52 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to make a bridge among Generazion Z, Millenial, Y, X, and Baby Boomers by showing that they will have a huge impact on how Baby Boomers and Gen Z interact with each other especially in the classroom. Since there is almost 30 years between these two generations, so much has change in the world of technology. The students will be more advance in technology than their teachers. The main machine in all research is a researcher, or a team of researchers by using technology. In qualitative research, the researchers have a lot to do with planning the study, arranging for situations to observe, interviewing people, examining records, putting patches of ideas together,  and writing reports. The instrument of this research may take the form of some application  photographs, art objects, videotapes, website pages, emails, text messages, social media, or any forms of sound. The result of this is important for teachers to keep in mind because the way you learned and the things you were taught are outdated to this generation. The teachers must also learn how to use technology in the classroom or the students will become bored and uninterested in their learning. Also, the students will see no value in the information they are learning because they will view it as outdated and this generation is very hands-on wanting to figure it out for themselves

    Using English Magazine On Virtual Learning Environment

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    Nowadays internet technology is not a new thing for most people to find information about various things. Moreover, sources from internet can be used by English teachers as teaching materials and can be used by students for learning English online. English in Indonesia is a foreign language, which is not widely used outside the class. This is not an ideal situation for both the teacher and the students. The use of internet can be a solution for English teachers to provide more exposures to English environment or context. The key for learning English is to focus on input that can be gained through listening and reading activities. The better input the students get the faster they acquire the target language. The advance of internet technology makes it possible to combine listening to spoken English uttered by native speakers and at the same time reading texts read by native speakers. Learning English through web fkip.unirow.ac.id/elearning has been used to combine listening skill and reading skill. The web has been equipped with audio panel so that students can listen to the native speakers‘ utterances accompanied with the text that the students can read. For this activity the students get a worksheet which give them guidance and instruction to do the task. The learning materials provided in the web can be collected from reliable English magazines equipped with CD Audio uttered by native speakers

    Recognize and Manage Stress With Positive Activities

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    Life is a gift, so it must be fought for and always ready to face various challenges, in any situation and condition. The order of life is changing and the problems are getting more complex with the covid 19 outbreak. These problems bring tension or pressure, in general many people experience an imbalance, although there are still some who do not experience an imbalance. Parents, especially housewives, are very vulnerable to stress, this condition must not be allowed, it must be faced and managed, resolved in a way that is healthy and harmonious. The target of counseling is for the guardians of group B Muslim Kindergarten students at NU I Tuban. Submission of material is carried out by lecture and question and answer methods. The purpose of community service is to be able to recognize and be able to manage stress properly, healthy and harmonious and able to choose activities that are positive and useful. The results of the implementation of the extension went well and smoothly, the response was good, the indicators of the success of the counseling were many questions and even most of them tended to vent, and there were still many who misunderstood the meaning of stress and crazy

    The Use of Telegram Bot Api in Learning Semantics of Efl Students

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    Language teaching and learning is moving towards a new direction (mobile-assisted language learning/MALL)). MALL brings another way on how to assess students’ learning. One of the mobile technologies that can be used to help learner in learning a foreign language is Telegram. Telegram has many channels and bots to educate English. This study presented the use of Telegram Bot API in learning Semantics as how it could influence EFL students’ learning development through MALL application and how this could influence EFL students’ satisfaction. Interactive continuum method was used to find out EFL students’ development in comprehending Semantics materials and their satisfaction responses on this media use. Data of the EFL students’ learning development and their satisfaction was gathered via test bot, survey and semistructured interview. The ten participants were submitted paper based test and Telegram Bot API test, then the questionnaire were distributed after the bot. In order to clarify doubts of this questionnaire’s result, interview then was conducted. The findings showed that there was a significant development of EFL students’ achievement on the integration of Telegram Bot API in their learning and most of them were satisfied on this MALL media use. This conclusion then clarified by the interview results which showed that their satisfactions were range from its display and placement on presenting the test items and the choices, its user friendly, its accuracy, its flexibility on time response, to its other function beyond the form of a test such as a questionnaire

    Using Information Gap Technique to Improve The English Speaking Ability in Narrative Text for The Tenth Grade of MA Ma’arif 20 Tarbiyatul Huda Sendangduwur Paciran Lamongan

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    The writer uses Information Gap Technique to make the students have a motivation to learn English especially in speaking process. The purpose of the study are to describe the implementation and to know the improvement of Information Gap Technique in teaching speaking ability of the tenth grade students of MA Tarbiyatul Huda Sendangduwur Paciran Lamongan. The writer used classroom action research in her research. This method consist of four steps. Those are: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data are taken from the pre test before giving the treatment and the post test I & II after giving the treatment to know the improvement of English speaking ability using Information Gap Technique. There are observation and also questionnaires to know the students‘ responses through the learning process of the technique. Based on the result of research, mean score on pre test is 53.6. After the writer teaches speaking by using picture with Information Gap Technique, the students‘ mean score become 72.3 in post-test I. Then in post-test II, the students‘ mean score improves to be 77.3. Information Gap Technique can help the students more confident in speaking activity. During teaching and learning process using Information Gap Activities, students show that they are more active and enthusiastic in learning English. Besides, they pay attention more when the writer explains about the material using Information Gap Technique


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    Model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran English For Specific Purpose (ESP) berbasis ICT yang mendukung E-Learning. Tujuan penelitian pada tahun pertama adalah mengembangkan perangkat implementasi model pembelajaran ESP berbasis ICT yang terdiri atas Rencana perkuliahan (RP), dan bahan ajar, desain model serta mengembangkan seperangkat instrumen yang diperlukan untuk menilai validitas, praktikabilitas, dan efektivitas model pembelajaran ESP yang telah dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan dari Plomp yang hanya sampai pada empat tahap yaitu: (1) pengkajian awal, (2) perancangan, (3) realisasi/konstruksi, (4) tes, evaluasi dan revisi. Untuk menguji kevalidan model dan perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan divalidasikan pada pakar pembelajaran. Hasil validasi kemudian dianalisis, dan selanjutnya direvisi sesuai masukan dari validator Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) perangkat pembelajaran (RP, buku mahasiswa, buku dosen) hasil pengembangan termasuk ke dalam kategori valid/baik dan dapat digunakan dengan sedikit revisi; 2) Sintaks model pembelajaran berbasis ICT terdiri dari 6 fase yaitu: pengenalan, (2) penyajian informasi, (3) penyajian rangkuman (4) pertanyaan dan respon, (5). Penilaian respon dan Pemberian feedback, (6) penutup


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    Language is a mode of communication used to convey information or messages. People utilize language in the communication process to express ideas, opinions, thoughts, or desires, whether spoken or written. Music has evolved in humans daily lives since the era of globalization. People express their emotions through their lyrics. The message contained in a song is called a moral value. This research aimed to find out moral values in the lyrics of the selected song by Harris J and to find out the most dominant kind of moral values appearing in the lyrics of Harris J’s selected song. In the scope of the research, the researchers limited the study to moral values in Harris J’s selected songs: Save Me From Myself (2017), Human (2019), Living Life (2021), Phases (2022), and Dear God (2023). A descriptive-qualitative approach was used by the researchers to find out the moral values in the song. The results of this research indicate that there are moral values in Harris J’s selected songs, such as curiosity 4 (9%), hard-working 6 (13%), honest 5 (11%), peaceful 11 (25%), religious 10 (22%), responsibility 2 (5%), social care 1 (2%), and thankful 6 (13%). The most dominant moral value is peaceful (25%). Hopefully, this research can help educators or parents in their efforts to instill moral values in the family, school, and society. Keywords: Harris J.; Moral Values; Song &nbsp
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