3 research outputs found

    Women's experiences of planning a vaginal birth after caesarean in different models of maternity care in Australia

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    Background: Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) is a safe mode of birth for most women but internationally VBAC rates remain low. In Australia women planning a VBAC may experience different models of care including continuity of care (CoC). There are a limited number of studies exploring the impact and influence of CoC on women’s experiences of planning a VBAC. Continuity of care (CoC) with a midwife has been found to increase spontaneous vaginal birth and decrease some interventions. Women planning a VBAC prefer and benefit from CoC with a known care provider. This study aimed to explore the influence, and impact, of continuity of care on women’s experiences when planning a VBAC in Australia. Methods: The Australian VBAC survey was designed and distributed via social media. Outcomes and experiences of women who had planned a VBAC in the past 5 years were compared by model of care. Standard fragmented maternity care was compared to continuity of care with a midwife or doctor. Results: In total, 490 women completed the survey and respondents came from every State and Territory in Australia. Women who had CoC with a midwife were more likely to feel in control of their decision making and feel their health care provider positively supported their decision to have a VBAC. Women who had CoC with a midwife were more likely to have been active in labour, experience water immersion and have an upright birthing position. Women who received fragmented care experienced lower autonomy and lower respect compared to CoC. Conclusion: This study recruited a non-probability based, self-selected, sample of women using social media. Women found having a VBAC less traumatic than their previous caesarean and women planning a VBAC benefited from CoC models, particularly midwifery continuity of care. Women seeking VBAC are often excluded from these models as they are considered to have risk factors. There needs to be a focus on increasing shared belief and confidence in VBAC across professions and an expansion of midwifery led continuity of care models for women seeking a VBAC

    [In Press] Dehumanized, violated, and powerless : an Australian survey of women's experiences of obstetric violence in the past 5 years

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    Globally, significant numbers of women report obstetric violence (OV) during childbirth. The United Nations has identified OV as gendered violence. OV can be perpetrated by any healthcare professional (HCP) and is impacted by systemic issues such as HCP education, staffing ratios, and lack of access to continuity of care. The current study explored the experiences of OV reported in a national survey in 2021 by Australian women who had a baby in the previous 5 years. A content analysis of 626 open text comments found three main categories: “I felt dehumanised,” “I felt violated,” and “I felt powerless.” Women reported bullying, coercion, non-empathic care, and physical and sexual assault. Disrespect and abuse and non-consented vaginal examinations were the subcategories with the most comments

    What women want if they were to have another baby: the Australian Birth Experience Study (BESt) cross-sectional national survey

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    Objectives To explore if Australian women would do anything differently if they were to have another baby.Design and setting The Birth Experience Study (BESt) online survey explored pregnancy, birth and postnatal experiences for women who had given birth during 2016–2021 in Australia.Participants In 2021, 8804 women responded to the BESt survey and 6101 responses to the open text responses to the survey question ‘Would you do anything different if you were to have another baby?’ were analysed using inductive content analysis.Results A total of 6101 women provided comments in response to the open text question, resulting in 10 089 items of coding. Six categories were found: ‘Next time I'll be ready’ (3958, 39.2%) described how women reflected on their previous experience, feeling the need to better advocate for themselves in the future to receive the care or experience they wanted; ‘I want a specific birth experience’ (2872, 28.5%) and ‘I want a specific model of care’ (1796, 17.8%) highlighted the types of birth and health provider women would choose for their next pregnancy. ‘I want better access’ (294, 2.9%) identified financial and/or geographical constraints women experience trying to make choices for birth. Two categories included comments from women who said ‘I don’t want to change anything’ (1027, 10.2%) and ‘I don’t want another pregnancy’ (142, 1.4%). Most women birthed in hospital (82.9%) and had a vaginal birth (59.2%) and 26.7% had a caesarean.Conclusion Over 85% of comments left by women in Australia were related to making different decisions regarding their next birth choices. Most concerningly women often blamed themselves for not being more informed. Women realised the benefits of continuity of care with a midwife. Many women also desired a vaginal birth as well as better access to birthing at home