïve approaches of social research would undergo learning and adaptation. Community development projects and retrospective studies thereof are also being synthesized, with existing methods of social research. An identical practice is an adaptation of the Randomized Controlled Trial hereinafter (RCT) approach to conduct impact evaluations of humanitarian and development projects. Hitherto, RCT was being widely used by health researchers as a clinical research approach. Hence, an adaptation of this clinical research approach for field studies, particularly for the evaluation of humanitarian projects. Those are being implemented to provide survival support to vulnerable communities. It would require this approach to undergo some ethical adaptations. This research paper is developed to commence a wider literary discourse on requisite ethical adaptations for RCT to use in the evaluation of humanitarian projects. This research paper brings the findings from desk and field. To discuss key questions; where and how we can use RCT, and what ethical adaptations are necessary not to be forgone? This discourse is established on the usefulness of RCT, ethics of social research, ethics of evaluation, and humanitarian principles. The overarching purpose of this research paper is to facilitate the adaptation of RCT in the field of impact evaluation. While considering the ethical principles of the development sector and evaluation. Article visualizations

    Assess The Impact of Micro Credit Regarding Women Empowerment: A Case Study of Slum Dwelers in Quetta, Balochistan

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    Present study was attempted the socio-economic and socio-psychological impacts of micro credit scheme regarding women empowerment in slum dwellers of Quetta city. Current research was mainly qualitative by nature. Multiple interactive sessions were held to grasp on the topic and gather information. Present study was conducted from April to June 2019-20, by using semi structured questionnaire. Focused group discussion, personal interview and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) techniques were applied. 45 females as a sample size were taken from study area. Due to the diverse socio-economic and socio--cultural dynamics of province the female enumerators were hired. In order to better assess changes both in economic and social life of targeted women, current study was developed six indicators. Based on the findings of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with respondents the study was completed and followed by drawing conclusion and suggesting recommendation for future replication of project in the province. Any empowerment effort is well executed when it includes monetary benefits. Therefore, it was recommended that the social mobilization packages with regard to women empowerment should be promoted so as to enhance the socio-economic conditions of female through the various micro credit projects