102 research outputs found

    Protective and therapeutic effects of ghrelin in the gut

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    Ghrelin, a peptide predominantly produced in the stomach exhibits numerous physiological functions, including stimulation of growth hormone release, food intake and gastric empting, and regulation of energy expenditure. This peptide exhibits also some protective and healing-promoting effects. This review summarizes the recent findings concerning animal and human data showing protective and therapeutic effects of ghrelin in the gut

    Obestatin accelerates the recovery in the course of ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis in rats

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    ObjectiveSeveral previous studies have shown that obestatin exhibits protective and regenerative effects in some organs including the stomach, kidney, and the brain. In the pancreas, pretreatment with obestatin inhibits the development of cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis, and promotes survival of pancreatic beta cells and human islets. However, no studies investigated the effect of obestatin administration following the onset of experimental acute pancreatitis.AimThe aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of obestatin therapy in the course of ischemia/reperfusion-induced pancreatitis. Moreover, we tested the influence of ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis and administration of obestatin on daily food intake and pancreatic exocrine secretion.MethodsAcute pancreatitis was induced by pancreatic ischemia followed by reperfusion of the pancreas. Obestatin (8 nmol/kg/dose) was administered intraperitoneally twice a day, starting 24 hours after the beginning of reperfusion. The effect of obestatin in the course of necrotizing pancreatitis was assessed between 2 and 14 days, and included histological, functional, and biochemical analyses. Secretory studies were performed on the third day after sham-operation or induction of acute pancreatitis in conscious rats equipped with chronic pancreatic fistula.ResultsTreatment with obestatin ameliorated morphological signs of pancreatic damage including edema, vacuolization of acinar cells, hemorrhages, acinar necrosis, and leukocyte infiltration of the gland, and led to earlier pancreatic regeneration. Structural changes were accompanied by biochemical and functional improvements manifested by accelerated normalization of interleukin-1β level and activity of myeloperoxidase and lipase, attenuation of the decrease in pancreatic DNA synthesis, and by an improvement of pancreatic blood flow. Induction of acute pancreatitis by pancreatic ischemia followed by reperfusion significantly decreased daily food intake and pancreatic exocrine secretion. Administration of obestatin at doses used was without significant effect with regard to daily food intake or pancreatic exocrine secretion in sham-operated rats, as well as in rats with acute pancreatitis. On the other hand, obestatin abolished a statistical significance of difference in food intake between animals with AP and control animals without pancreatic fistula and induction of AP.ConclusionTreatment with the exogenous obestatin reduces severity of ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis and accelerates recovery in this disease. The involved mechanisms are likely to be multifactorial, and are mediated, at least in part, by anti-inflammatory properties of obestatin

    Pretreatment with warfarin attenuates the development of ischemia/reperfusion-induced acute pancreatitis in rats

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    In acute pancreatitis (AP), pancreatic damage leads to local vascular injury, manifesting as endothelial damage and activation, increased vascular permeability, leukocyte rolling, sticking and transmigration to pancreatic tissue as well as activation of coagulation. Previous studies have shown that pretreatment with heparin or acenocoumarol inhibits the development of AP. The aim of the present study was to check the impact of pretreatment with warfarin, an oral vitamin K antagonist, on the development of ischemia/reperfusion-induced AP in rats. AP was induced by pancreatic ischemia followed by reperfusion of the gland. Warfarin (90, 180 or 270 µg/kg/dose) or vehicle were administered intragastrically once a day for 7 days before induction of AP. The effect of warfarin on the severity of AP was assessed 6 h after pancreatic reperfusion. The assessment included histological, functional, and biochemical analyses. Pretreatment with warfarin given at a dose of 90 or 180 µg/kg/dose increased the international normalized ratio and reduced morphological signs of pancreatic damage such as pancreatic edema, vacuolization of acinar cells, necrosis and the number of hemorrhages. These effects were accompanied by an improvement of pancreatic blood flow and a decrease in serum level amylase, lipase, pro-inflammatory interleukin-1β and plasma level of D-dimer. In contrast, pretreatment with warfarin given at a dose of 270 µg/kg/dose led to an increase in severity of pancreatic damage and biochemical indicators of AP. In addition, this dose of warfarin resulted in deaths in some animals. Pretreatment with low doses of warfarin inhibits the development of AP induced by pancreatic ischemia followed by reperfusion

    Leczniczy efekt heparyny w przebiegu ostrego zapalenia trzustki wywołanego ceruleiną

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    Wprowadzenie: Wyniki wcześniejszych badań eksperymentalnych wykazały, że podanie heparyny przed wywołaniem ostrego zapalenia trzustki hamuje rozwój tego zapalenia oraz że podawanie heparyny w trakcie przebiegu ostrego zapalenia trzustki wywołanego niedotlenieniem z reperfuzją wywołuje działanie lecznicze. Cel: Celem badań było określenie wpływu podawania heparyny na przebieg ostrego zapalenia trzustki wywołanego czynnikiem pierwotnie pozanaczyniowym. Materiał i metody: Badania przeprowadzono na szczurach rasy Wistar. Ostre zapalenie trzustki wywołano przy użyciu ceruleiny. Ciężkość ostrego zapalenia trzustki określano między 1. a 10. dniem zapalenia. Heparynę podawano podskórnie 2 razy dziennie w dawce 150 U/kg m.c., zaczynając dzień po podaniu ceruleiny. Wyniki: Przyjmowanie heparyny w przebiegu ostrego zapalenia trzustki wywołanego ceruleiną znamiennie zmniejszało aktywność lipazy i stężenie prozapalnej interleukiny 1β w osoczu. Efekty te występowały wspólnie z częściowym odwróceniem, wywołanego zapaleniem trzustki, spadku trzustkowej syntezy DNA oraz poprawą trzustkowego przepływu krwi. Czas kaolinowo-kefalinowy przedłużył się, podczas gdy osoczowe stężenie D-dimeru się zmniejszyło. Nastąpiła także wcześniejsza normalizacja morfologii trzustki w ocenie histologicznej. Wnioski: Heparyna wykazuje działanie lecznicze w ostrym obrzękowym zapaleniu trzustki, prowadząc do wcześniejszej normalizacji biochemicznych wskaźników ciężkości ostrego zapalenia trzustki, oraz przyspiesza regenerację trzustki w przebiegu tej choroby.Introduction: Previous experimental studies have shown that pretreatment with heparin inhibits the development of acute pancreatitis, and administration of heparin after development of ischaemia/reperfusion-induced pancreatitis exhibits a therapeutic effect in this disease. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of heparin administration on the course of acute pancreatitis evoked by a primary non-vascular mechanism. Material and methods: The study was performed on Wistar rats. Acute pancreatitis was induced by cerulein. The severity of acute pancreatitis was evaluated between the first and tenth day of inflammation. Heparin was administered subcutaneously twice a day at the dose of 150 U/kg, starting 24 h after cerulein administration. Results: Treatment with heparin, after the development of cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis, significantly reduced plasma activity of lipase and plasma concentration of pro-inflammatory interleukin-1β. These effects were associated with a partial reversion of the pancreatitis-evoked drop in pancreatic DNA synthesis and the improvement of pancreatic blood flow. The activated partial thromboplastin time was prolonged, whereas plasma level of D-dimer was reduced. Histological features showed faster normalization of pancreatic morphology. Conclusions: Heparin exhibits a healing effect in the course of oedematous pancreatitis, leading to faster normalization of biochemical markers of acute pancreatitis severity, as well as accelerating the pancreatic regeneration

    The Beginnings of Pancreatology as a Field of Experimental and Clinical Medicine

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    This review presents the history of discoveries concerning the pancreas. In antiquity and the Middle Ages knowledge about the anatomy of the pancreas was very limited and its function was completely unknown. Significant progress was first made in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Johann Georg Wirsüng, the prosector of the University of Padua, discovered the main pancreatic duct, and Giovanni Santorini discovered the accessory duct. Regnier de Graaf was the first to perform pancreatic exocrine studies, and Paul Langerhans's 1869 discovery of pancreatic islets was the first step toward recognizing the pancreas as an endocrine gland. The twentieth century brought the discovery of insulin and other pancreatic hormones. To date, histochemical staining, transmission electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry enabled the discovery of five cell types with identified hormonal products in adult human pancreatic islets. Twentieth-century pancreatic studies led to crucial advances in scientific knowledge and were recognized, among other things, with seven Nobel Prizes. The first of these went to Ivan Pavlov in 1904 for his work on the physiology of digestion. The most recent was awarded to Günter Blobel in 1999 for discovering signaling mechanisms that govern the transport and localization of proteins within pancreatic acinar cells

    Pioglitazone, a specific ligand of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma, protects pancreas against acute cerulein-induced pancreatitis

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    AIM: To determine the effect of pioglitazone, a specific peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) ligand, on the development of acute pancreatitis (AP) and on the expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in the pancreas. METHODS: AP was induced in rats by subcutaneous infusion of cerulein for 5 h. Pancreatic blood flow was measured by laser Doppler flowmetry. Plasma lipase activity, interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and IL-10 were determined. Pancreatic weight and histology were evaluated and pancreatic DNA synthesis and blood flow as well as pancreatic mRNA for IL-1β and HSP70 were assessed in rats treated with pioglitazone alone or in combination with cerulein. RESULTS: Pioglitazone administered (10-100 mg/kg i.g.) 30 min before cerulein, attenuated dose-dependently the pancreatic tissue damage in cerulein-induced pancreatitis (CIP) as demonstrated by the improvement of pancreatic histology, reduction in plasma lipase activity, plasma concentration of pro-inflammatory IL-1β and its gene expression in the pancreas and attenuation of the pancreatitis-evoked fall in pancreatic blood flow. CIP increased pancreatic HSP70 mRNA and protein expression in the pancreas and this effect was enhanced by pioglitazone treatment. CONCLUSION: Pioglitazone attenuates CIP and the beneficial effect of this pioglitazone is multifactorial probably due to its anti-inflammatory activities, to the suppression of IL-1β and to the overexpression of HSP70. PPARγ ligands could represent a new therapeutic option in the treatment of AP

    Pretreatment with obestatin inhibits the development of acetic acid-induced colitis in rats

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    Introduction: Obestatin is a 23-amino acid peptide derived from proghrelin, a common prohormone for ghrelin and obestatin. Previous studies have shown that obestatin exhibits some protective and therapeutic effects in the pancreas and stomach. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of pretreatment with obestatin on the development of acetic acid-induced colitis. Material and methods: Studies were performed on Wistar rats. Before induction of colitis, rats were treated intraperitoneally with saline or obestatin, administered twice at a dose of 4, 8 or 16 nmol/kg/dose. The first dose of saline or obestatin was administered 8 h before the induction of colitis, the second one 7 h after the first dose. Colitis was induced by enema with 1 ml of 4% acetic acid solution. The severity of colitis was assessed 1 or 24 h after administration of enema. Results: Pretreatment with obestatin administered at a dose of 8 or 16 nmol/ kg/dose significantly reduced the area of mucosal damage evoked by enema with acetic acid (p < 0.05). This effect was accompanied by an improvement of mucosal blood flow and DNA synthesis in the colon. Moreover, obestatin administered at a dose of 8 or 16 nmol/kg/dose significantly reduced mucosal concentration of IL-1β and activity of myeloperoxidase (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Pretreatment with obestatin exhibited a protective effect in the colon, leading to a reduction of colonic damage in acetic acid-induced colitis. This effect was associated with an improvement of mucosal blood flow, an increase in mucosal cell proliferation, and a decrease in local inflammation

    Acute phase proteins and vitamin D seasonal variation in end-stage renal disease patients

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    : End-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients are vulnerable to vitamin D deficiency due to impaired renal hydroxylation, low dietary intake and inadequate sun exposure. Vitamin D plays a role in innate and adaptive immunity and its seasonal variation has been linked to mortality. ESRD is associated with inadequate removal of pro-inflammatory cytokines regulating acute phase protein (APP) synthesis. Our aim was to look for associations between lifestyle factors, diet, and vitamin D seasonal variation and their relationship with selected APPs and calcium-phosphate metabolism. The study included 59 ESRD patients treated with maintenance hemodialysis. A 24-hour dietary recall was conducted in the post-summer (November 2018, PS) and post-winter (February/March 2019, PW) period, and blood was collected for the measurements of serum total vitamin D, α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP), C-reactive protein (CRP), albumin, prealbumin (PRE), parathormone, calcium and phosphate. A self-constructed questionnaire gathered information on vitamin D supplementation, sun exposure and physical activity. Higher caloric intake was observed PW compared PS. Less than 15% of participants met the dietary recommendations for energy, protein, fiber, vitamin D and magnesium intake. Vitamin D supplementation was associated with higher serum vitamin D regardless of season. AGP, PRE, albumin, and vitamin D presented seasonal changes (higher values PS). In patients with serum vitamin D below 25 ng/mL, vitamin D seasonal change correlated with CRP and prealbumin change. Phosphate and Ca × P correlated positively with AGP. A low vitamin D serum level could impact the inflammatory process; however, more studies are needed to confirm the relationship

    Protective effect of pretreatment with acenocoumarol in cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis

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    Coagulation is recognized as a key player in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The aim of the current research was to examine the effect of pretreatment with acenocoumarol on the development of acute pancreatitis (AP) evoked by cerulein. Methods: AP was induced in rats by cerulein administered intraperitoneally. Acenocoumarol (50, 100 or 150 µg/kg/dose/day) or saline were given once daily for seven days before AP induction. Results: In rats with AP, pretreatment with acenocoumarol administered at the dose of 50 or 100 µg/kg/dose/day improved pancreatic histology, reducing the degree of edema and inflammatory infiltration, and vacuolization of acinar cells. Moreover, pretreatment with acenocoumarol given at the dose of 50 or 100 µg/kg/dose/day reduced the AP-evoked increase in pancreatic weight, serum activity of amylase and lipase, and serum concentration of pro-inflammatory interleukin-1β, as well as ameliorated pancreatic DNA synthesis and pancreatic blood flow. In contrast, acenocoumarol given at the dose of 150 μg/kg/dose did not exhibit any protective effect against cerulein-induced pancreatitis. Conclusion: Low doses of acenocoumarol, given before induction of AP by cerulein, inhibit the development of that inflammation

    The influence of ghrelin on the development of dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis in rats

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    Ghrelin has protective and therapeutic effects in the gut. The aim of present studies was to investigate the effect of treatment with ghrelin on the development of colitis evoked by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS). Methods. Studies have been performed on rats. Colitis was induced by adding 5% DSS to the drinking water for 5 days. During this period animals were treated intraperitoneally twice a day with saline or ghrelin given at the dose of 8 nmol/kg/dose. On the sixth day, animals were anesthetized and the severity of colitis was assessed. Results. Treatment with ghrelin during administration of DSS reduced the development of colitis. Morphological features of colonic mucosa exhibited a reduction in the area and deep of mucosal damage. Ghrelin reversed the colitis-induced decrease in blood flow, DNA synthesis, and superoxide dismutase activity in colonic mucosa. These effects were accompanied by a decrease in the colitis-evoked increase in mucosal concentration of interleukin-1β and malondialdehyde. Treatment with ghrelin reversed the DSS-induced reduction in body weight gain. Conclusions. Administration of ghrelin exhibits the preventive effect against the development of DSS-induced colitis. This effect seems to be related to ghrelin’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties