22,500 research outputs found

    Propagation modeling for land mobile satellite systems

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    A simplified empirical model for predicting primary fade statistics for a vegetatively shadowed mobile satellite signal is presented, and predictions based on the model are presented using propagation parameter values from experimental data. Results from the empirical model are used to drive a propagation simulator to produce the secondary fade statistics of average fade duration

    LMSS modeling status report

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    The need to develop accurate models for secondary statistics of fading land mobile satellite signals has motivated a study of fading signal autocorrelations and multipath spectrum. Results of autocorrelations and power spectral densities from measured data are presented and comparisons to multipath spectrum models are made

    LMSS propagation modeling at Virginia Tech

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    Recent efforts in the modeling of land mobile satellite systems are reported. These include descriptions of a simple model for prediction of fading statistics, a propagation simulator, and results from studies using the simulator. Predictions are compared to available measured data

    Improvements and modifications to the NASA microwave signature acquisition system

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    A user oriented description of the modified and upgraded Microwave Signature Acquisition System is provided. The present configuration of the sensor system and its operating characteristics are documented and a step-by-step operating procedure provides instruction for mounting the antenna truss assembly, readying the system for data acquisition, and for controlling the system during the data collection sequence. The resulting data products are also identified

    Photoelectrochemical water splitting: silicon photocathodes for hydrogen evolution

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    The development of low cost, scalable, renewable energy technologies is one of today's most pressing scientific challenges. We report on progress towards the development of a photoelectrochemical water-splitting system that will use sunlight and water as the inputs to produce renewable hydrogen with oxygen as a by-product. This system is based on the design principle of incorporating two separate, photosensitive inorganic semiconductor/liquid junctions to collectively generate the 1.7-1.9 V at open circuit needed to support both the oxidation of H_2O (or OH^-) and the reduction of H^+ (or H_2O). Si microwire arrays are a promising photocathode material because the high aspect-ratio electrode architecture allows for the use of low cost, earth-abundant materials without sacrificing energy-conversion efficiency, due to the orthogonalization of light absorption and charge-carrier collection. Additionally, the high surfacearea design of the rod-based semiconductor array inherently lowers the flux of charge carriers over the rod array surface relative to the projected geometric surface of the photoelectrode, thus lowering the photocurrent density at the solid/liquid junction and thereby relaxing the demands on the activity (and cost) of any electrocatalysts. Arrays of Si microwires grown using the Vapor Liquid Solid (VLS) mechanism have been shown to have desirable electronic light absorption properties. We have demonstrated that these arrays can be coated with earth-abundant metallic catalysts and used for photoelectrochemical production of hydrogen. This development is a step towards the demonstration of a complete artificial photosynthetic system, composed of only inexpensive, earth-abundant materials, that is simultaneously efficient, durable, and scalable

    Linear electric field frequency shift (important for next generation electric dipole moment searches) induced in confined gases by a magnetic field gradient

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    The search for particle electric dipole moments (edm) represents a most promising way to search for physics beyond the standard model. A number of groups are planning a new generation of experiments using stored gases of various kinds. In order to achieve the target sensitivities it will be necessary to deal with the systematic error resulting from the interaction of the well-known v×E\overrightarrow{v}\times \overrightarrow{E} field with magnetic field gradients (often referred to as the geometric phase effect (Commins, ED; Am. J. Phys. \QTR{bf}{59}, 1077 (1991), Pendlebury, JM \QTR{em}{et al;} Phys. Rev. \QTR{bf}{A70}, 032102 (2004)). This interaction produces a frequency shift linear in the electric field, mimicking an edm. In this work we introduce an analytic form for the velocity auto-correlation function which determines the velocity-position correlation function which in turn determines the behavior of the frequency shift (Lamoreaux, SK and Golub, R; Phys. Rev \QTR{bf}{A71}, 032104 (2005)) and show how it depends on the operating conditions of the experiment. We also discuss some additional issues.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Late stage kinetics for various wicking and spreading problems

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    The kinetics of spreading of a liquid drop in a wedge or V-shaped groove, in a network of such grooves, and on a hydrophilic strip, is re-examined. The length of a droplet of volume Omega spreading in a wedge after a time t is predicted to scale as Omega^(1/5) * t^(2/5), and the height profile is predicted to be a parabola in the distance along the wedge. If the droplet is spreading radially in a sparse network of V-shaped grooves on a surface, the radius is predicted to scale as Omega^(1/6) * t^(1/3), provided the liquid is completely contained within the grooves. A number of other results are also obtained.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX

    First Principles Study of the Electronic and Vibrational Properties of LiNbO2

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    In the layered transition metal oxide LiNbO2_2 the Nb3+^{3+} (4d24d^2) ion is trigonal-prismatically coordinated with O ions, with the resulting crystal field leading to a single band system for low energy properties. A tight-binding representation shows that intraplanar second neighbor hopping t2=100t_2 = 100 meV dominates the first neighbor interaction (t1=64t_1 = 64 meV). The first and third neighbor couplings are strongly modified by oxygen displacements of the symmetric Raman-active vibrational mode, and electron-phonon coupling to this motion may provide the coupling mechanism for superconductivity in Li-deficient samples (where Tc=5T_c = 5 K). We calculate all zone-center phonon modes, identify infrared (IR) and Raman active modes, and report LO-TO splitting of the IR modes. The Born effective charges for the metal ions are found to have considerable anisotropy reflecting the degree to which the ions participate in interlayer coupling and covalent bonding. Insight into the microscopic origin of the valence band density, composed of Nb dz2d_{z^2} states with some mixing of O 2p2p states, is obtained from examining Wannier functions for these bands.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures; Updated with reviewer comments; Updated reference