250 research outputs found

    The visibility study of S-T+_+ Landau-Zener-St\"uckelberg oscillations without applied initialization

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    Probabilities deduced from quantum information studies are usually based on averaging many identical experiments separated by an initialization step. Such initialization steps become experimentally more challenging to implement as the complexity of quantum circuits increases. To better understand the consequences of imperfect initialization on the deduced probabilities, we study the effect of not initializing the system between measurements. For this we utilize Landau-Zener-St\"uckelberg oscillations in a double quantum dot circuit. Experimental results are successfully compared to theoretical simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Classical percolation fingerprints in the high-temperature regime of the integer quantum Hall effect

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    We have performed magnetotransport experiments in the high-temperature regime (up to 50 K) of the integer quantum Hall effect for two-dimensional electron gases in semiconducting heterostructures. While the magnetic field dependence of the classical Hall law presents no anomaly at high temperatures, we find a breakdown of the Drude-Lorentz law for the longitudinal conductance beyond a crossover magnetic field B_c ~ 1 T, which turns out to be correlated with the onset of the integer quantum Hall effect at low temperatures. We show that the high magnetic field regime at B > B_c can be understood in terms of classical percolative transport in a smooth disordered potential. From the temperature dependence of the peak longitudinal conductance, we extract scaling exponents which are in good agreement with the theoretically expected values. We also prove that inelastic scattering on phonons is responsible for dissipation in a wide temperature range going from 1 to 50 K at high magnetic fields.Comment: 14 pages + 8 Figure

    From laterally modulated two-dimensional electron gas towards artificial graphene

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    Cyclotron resonance has been measured in far-infrared transmission of GaAs/Alx_xGa1−x_{1-x}As heterostructures with an etched hexagonal lateral superlattice. Non-linear dependence of the resonance position on magnetic field was observed as well as its splitting into several modes. Our explanation, based on a perturbative calculation, describes the observed phenomena as a weak effect of the lateral potential on the two-dimensional electron gas. Using this approach, we found a correlation between parameters of the lateral patterning and the created effective potential and obtain thus insights on how the electronic miniband structure has been tuned. The miniband dispersion was calculated using a simplified model and allowed us to formulate four basic criteria that have to be satisfied to reach graphene-like physics in such systems

    Enhanced charge detection of spin qubit readout via an intermediate state

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    We employ an intermediate excited charge state of a lateral quantum dot device to increase the charge detection contrast during the qubit state readout procedure, allowing us to increase the visibility of coherent qubit oscillations. This approach amplifies the coherent oscillation magnitude but has no effect on the detector noise resulting in an increase in the signal to noise ratio. In this letter we apply this scheme to demonstrate a significant enhancement of the fringe contrast of coherent Landau-Zener-Stuckleberg oscillations between singlet S and triplet T+ two-spin states.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Composite fermions in periodic and random antidot lattices

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    The longitudinal and Hall magnetoresistance of random and periodic arrays of artificial scatterers, imposed on a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas, were investigated in the vicinity of Landau level filling factor Μ=1/2. In periodic arrays, commensurability effects between the period of the antidot array and the cyclotron radius of composite fermions are observed. In addition, the Hall resistance shows a deviation from the anticipated linear dependence, reminiscent of quenching around zero magnetic field. Both effects are absent for random antidot lattices. The relative amplitude of the geometric resonances for opposite signs of the effective magnetic field and its dependence on illumination illustrate enhanced soft wall effects for composite fermions

    Bipolar spin blockade and coherent state superpositions in a triple quantum dot

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    Spin qubits based on interacting spins in double quantum dots have been successfully demonstrated. Readout of the qubit state involves a conversion of spin to charge information, universally achieved by taking advantage of a spin blockade phenomenon resulting from Pauli's exclusion principle. The archetypal spin blockade transport signature in double quantum dots takes the form of a rectified current. Currently more complex spin qubit circuits including triple quantum dots are being developed. Here we show both experimentally and theoretically (a) that in a linear triple quantum dot circuit, the spin blockade becomes bipolar with current strongly suppressed in both bias directions and (b) that a new quantum coherent mechanism becomes relevant. Within this mechanism charge is transferred non-intuitively via coherent states from one end of the linear triple dot circuit to the other without involving the centre site. Our results have implications in future complex nano-spintronic circuits.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    Novel 3D Reciprocal Space Visualization of Strain Relaxation in InSb on GaAs Substrates

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    This study introduces the Reciprocal Space Polar Visualization (RSPV) method, a novel approach for visualizing X-ray diffraction-based reciprocal space data. RSPV allows for the precise separation of tilt and strain, facilitating their individual analysis. InSb was grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on two (001) GaAs substrates \unicode{x2014} one with no misorientation (Sample A) \unicode{x2014} one with 2{\deg} surface misorientation from the (001) planes (Sample B). There is a substantial lattice mismatch with the substrate and this results in the generation of defects within the InSb layer during growth. To demonstrate RSPV's effectiveness, a comprehensive comparison of surface morphology, dislocation density, strain, and tilt was conducted. RSPV revealed previously unobserved features of the (004) InSb Bragg peak, partially explained by the presence of threading dislocations and oriented abrupt steps (OASs). Surface morphologies examined by an atomic force microscope (AFM) revealed that Sample B had significantly lower root mean square (RMS) roughness. Independent estimates of threading dislocation density (TDD) using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI) confirmed that Sample B exhibited a significantly lower TDD than Sample A. XRD methods further revealed unequal amounts of α\alpha and ÎČ\beta type threading dislocations in both samples, contributing to an anisotropic Bragg peak. RSPV is shown to be a robust method for exploring 3D reciprocal space in any crystal, demonstrating that growing InSb on misoriented GaAs produced a higher-quality crystal compared to an on-orientation substrate.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. This paper will be submitted to Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology

    Influence of the single-particle Zeeman energy on the quantum Hall ferromagnet at high filling factors

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    In a recent paper [B. A. Piot et al., Phys. Rev. B 72, 245325 (2005)], we have shown that the lifting of the electron spin degeneracy in the integer quantum Hall effect at high filling factors should be interpreted as a magnetic-field-induced Stoner transition. In this work, we extend the analysis to investigate the influence of the single-particle Zeeman energy on the quantum Hall ferromagnet at high filling factors. The single-particle Zeeman energy is tuned through the application of an additional in-plane magnetic field. Both the evolution of the spin polarization of the system and the critical magnetic field for spin splitting are well described as a function of the tilt angle of the sample in the magnetic field.Comment: Published in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum Hall induced currents and the magnetoresistance of a quantum point contact

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    We report an investigation of quantum Hall induced currents by simultaneous measurements of their magnetic moment and their effect on the conductance of a quantum point contact (QPC). Features in the magnetic moment and QPC resistance are correlated at Landau-level filling factors nu=1, 2 and 4, which demonstrates the common origin of the effects. Temperature and non-linear sweep rate dependences are observed to be similar for the two effects. Furthermore, features in the noise of the induced currents, caused by breakdown of the quantum Hall effect, are observed to have clear correlations between the two measurements. In contrast, there is a distinct difference in the way that the induced currents decay with time when the sweeping field halts at integer filling factor. We attribute this difference to the fact that, while both effects are sensitive to the magnitude of the induced current, the QPC resistance is also sensitive to the proximity of the current to the QPC split-gate. Although it is clearly demonstrated that induced currents affect the electrostatics of a QPC, the reverse effect, the QPC influencing the induced current, was not observed

    Dispersive line shape in the vicinity of the {\nu} = 1 quantum Hall state: Coexistence of Knight shifted and unshifted resistively detected NMR responses

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    The frequency splitting between the dip and the peak of the resistively detected nuclear magnetic resonance (RDNMR) dispersive line shape (DLS) has been measured in the quantum Hall effect regime as a function of filling factor, carrier density and nuclear isotope. The splitting increases as the filling factor tends to {\nu} = 1 and is proportional to the hyperfine coupling, similar to the usual Knight shift versus {\nu}-dependence. The peak frequency shifts linearly with magnetic field throughout the studied filling factor range and matches the unshifted substrate signal, detected by classical NMR. Thus, the evolution of the splitting is entirely due to the changing Knight shift of the dip feature. The nuclear spin relaxation time, T1, is extremely long (hours) at precisely the peak frequency. These results are consistent with the local formation of a {\nu} = 2 phase due to the existence of spin singlet D−^- complexes.Comment: to be published in Rapid Communication PR
