4 research outputs found

    Penerapan Terapi Menulis untuk Menurunkan Agresi pada Remaja dengan Lambat Belajar (Studi Kasus pada Seorang Remaja Putri yang Tinggal di Panti Asuhan)

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    The teenager period is important in development of personality. Normally someone can easily adapt to the surrounding environment, but not for a teenager with special needs such as a slow learning teenager. A slow learning teenager frequently feels difficulty in adapting to the surrounding community, and the difficulty can be reflected as aggressive behaviors. A special treatment should be applied so that a teenager can adapt to the surrounding commumty. The treatment is specific for each type of disorder. The research aimed to asses the application of writing therapy to reduce aggressive manners on a slow learning teenager lived in an orphan's home. This was qualitative research with a case study. The subject of the research was a slowly learning girl studying at grade 2 Senior High School, living at an orphan's home wtth aggressive behaviors. Observation results on her showed that she regularly wrote a diary. Based on the results, writing therapy was decided to be applied in reducing the aggressive behaviors. Observation on the end session of therapy showed that the aggressiveness of the subject reduced and her capabilities to express her ideas and feelings in writing increased. The capabilities to shift her aggressive behaviors into writing activities expressing her ideas and feelings come to the conclusion that the therapy gave positive result. The expected final result in this research to reduce the aggressiveness of the subject has been achieved. Hence this therapy is recommended

    Kemitraan antara Puskesmas dengan Sekolah Dasar dalam Kegiatan USAha Kesehatan Sekolah (Uks): Studi Kasus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Jabon, Kecamatan Jombang, Kabupaten Jombang Jawa Timur, Tahun 2004

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    Health Promoting School Program is an integrated inter-programs and inter-sectors for preparing qualified human resources in the future. The success of this program mainly depends on partnership between institutions related, especially Community Health Center and schools in their work areas. This study aims to identify activities that have been done by Jabon Community Health Center in Jombang District- East Java and 4 schools in its work areas, respectively; the ongoing partnership and development of partnership between the Community Health Centers and the schools on Health Promoting School Program. Data collected by secondair data, depth interview, and interactive-discussion. The data were analyzed descriptively. Results showed the Health Promoting School Program done by Jabon Community Health Center were health screening, immunization, health education, and school health sanitation but the health education and school health sanitation were not given regularly. Furthermore, the activities were not provided to all schools in the Community Health Center's work areas. Health Promoting School activities done by the 4 schools were emergency and first aid, health education based on school curriculums. The ongoing partnership between the Community Health Center and the schools was not done regularly and just when the Community Health Center staffs visited the schools. The Jabon Community Health Center has not invited schools in its work areas to develop Health Promoting School Program plan and otherwise. To develop Health Promoting School Program, the Jabon Community Health Center and the 4 schools were agreed to enhance the partnership by dividing duties for each institution, respectively. The Jabon Community Health Center would concentrate on health services activities meanwhile the schools on health education and building on school health sanitation. Community Health Center would be the consultant for the Health Promoting School Program activities

    Peran Serta Masyarakat, Lintas Sektor dan Swasta dalam Revitalisasi Posyandu (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Karanganyar, Mojokerto dan Pasuruan)

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    To conduct the revitalization of Integrated Health Service (posyandu), it is a need to consistently involve community empowerment. This study aimed to analyze the community participation, interrelated sectors and private sectors for the revitalization of posyandu that composed of leadership, organizational and contribution aspects of the posyandu. Data were collected by depth interview with questioner guides and secondary data from District Health Offices, Health Centers, and the Posyandu. Respondents were selected purposively in Karanganyar, Mojokerto and Pasuruan Regencies, at 7 (seven) Posyandu by interviewing Health Office staffs of Community Health Services (UKM), Sub Health Office CommunityEmpowerment (PM), Heads of Health Centers, midwives, and nutrition staffs of the Health Centers, cadres/Family Welfare(PKK). The interrelated sectors in Sub Districts Offices were staffs of Field Officer of Planning Family (PLKB), Field Officers of Health Education (PPL), Social Welfare, Head Section of Social Affair, and also staffs of Agriculture Office, Plantation Office and Forest Office. The Private Sectors were represented by the company staffs or company doctors. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results showed that the revitalization of posyandu, especially since the presence of posyandu revitalization fund in 2005, there were increases of some posyandus Activities, The community participation such as presence of cadres, fund collecting by "jimpitan", and providing place of the posyandu were thought to be very supporting. The participation of interrelated sectors in sub district levels such as for health education, empowering of the community and also distributing crop seeds, have been done some years but still incident or that it was usually becoming active if there were competitions. The private companies provided contributions in the forms of money, milk, eggs, place for the posyandu, or providing additional food to posyandu located nearing the companies. The revitalization of posyandu still needs some efforts as for recruiting new cadres, training the cadres routinely, adding incentive for cadres, enhancing roles the interrelated sectors, approach the private companies such by inviting them at interrelated sector meeting and efforts to collect community fund