4 research outputs found

    Isolation and Identification of Escherichia Coli Bacteria Causes Waterborne Disease in Bottled and Refilled Water

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    . Background : Refilled water drinking store and packaged water drinking often can be found in cities with a high demand of water by the community, whether it's drinking water or for daily basis. Contaminated water if being consumed, will cause a disease. Purpose : To know contamination of Escherichia coli bacteria cause of waterborne disease on refilled drinking water and packaged drinking water in Kelurahan Kemiling Raya by filtering method and isolate and identified on differential selective media. Method : Descriptive research design with experimental qualitative approach. Sample of refilled drinking water sample and packaged water drinking are filtered with a membrane filter and incubated on differential selective media Chromogenic Coliform Agar to know whether there is a contamination of Escherichia coli cause of waterborne disease. Result : There are Escherichia coli bacteria cause waterborne disease colonies in refilled drinking  water on sample X, Y, and Z with each having 2,4 x 102 cfu/100ml, 6,8 x 102 cfu/100ml and sample Z having categorized by TBUD because of too much colonies, but on sample W there isn't any. On packaged drinking water sample A and B both have the same number of colonies Escherichia coli which 2,0 x 100 cfu/250ml. Conclusion : The number of Escherichia coli bacteria on refilled drinking water is greater than packaged drinking water. There isn't any Escherichia coli bacteria cause of waterborne disease in refilled drinking water whom uses reserved osmosis technology

    Experiment Comparison of Daucus Carota L. Juice with Topical Povidone Iodine in Mice Incision Wound Healing

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    Background: Injury is damage or loss of body tissue that occurs due to a factor that interferes with the body's protection system. These factors such as trauma, changes in temperature, chemicals, explosions, electric shock, or animal bites. Wound treatment as the first treatment to prevent infection, among others, using antiseptics such as povidone iodine. one of the agents that can heal wounds and is easily sought after by the public because of its availability such as carrot bulbs. Carrot bulbs (Daucus carota L.) are effective as an antiseptic, strengthen liver function, urinate, get rid of useless substances through the kidneys, laxatives, and protect the body from toxic chemicals. Research Objective: To compare the effects of carrot tuber juice with 10% povidone iodine topically in wound healing so that it can be used as an alternative medicine to accelerate wound healing. Research Methods: The type of research to be conducted in this study is an experimental laboratory with a post test only group design method. Sampling was calculated using the Federer formula. Analysis of bivariate data with Shapiro-Wilk. Research Results: From a total of 24 mice research samples. Statistical analysis using the Shapiro-Wilk test showed p = 0.001. Conclusion: There was a significant difference (p <0.05) between each treatment group. &nbsp

    Examination of Bacteriological Levels in Brand X Milk Causes Foodborne Disease Before and After Expiration

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    Background: Milk as a food source for calves and humans contains very high nutrients but was easily contaminated by microorganisms. And if it consumed, bacteria-contaminated milk can cause foodborne disease. Purpose: This study was conducted to determine bacteriological levels in UHT milk brand X causing foodborne disease before and after expiration. Research Method: The research method used in this study is an experimental or experimental research. The data obtained were stated in a descriptive qualitative manner. The result: Bacteriological levels of UHT milk brand X a month before and after expiration had the closest estimated value <3 APM / ml. Conclusion: From the research that has been done, it is obtained that the X brand UHT milk a month before and after the expiration date has the closest estimated value <3 APM / ml based on SNI 2897: 2008 which explains that the two X brand UHT milk is not contaminated by coliform bacteria