649 research outputs found

    Integrating Multiple 3D Views through Frame-of-reference Interaction

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    Frame-of-reference interaction consists of a unified set of 3D interaction techniques for exploratory navigation of large virtual spaces in nonimmersive environments. It is based on a conceptual framework that considers navigation from a cognitive perspective, as a way of facilitating changes in user attention from one reference frame to another, rather than from the mechanical perspective of moving a camera between different points of interest. All of our techniques link multiple frames of reference in some meaningful way. Some techniques link multiple windows within a zooming environment while others allow seamless changes of user focus between static objects, moving objects, and groups of moving objects. We present our techniques as they are implemented in GeoZui3D, a geographic visualization system for ocean data

    Frame of Reference Interaction.

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    We present a unified set of 3D interaction techniques that demonstrates an alternative way of thinking about the navigation of large virtual spaces in non-immersive environments. Our alternative conceptual framework views navigation from a cognitive perspective—as a way of facilitating changes in user attention from one reference frame to another—rather than from the mechanical perspective of moving a camera between different points of interest. All of our techniques link multiple frames of reference in some meaningful way. Some techniques link multiple windows within a zooming environment while others allow seamless changes of user attention between static objects, moving objects, and groups of moving objects. We present our techniques as they are implemented in GeoZui3D, a geographic visualization system for ocean dat

    Flux-tunable superconducting transmons for quantum information processing

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    In this thesis, I describe a series of experiments using flux-tunable transmon qubits for quantum information processing. These qubits are designed with different levels of Josephson junction asymmetry. The first two chapters of this thesis will introduce the reader to superconducting qubits and circuit quantum electrodynamics. I will present experiments using the cQED architecture to implement fast photon swapping between an asymmetric qubit and a superconducting resonator using flux-driven sidebands. This is the first experimental observation of flux-driven sidebands in a superconducting system. This process also allows photon swaps between qubit and resonator to first order in the qubit-resonator coupling strength. I will detail an experiment to study and optimize an all-microwave two-qubit gate using the cross-resonance effect. This work constitutes the first experimental study of the cross-resonance effect vs. frequency and confirms effects from the higher energy levels of the transmon in the effective coupling during a cross-resonant drive. Lastly, I will outline a theoretical analysis and initial experiments to study the coherence properties of asymmetric transmons

    I I September 2001 (a song)

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    Panoramic Images for Situational Awareness in a 3D Chart-of-the-Future Display

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    Many early charts featured sketches of the coastline, providing a good picture of what the shore looked like from the bridge of a ship. These helped the mariner to distinguish one port from another during an approach and establish their rough position within that approach. More recent experimental 3D chart interfaces have incorporated 3D models of land topography and man-made structures to perform the same function. However, topography is typically captured from the air, by means of stereophotogrammetry or lidar and fails to present a good representation of what is seen from a vessel’s bridge. We have been conducting an investigation of ways to present photographic imagery to the mariner to better capture the utility of the early coastline sketches. Our focus has been on navigation in restricted waters, using the Piscataqua River as a test area. This is part of our “Chart-of-the-Future” project being conducted by The Data Visualization Research Lab at the UNH Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping. Through our investigation, we have developed a new method for presenting photographic imagery to the mariner, in the form of a series of panoramic images progressing down the channel. The panoramas consist of images stitched almost seamlessly together into circular arcs, whose centers are intended to be close to the position of a vessel’s bridge during transit. When viewed from this center, there is no distortion, and distortion increases to a maximum between two panorama centers. Our preliminary trials suggest that panoramas can provide an excellent supplement to electronic navigation aids by making them visible in the context of what can be seen out the window. We believe panoramas will be especially useful both in familiarizing a mariner with an unfamiliar approach during planning, and in enhancing situational awareness at times of reduced visibility such as in fog, dusk, or nightfall

    L’implication des missionnaires pentecôtistes dans l’aide au développement en Asie du Sud-Est

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    A noticeable shift has been recently observed in Western-based Pentecostal mission agencies&rsquo; activities in mainland Southeast Asia. Where once these organizations avoided a visible priority on social justice as being at odds with their understanding of mission, the funding for and implementation of such programs has increased dramatically for the last two decades. This shift in focus is best understood by considering the motivations for this work and the perceived differences between evangelism and development work. This paper explores the motivations of these agencies for engaging in international development, and in particular the extent to which development programs are seen by these agencies as a strategy for proselytization and the extent to which they are conducted out of other humanitarian motivations. The research is based on a phenomenological literature survey and new interview data exploring development operations of western-based Pentecostal mission organizations in mainland Southeast Asia. Analysis of these data challenges preconceived notions of a distinction between motives of evangelism and humanitarian concern. <br /

    Photon counting compressive depth mapping

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    We demonstrate a compressed sensing, photon counting lidar system based on the single-pixel camera. Our technique recovers both depth and intensity maps from a single under-sampled set of incoherent, linear projections of a scene of interest at ultra-low light levels around 0.5 picowatts. Only two-dimensional reconstructions are required to image a three-dimensional scene. We demonstrate intensity imaging and depth mapping at 256 x 256 pixel transverse resolution with acquisition times as short as 3 seconds. We also show novelty filtering, reconstructing only the difference between two instances of a scene. Finally, we acquire 32 x 32 pixel real-time video for three-dimensional object tracking at 14 frames-per-second.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure
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