2 research outputs found

    Hubungan Self-Management dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Pasca Stroke di RSUD Encik Mariyam Tahun 2020

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan self -management dengan kualitas hidup pasien pasca stroke di RSUD Encik Mariyam Tahun 2020. Metode penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, sampel dilakukan dengan tekhik purposive sampling dan menggunakan rumus Slovin. Jumlah sampel 38 responden. Hasil penelitian dianalisa dengan uji Spearman rho.Dengan hasil persentase respon tertinggi pada usia 56-65 tahun (47,37%), perempuan (63,16%),menikah (97,37%),pendidikan SMP (47,73%) dan tinggal bersama suami,isteri dan anak (42,11%).Dengan self-management yang baik (13,15%),self-management sedang (39,47%) dan self-management kurang (47,36%).Dengan kualits hidup yang baik (21,05%),kualitas hidup sedang (31,57%) dan kualitas hidup kurang (47,36%).Kesimpulan diketahui derajat kemaknaan α=0,00,diperoleh hasil p=0,000 dimana (p≤0,05),dengan kekuatan (r=0,967) yaitu sangat kuat dan arah hubungan positif artinya ada Hubungan Self-Management dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Pasca Stroke di RSUD Encik Mariyam. Diharapkan untuk lebih meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kinerja yang lebih baik guna memberikan bimbingan pelayanan kesehatan bagi pasien,khususnya pasien pasca stroke agar dapat mendukung pencapaian self-management yang baik untuk menunjang kualitas hidup pasien pasca stroke

    Appreciating by Allowance to Increase Motivation of Nurses Work in RSUD M. Sani

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    Motivation with an encouraging or retrospective compensation that is regarded as what makes them work better.  The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of giving incentives to the motivation work of nurses in the inpatient installation of RSUD M. SANI. This research draft is quantitative with sampling methods using Total Sampling. The samples in this study consisted of 86 nurses and data analyzed using the Spearman Rank analysis test. The results of the study showed that the number of respondents who were less incentive and good had a comparison of 43 respondents (50%). The most number of respondents has a good work motivation of 50 (58,1%). There is an incentive-granting relationship with the work motivation of nurses working in the inpatient installation of RSUD M. Sani with two variables in the Medium category (p value = 0,000, Rho = 0,424).  In this case the hospital is expected to be able to pay attention and increase incentives. The feasible and reasonable thing is to make clear target work conditions so that the wishes of work can increase