33 research outputs found


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    Kretek terus maju dengan proses kebudayaan yang beriringan dengan masyarakat serta hajat hidupnya, dari masyarakat kelas kecil, menengah dan atas. Kretek mampu menjadi sebuah simbol yang plural. Banyak sekali perjalanan sejarah negeri ini yang berhubungan dengan kretek, sehingga banyak pula tanggung jawab yang harus ditempuh oleh generasi muda bangsa untuk tetap menjaga dan melestarikannya. Apakah dari seluruh masyarakat Indonesia sudah mengenal dan memahami bahwa kretek adalah sebuah produk lokal yang sudah ada di nusantara sejak abad silam dan berkembang meluas. Perlunya pemahaman masyarakat bahwa kretek sebagai warisan budaya, memang belum sepenuhnya diketahui secara luas, khususnya bagi masyarakat metropolitan sekarang yang memang sudah berbeda gaya dan pola hidupnya, dengan melangkahkan kaki sebelah menghadap ke barat. Sangat berbeda sekali ketika histori masyarakat Indonesia sebenarnya adalah masyarakat agraris. Maka dari itu perlunya pemahaman dan pengertian masyarakat untuk mengenal “Kretek sebagai Warisan Buday Nusantara”

    Academic Supervision Management to Improve the Quality of Mathematics Learning in Madrasah Aliyah

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    Academic supervision is the duties and responsibilities of academic supervisors, which the Principal/Madrasah can also carry out. This supervision activity can be delegated to more senior teachers who are concerned as coaches, so they are supervisors in carrying out their duties. However, the person concerned must still report the results of academic supervision activities to the principal/madrasah. The quality of learning can be said to be a picture of the good and bad results achieved by students in the learning process. Schools are considered quality if they change students' attitudes, behaviour, and skills about their educational goals. This study uses a qualitative method. In essence, there are many variations of management functions, Planning, Organizing and Staffing, Leading, Controlling. To support the realization of excellent madrasas, several roles of excellent teachers must be carried out. There are three duties as a profession, namely educating, teaching, and training. It is not enough to cram subject matter to students as a teacher

    Waste materials-based substrates for ornamental plant production: Technical and environmental aspects

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    In the plant nursery sector, efforts have been made for some time to partially or totally replace peat-based substrates with growing media characterized by a lower environmental impact. In this perspective it was decided to evaluate a composted material obtained from dredged sediments and green waste, to be used as component for substrates in ornamental plant production, while evaluating the environmental implications of this operation. Fresh green waste consisting of corn cob, wood chips, grass and leaves were mixed in different rates (3:1, 1:1, 1:3 v/v) with dried dredged sediments taken from a small stream located in an urban area (Čejkovice, Czech Republic). These different mixtures were co-composted for six months, and the compost heaps were managed following standard compost protocols. To evaluate the progress of the co-composting process, the various mixtures were subjected to physical, chemical and biological analysis, during the entire period of co-composting. Eventually these mixes were taken to a plant nursery farm in Pistoia (Tuscany, Central Italy), and mixed in different ratios with classical nursery growing media (peat and pumice). Then, one-year-old vegetatively propagated plants of two typical evergreen shrubs (Photinia × fraseri, Viburnum tinus) were placed in 10-L (24 Ø cm) pots with differentiated substrates, added with 4.5 g L-1 of Basacote®. The growth of the plants tested is monitored (dry mass storage); at the same time, it was decided to use an LCA (life cycle assessment) analysis, to quantify the CO2 emissions (kg CO2 equivalent) deriving from the different phases (inputs, energy, transport, structures, etc.) of the production process, assessing the effect of these growing mixes on the environmental sustainability of plant nursery production