96 research outputs found

    Viral Marketing Determinants of Top Online Shop Brands in Indonesia

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    The existence of the internet starts to shifting the purchase as a conventional to online. One of marketing strategies used by online store is viral marketing.The purpose of this study is to find determinant that forms viral marketing based on perceived customers in top brand online store such as lazada.com, olx.com, tokopedia.com, zalora.com, blibli.com, and bhinneka.com. The Research methodology used is the quantitative method with descriptive analysis using factor analysis by a population as 3.271.147 people and the number of sample uses Slovin formulas with confidency level at 95 % obtained as 400 respondents. Based on the result of research, there are twelve factors formed a new factor called viral marketing online store. Based on its priority, those dimensions of viral marketing online store can be sorted as follows: customer recommendation, newsletter, linking strategies, communities, free offer, sweepstakes, list of prospective buyers, chatrooms, reference list, product texts, affiliate programs, dan search engine

    Analysis of Performance Measurement System Using Competency-based Balances Scorecard (a Study in Banjarmasin State Polytechnics)

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze performance based on competency using Balance Scorecard which is measured by four perspectives : College Financial perspective, customer perspective (which divided into three parts : students, stakeholders and graduates), college internal perspective, and learning and growth process perspective. It is expected that this research would lead into development process of the college, and find out the weaknesses or strengths of college organization which would give impact to the increase of college's performance. This is a quantitative descriptive research. Total amount of population in this research is 208 people, which consists of students from grade 5 of business administrative. The population is chosen in consideration that they have experienced the longest term of learning process. Samples are taken from 4 classes which includes 106 students. Graduates are chosen from those who have been graduates and have at least 3 years working experience, that make 102 people, meanwhile employers are represented by 33 lecturers in Banjarmasin State Polytechnic, and stakeholders are chosen from both government institution and non government institution that makes 27 institutions. Those institutions are chosen by graduates recommendation. The result of reliability test of college financial perspective, customer perspective, university internal perspective and innovation and learning process perspective shows the value more than 0.6 alpha cronbach and it makes all of variables reliable. The average score of financial perspective is 3.514 and it shows that financial condition of the college is in good state, The average score of customer perspective is 2.947 which gives fair condition, the average score of stakeholders perspective is 3.418 that is in good state, and the average score of graduates is showing good state as shown in 3.119 point. College internal process perspective has the average score of 2.753 point and shows fair condition. Learning and growth perspectives average score is 2.929, shows fair condition. Keywords : Balanced Scorecard, Financial Perspective, Customer Perspective, Internal Process Perspective, Learning and Growth Perspective, College Performanc

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memahami Bacaan Bahasa Jepang Tingkat Dasar Melalui Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Teknik Script (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Mahasiswa Semester II Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Unnes)

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    The purpose of this classroom action research is to improve the quality of teaching and learning process for Dokkai Shokyu Kohan (basic level of reading comprehension) which was held at the Japanese Language Education Program, Semarang State University. This is because in the course there is the unequal distribution of activity and participation of students in following the learning process. To overcome these problems, the application of Script Cooperative Learning Techniques in Dokkai Shokyu Kohan's course regarded as the right solution. The application of this model of learning is more motivating the lecturer and students to interact actively in Dokkai Shokyu Kohan learning process. After going through two cycles, the positive results of the application this Technique Script is starting to look. The positive result is the improvement of the role of teachers and increasing the student activity and participation in lectures. In addition, the average value of student learning outcomes also increased

    Rencana Induk Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Kebumen located in Central Java Province, is geographically located at 7 ° 27 '- 7 ° 50' latitude and 109 ° 22 '- 109 ° 50 BT. Kebumen consists of 26 sub-district as many as 459 villages with a total area of 128,111.50 hectares is an area of beaches, hills and most of the plains. The population Kebumen in 2013 recorded 1,183,763 inhabitants with a growth of 0.33%. The level of water service by PDAM TirtaBumiSentosa 31% or 398 588 inhabitants in the technical areas of service, while the service area PAMSIMAS by 6%, which is still below the drinking water standard of 80% of the MDGs to 60% for urban and rural. Service coverage is still below the target RPJMN taps Kebumen in 2012 by 63%, this is due to limited pipeline network, service area, the need for good management of technical and non-technical aspects in order to serve the population Kebumen

    Desain Interior Insumo Palace Hotel and Resort Kediri Untuk Pengunjung Keluarga Bertema Modern Dengan Sentuhan Aplikasi Motif Batik Brantas Mulya Khas Kediri

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    Hotel merupakan suatu tempat umum yang menyediakan kamar untuk disewakan per harinya dengan ruangan tambahan seperti restoran, fasilitas olahraga, ruang rapat sebagai fasilitas penunjang. Semakin berkembangnya jaman, perkembangan pariwisata tidak hanya di kota-kota besar seperti Jakarta dan Surabaya namun juga di kota-kota kecil. Kota Kediri merupakan salah satu kota dengan pilihan pariwisata mulai dari wisata sejarah hingga wisata religi. Salah satu wisata yang terkenal di Kota Kediri adalah Kawasan Wisata Goa Selomangkleng. Saat ini kegiatan berwisata tidak hanya menjadi hiburan semata melainkan telah menjadi bagian dari kebutuhan bagi masyarakat di Indonesia. Hal ini terbukti dari meningkatnya jumlah wisatawan domestik pada tahun 2014 mencapai 251 juta orang (berdasarkan data dari Kementerian Pariwisata), dimana angka tersebut mengatakan bahwa jumlah masyarakat Indonesia yang melakukan kegiatan wisata jumlahnya hampir mendekati jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Namun dengan adanya peningkatan tersebut, tidak banyak hotel yang menyediakan fasilitas ataupun dekorasi yang variatif dan menarik bagi pengunjung khususnya untuk pengunjung keluarga. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan untuk proses desain hotel ini meliputi pengumpulan data baik secara langsung ke lapangan maupun tidak langsung. Pengumpulan data mengenai Insumo Palace Hotel and Resort dilakukan dengan metode observasi lapangan guna mengetahui keadaan terkini desain hotel dan obervasi tidak langsung untuk mengumpulkan data-data tentang hotel melalui website hotel. Wawancara dengan beberapa narasumber yang pernah menginap di hotel tersebut untuk mengetahui bagaimana kesan dan Kenyamanan pengunjung terhadap desain dan fasilitas hotel. Sedangkan studi pustaka tentang standar hotel bintang tiga dan tema modern dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan beberapa informasi baik dari literatur buku, jurnal hingga blog internet. Pengumpulan data digunakan untuk mengetahui standar desain yang digunakan, pembanding dan referensi yang diperlukan berkaitan dengan objek desain. Sehingga dari hasil proses desain didapatkan bahwa tema modern yang menampilkan kesan kekinian pada ruangan merupakan tema yang cocok untuk desain ruangan dengan pengunjung keluarga dan dengan sentuhan aplikasi motif batik brantas mulya khas kediri akan memberikan nuansa berbeda sekaligus memberikan identitas Kota Kediri di dalam ruangan

    Aplikasi Metode Magnetik untuk Identifikasi Sebaran Bijih Besi di Kabupaten Solok Sumatera Barat

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    The aim of this research is to identify the subsurface structure in Solok West Sumatera by mapping the magnetic field. The measurement was made at 821 points in Solok, West Sumatra to obtain total magnetic field. Data processing was carried out by the daily variation correction and correction IGRF (International Geometric Reference Field) on magnetic field anomaly data to obtain the anomaly contour of total magnetic field. Furthermore, the upward continuation process and reduction to pole process were applied to obtain the contour of local and regional anomaly. The result showed a pair of positive and negative closure which is then created a 2D model and 3D model using the software Geosoft Oasis Montaj. The 2D modeling showed that the subsurface structure with one of rock layer has a susceptibility of 0.185 and 0.196 cgs which is strongly suspected as iron ore mineral carrier rock. This rock layer is a unit of limestone derived from the Perem-age Barisan Formation. 3D modeling was used to calculate iron ore reserves in Solok, which is estimated to reach 1.414.579.375 ton

    Perencanaan Penggantian Jembatan Juwet Kabupaten Pemalang

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    Juwet Bridge is located approximately one kilometer to the south of Comal Bridge Pemalang District is one of the alternative bridges used when the Comal Bridge collapsed. In this final Juwet Bridge which has a width of only 3 meters is designed with a larger capacity and functioned as an alternative pathway Comal Bridge. Planning on aspects of traffic using a design life of 20 years with the growth of the vehicle based on a linear regression of 642 veh / year and using two scenarios, there are normal conditions (2 Comal Bridge function) and incidental conditions (only 1 Comal Bridge functioning). Initial planning, the alternative pathway using a type 2/2 UD. In normal conditions, the distribution of traffic flow 70% for Comal Bridge and 30% for Juwet Bridge produce a degree of saturation (DS) under 0.75 over the life of the plan. In the incidental conditions, the distribution of traffic flow 60% for Comal Bridge and 40% for Juwet Bridge, DS value is 0.81. Assuming then use 2/2 type UD with 8 meters wide still used. New Juwet Bridge continue to use steel as the structure and the upper structure of reinforced concrete for the structure underneath. Planned implementation within 8 months at a cost of Rp. 36.4 billion. In this final project scope of the planned bridge elements include work for the overall structure of the bridge and approach bridge. Given this new Juwet Bridge when congestion occurs on the Pantura line around Comal Bridge, the bridge is able to be an alternative pathway in servicing and reducing the burden of most of the traffic flow on the Pantura line

    Perancangan Monitoring PH Dan Kelembaban Dalam Live Cell Chamber

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    Sel merupakan kumpulan materi paling sederhana dan unit penyusun semua makhluk hidup. Penelitian sel sekarang masih menggunakan metode uji tabung. Metode ini mempunyai kelemahan yaitu penggantian cairan pada cawan petri seringkali terkontaminasi fungi dan cuci ulang ulang inkubator meninggalkan formaldehid yang sulit dihilangkan. Sehingga perlu dirancang sebuah media dimana sel bisa tumbuh dengan parameter-parameter (suhu, pH, kelembaban, CO2) yang dapat terdeteksi langsung dan dikontrol tanpa harus mengganti cairan cawan petri secara manual.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang sensor yang mendeteksi Perubahan pH dan kelembaban yang terjadi dalam sistem Live Cell Chamber. Penelitian ini memakai sensor pH Glass Electrode, sensor suhu dan kelembaban SHT 11 serta mikrokontroler ATMega 128 sebagai pengatur utama sistem. Hasil pengujian menunjukan bahwa sensor elektroda pH memiliki nilai keluaran sebesar ± 56mV per satuan pH. RPS menghasilkan tegangan 2,49 V pada pH = 7 dan tegangan berubah naik sekitar 0,37 V/pH jika kondisi pH menurun (asam) dan turun 0,37 V/pH jika kondisi pH naik (basa). Tingkat kesalahan 1,234% untuk pH meter dan 0,306% untuk sensor kelembaban ketika masing-masing dikalibrasi dengan alat ukur lain

    Studi RBI (Risk Based Inspection) Floating Hose Pada SPM (Single Point Mooring)

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    Korosi yang terjadi di rangkaian floating hose untuk string 1 dan 2 akan berpengaruh terhadap keandalan rangkaian hose yang dihubungkan dari manifold tanker menuju single point mooring. Salah satu jenis korosi yaitu korosi erosi yang mengakibatkan degradasi struktur yang cukup signifikan pada string floating hose. Degradasi struktur lebih lanjut akan mengakibatkan kegagalan struktur. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya suatu inspeksi dengan berbasis keandalan. Metode RBI adalah salah satu metode pengelolaan inspeksi yang didasarkan pada tingkat resiko pengoperasian peralatan atau unit kerja industri. Metode Risk Based Inspection menggunakan kombinasi dua parameter yaitu kemungkinan kegagalan dan konsekuensi kegagalan. Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk mencari peluang kegagalan, tingkat resiko, dan memprediksi inspeksi yang sesuai pada floating hose untuk string 1 dan 2. Peluang kegagalan diperoleh dengan menggunakan Monte Carlo Simulation. Dari hasil simulasi, maka diperoleh peluang kegagalan (PoF) floating hose untuk string 1 = 4,60% ; floating hose untuk string 2 = 0,56%. Dengan mengacu pada API RBI 581 maka diperoleh tingkat resiko pada floating hose untuk string 1 : resiko menengah (3C); floating hose untuk string 2 : menengah tinggi (4C). Berdasarkan tingkat resiko tersebut, maka metode inspeksi yang tepat adalah dengan ultrasonic straight beam dan radiography untuk frekuensi inpeksi 2 tahun sekali (menengah tinggi) dan 2,5 tahun sekali (menengah)
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