102 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Mineralogi Dan proses Pengendapan Emas Pada Endapan Emas-Perak Epitermal Gunung Pongkor, Jawa Barat

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    The Pongkor gold-silver deposit, formed at Pliocene age (2.05 ± 0.05 Ma) is the largest low-sulfidation epithermal precious metal deposit in Java. It consists of more than nine major subparallel quartz-adularia-carbonate veins. Vein Will records five paragenetic sequences, dominated by calcite in the early stage and quartz in the later stages of hydrothermal evolution. The sulfide association as the main gold carrier is dominated by pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, ±galena. Minor phases are silver-rich sulfides and sulfosalts, such as acantite-aguilarite, polybasite-pearceite, famatinite, proustite, tetrahedrite. Gold occurs as electrum and uyienbogaardtite. Microthermometric measurements result that the hydrothermal solution indicates low salinity (0 vt,t.% NaC7 equivalent) with a formation temperature around 220°C. Primal), gold deposition is mostly controlled by boiling and mixing between low and high temperature fluids.Deep supergene enrichment of both gold and silver seems to be critical for making Pongkor an economic ore deposit. Keywords: epitermal, boiling, pengkayaan supergen, Pongkor, ema


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    Cathodoluminescence (CL) is generated by an electron gun coupled to an optical microscope. There are two types of chatodoluminescence, i.e., cold CL and hot CL. In the cold cathode microscopic equipment, the electrons are generated by an electric discharge between two electrodes under a low gas pressure, whereas in the hot CL microscope, the electrons are generated by heating a filament (2000–3000°C). In this paper we utilize cold CL combine with electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). The CL microscopy of carbonate shows at least three carbonate generations, i.e., rhodochrosite with dull or no luminescence, Mg-rich calcite with dark red luminescence, manganese-bearing calcite with up to 0.04 wt.% Mn with bright orange luminescence, and pure calcite and Mn-rich calcite (> 0.15 wt.% Mn) with dull or no luminescence. The result also suggests that the luminescence pattern of calcite is controlled by the amount of Mn2+. Sectoral zoning and chevron-shape growth zoning exist in some coarse-grained calcite aggregates. The sectorial zoning of calcite as reflected by dull to bright CL color indicated that slightly to more reducing environment during calcite deposition. Keywords: Chatodoluminescence, rhodochrosite, calcite, sectorial zonin

    Genesa Batugamping Merah Muda Di Daerah Klepu, Kecamatan Kokap, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta

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    ABSTRAK The existence of pink and white limestones which are scattered sporadically at Klepu area of Kokap sub-district in Kulon Progo Regency, Special Teritory of Yogyakarta (DIY) is geologically interesting to be explained with respect to their genetic, due to invariably colors white and grayish white. The limestone is one of the other members of Jonggrangan Formation. To explain genetically why the limestone is pink, it is necessary to analyse ,the petrographical, chemical, and normative mineralogical compositions. Stratigraphical information of the area is helpful in this study. Based on this study it is concluded that the existence of titanoferous magnetite with its FeO.Fe203.Ti02 chemical formula and red in color has caused the limestone to acquire the pink color. It has been figured out that the mineral was derived from "Old Andesite Formation" which bears FeO, Fe203, and TiO2 chemical composition. The stratigraphical information which support of the interpretation is the "Old Andesite Formation" has unconformity relation with and older than pink limestone, so when the limestone began to be deposited mechanically, titanoferous magnetite which was from the "Old Andesite Formation" entered into the limestone depositional environment. This process influenced limestone composition and resulted a part of the limestone has pink color syngenetically

    Studi komparasi analisis normatif antara metode cipw dengan metode pemrograman linear (lpnorm)= (A Comparative study of norm analyses between CIPW and Linear Programming (LPNORM) methods)

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    ABSTRACT The norm\u27 analyses for igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are performed to calculate the mineral composition of mostly fine-grained rocks, such as volcanic rocks, pelitic sediment (clay, silt and shale), and metamorphic rocks (slate and f?hYllite). However, the course-grained rocks are also possible, especially for volume-percent calculation of mineral composition in the rocks. The comparative study between CIPW norm and LPNORM shows slightly different results. Plagioclase, pyroxene, ilmenite and apatite minerals have a consistent result in both CIPW and LPNORM. Orthoclase, olivine and magnetite minerals are rised in CIPW norm, whereas biotite can only be calculted by LPNORM. The different results of these methods are because of different basic principles of both methods. The CIPW norm can be used only for .water-free standard minerals (anhydrous minerals) or assumed as anhydrous rocks, whereas LPNORM, which is based on linear optimization, can be used both hydrous and anhydrous rocks. Both methods has disadvantage to determine glass volcanic content in the volcanic rocks. Thus, a combination of CIPW, LPNORM and petrography will give mineral compotion more representative Keywords: Analisis normatif, Metode CIPW, pemograman linea

    The Metamorphic Rocks-Hosted Gold Mineralization At Rumbia Mountains Prospect Area In The Southeastern Arm of Sulawesi Island, Indonesia

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    Recently, in Indonesia gold exploration activities  are not only focused along volcanic-magmatic belts, but also starting to shift along metamorphic and sedimentary terrains. The study area is located in Rumbia mountains, Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This paper is aimed to describe characteristics of alteration and ore mineralization associated  with metamorphic rock-related gold deposits.  The study area is found the placer and  primary gold hosted by metamorphic rocks. The gold is evidently derived from gold-bearing quartz veins hosted by Pompangeo Metamorphic Complex (PMC). These quartz veins are currently recognized in metamorphic rocks at Rumbia Mountains. The quartz veins are mostly sheared/deformed, brecciated, irregular vein, segmented and  relatively massive and crystalline texture with thickness from 1 cm to 15.7 cm. The wallrock are generally weakly altered. Hydrothermal alteration types include sericitization, argillic, inner propylitic, propylitic, carbonization and carbonatization. There some precious metal identified consist of native gold and ore mineralization including pyrite (FeS2), chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), hematite (Fe2O3), cinnabar (HgS), stibnite (Sb2S3) and goethite (FeHO2). The veins contain erratic gold in various grades from below detection limit <0.0002 ppm to 18.4 ppm. Based on those characteristics, it obviously indicates that the primary gold deposit present in the study area is of orogenic gold deposit type. The orogenic gold deposit is one of the new targets for exploration in Indonesi

    Characteristics and genesis of montmorilonitic claystone from Bandung area, Wonosegoro, Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia

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    The Bandung bentonite deposit is located in Wonosegoro District, Boyolali Regence, Central Java. Characteristics of bentonite in this area are very important due to increase demand on bentonite in the industry. Several methods are used to characterize the bentonite in this area, such as PLM (polarizing light microscope), X-Ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscope combined with EDX measurements. The montmorilonitic claystone belongs to Kerek Formation from Banyuurip Member. This deposit consists of mainly montmorilonitic claystone interbedded with tuffaceous sandstone. Petrographical analysis shows that montmorilonitic claystone consists of mostly clay minerals with small amount of calcite, volcanic glass, feldspar, quartz, and opaque minerals. The clay minerals are likely as alteration product of volcanic glass. The oriented XRD analyses show that the clay samples consist of Ca-montmorilonite, illite, and kaolinite. Physico-chemical analyses of montmorilonitic claystone display that the initial CEC (cation exchange capacity) is 20 mgrek.Na2O/200gr (54 mg.Na2O/100gr) and low swelling ability for about 2 times of its initial volume. Based on its mineralogical association, textures, and stratigraphic position, the montmorilonite is formed from devitivication of volcanic glass in a diagenetic environment with over 2 km thicks of overburden. Keywords: Bentonite, montmorillonitic claystone, devitrivication, diagenesis, montmorillonit


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    Western Java is a part of the Sunda Banda magmatic belt. This belt is well known to be host for several gold deposits in Indonesia, the distribution of 107 Au occurrences in this area was examined in terms of spatial association with various geological phenomena. The goal of this project is to use GIS to conduct weights of evidence (WofE) model for gold mineralization in West Java, Indonesia. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, querying, analyzing, and displaying geospatial data and weight of evidence method is one of the most important datadriven methods for mapping in GIS. The method is a probability based on technique for mapping mineral potential using the spatial distribution of known mineral occurrences. Therefore this method is very useful for gold potential mapping. There are six evidences maps such as NE–SW lineaments NW–SE Lineament, host rocks, heat sources, clay alteration and limonitic alteration, have been combined using a weights of evidence model to predict gold potential in West Java. The best predictive map generated by this method defines 21.62% (9902 km) of study area as favourable zones for gold mineralization further exploration work. It predicts correctly 74 (92.5%) of the 80 model deposits and predicts correctly 26 (96.35%) of the 27 validation deposits, has 6 main 2 prospective target for future exploration are located in Bayah Dome, southern mountain, Honjie Igneous Complex and Bogor zone, Purwakarta. Bayah Dome is highest potential area for gold deposit like Gunung Pongor, Cikidang, Cirotan, Ciawitali, Cikotok destricts and other deposits. The potential area of Au occurrences in research area is associated with NE–SW and NW–SE structure/ lineaments, dominated surrounding the Tertiary intrusive rock unit and hosted in Miocene to Pleistocene lithology rock unit

    Geology, Geochemistry and Hydrothermal Fluid Characteristics of Low Sulfidation Epithermal Deposit in the Sangon Area, Kokap, Special Region of Yogyakarta

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    On the basis of the previous studies and reconnaissance survey in the studyarea covering Sangon, Kalirejo, Kokap Sub-district, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, it reveals some facts of the occurrence of quartz veins with massive, crustiform, comb, drusy cavity, saccharoidal, granular, and reniform/mammillated textures, the appearance of lattice bladed barite and hydrothermal breccia veins. Referring to those characteristics, the deposit type in the study area is interpreted to be low sulfidation epithermal type. This study is aimed to understand and characterize the geological condition, rock and ore geochemistry and the mineralizing fluids. The alteration and ore mineralization are almost observed in entire rock units particularly the intrusive andesite 1. Their formation is controlled by the tension fractures (NW–SE and NE–SW) which associate with sinistral strike slip faults (NE–SW), dilational jog (NNW–SSE), oblique normal fault (WNW–ESE), and predictable normal fault at the NE of study area (NW–SE). The alteration zones are developed to be silica-clay (quartz-illite-kaolinite-kaolinite/smectite), argillic (smectite-illite/smectite), and propylitic (chlorite-calcite±epidote). The precipitationof ore minerals is controlled by boiling, mixing, and wall-rock alteration, and canbe found in the quartz veins (quartz-adularia-sericite) and disseminated in the alteration zones, which their high variability is only can be found in the quartz veins, including pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena, marcasite, and arsenopyrite. Based on the ICPAES measurement of 5 quartz vein samples, the Cu, Zn, Pb, and As grade reach about 5,171 ppm, 8,995 ppm, 6,398 ppm, 34.1 ppm, and 1,010.5 ppm, respectively. Gold is not detected. Fluid inclusion microthermometric analysis shows Th of 242.1–257.6 °C and salinity of 1.57–3.87 wt.% NaCl equiv., which indicate a depth below the paleosurface of 384–516 m, and pressure of 101.7–136.6 bar. The ore deposit in the study area is interpreted to be a deep basemetal low sulfidation epithermal type. Gold might be depleted in this epithermal type


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    This research objective is to identify geochemical andmineralogical characteristics of Rare earth elements(REE) in the weathering products of Anggi Granite, which is located in Manokwari Regency, WestPapua, Indonesia. The research is conducted on 7samples of fresh rocks and 7 samples of weatheredrocks of Anggi Granite. The research analysis consists of petrography, XRD, XRF, and sequential extraction experiment, supported by secondary dataand references. Anggi Granite is S-type and peraluminous granite that contains zircon, monazite andapatite as a rare earth bearing minerals. Weathering products of Anggi Granite do not have a significant enrichment of REE, even some of the samplesare depleted in REE. REE in weathered Anggi Granite are dominantly present in the primary minerals,mostly in zircon and monazite. Extractable formof geochemical fractions include crystalline Fe-oxideoccluded fraction (ilmenite, hematite and goethite),and ion-exchangeable (illite, kaolin and chlorite).Enrichment of REE in the weathered Anggi Granite is influenced by the presence of resistant REEbearing minerals, in the forms of zircon and monazite, degree of weathering related to the presenceof secondary minerals, and other factors such as pHand E

    Hydrogeochemical Characterization of GeothermalWater in Arjuno-Welirang, East Java, Indonesia

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    Arjuno-Welirang Volcanic Complex (AWVC) is one of geothermal fields whichlocated in East Java province, Indonesia. It belongs to a Quarternary volcanic arc and has potential for development of electricity. The field is situated in a steep volcanic terrain and there are only few geothermal manifestations, i.e., hot springs, fumaroles, solfataras, steaming ground and hydrothermal alteration. This study aims to classify the type and source of geothermal fluid and to estimate the reservoir condition of Arjuno- Welirang geothermal system. Data are obtained from collecting water samples including hot springs, cold springs, river waters and rain water, then they are analyzed using ICP-AES, titration and ion chromatography.All thermal waters have temperatures from 39.5–53°C and weakly acidic pH (5.2–6.5). Cangar and Padusanhot springs show bicarbonate water, formed by steam condensing or groundwater mixing. On the other hand, Songgoriti shows Cl-HCO3 type, formed by dilution of chloride fluid by either groundwater or bicarbonate water during lateral flow. All of the waters represent immature waters, indicating no strong outflow of neutral Cl-rich deep waters in AWVC. Cl/B ratios show that all water samples have a similar mixing ratio, showing they are from common fluid sources. However, Padusan and Songgoriti have higher Cl/B ratios than Cangar, suggesting that geothermal fluids possibly have reacted with sedimentary rocks before ascending to the surface. All waters were possibly mixed with shallow groundwater and they underwent rock-water reactions at depth before ascending to the surface. An estimated temperatures reservoir calculated using CO2 geothermometer yielded temperatures of 262–263 °C based on collecting of fumarole gas at Mt. Welirang crater. According to their characteristics, Cangar and Padusan are associated with AWVC, while Songgoriti is associated with Mt. Kawi