11 research outputs found

    Praktik Manajemen Rantai Pasok Dan Teknologi Bisnis Berbasis Elektronik Sebagai Pemoderasi Perusahaan Manufaktur

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    This research develops and tests the consistencies of the relation between supply chain management practices, e-business technologies and operational performance. The data for this research is obtained from 67 companies. The relations proposed in the framework of this research are tested using partial least square analysis. The findings of this research shows the impact of supply chain management practices and e-business technologies have an effect on improvement of operational performance. The analysis also found the existence of interaction effect between SCM practices and e-business technologies, both on operational performance

    Penjadwalan Produksi Departemen Weaving di PT. Iskandar Indah Printing Textile Surakarta

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    PT. Iskandar Indah Printing Textile Surakarta (PT. Iskandartek) merupakan industri di bidang tekstil manufaktur memproduksi kain bercorak (kain batik printing). Bagian produksi di PT Iskandartek dibagi menjadi dua departemen yaitu weaving dan printing. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada departemen Production Planning Inventory Control (PPIC) weaving. Bagian PPIC weaving belum menjalankan fungsi Plan, Do, Control, Action secara utuh karena belum ada pencatatan rencana produksi yang rinci dari awal proses sampai selesai, sehingga sulit melakukan kontrol terhadap suatu job. Hal itu disebabkan bagian PPIC hanya dikerjakan satu orang karyawan dan belum ada orang lain yang paham menyusun rencana produksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan makespan minimum dengan penjadwalan produksi First Come First Served (FCFS) yang akan digunakan sebagai rumusan PPIC weaving dalam menyusun rencana produksi dan proses kontrol suatu job yang dapat dipahami oleh karyawan lain ketika karyawan bagian PPIC tidak masuk atau ada penambahan karyawan baru. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah algoritma Nawaz Enscore Ham (NEH) untuk mendapat urutan job. Pengalokasian job ke mesin paralel tiap stage yaitu satu mesin mengerjakan beberapa jenis job menggunakan algoritma Campbell Dudek & Smith (CDS). Hasil urutan job 4, 2, 3, 1, 5, 11, 6, 7, 10, 8, 12, 9,13, 14, 15, 16 menghasilkan makespan 105.41 hari. Kata kunci: penjadwalan produksi, flow shop, parallel machine, multi stage, first come first serve

    Pengembangan Model Simulasi Break Picture Berbasis Nilai pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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    The purpose of this research is to develop a Break Picture Simulation Models -Based Value, intended to attract learners in the Citizenship improvement learning; by blending simulation method with picture and picture model that has been modified to break picture. The selected Picture is a Picture Media -based value, so it's called Break Picture Simulations model-based value. Research methods using Research and Development (R and D). The development of research product design model, materials and media. The results showed ttest, of significance 5%, by techniques before and after: 20.880; when compared with ttab after the interpolation 2.002, it's seen ttes>ttab. Comparison with the control class, of significance 5%, indicates ttes 5,971; when compared with ttab after interpolated 2.002, then seen ttes>ttab. by effectiveness of models is Gain 2.00; or 1, 48 x conventional.Tujuan penelitian ini mengembangkan Model Simulasi Break Picture Berbasis Nilai, dimaksudkan untuk menarik minat siswa dalam peningkatan pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan; dengan memadukan metode simulasi dan model picture and picture yang dimodifikasi menjadi break picture. Media Picture yang dipilih, berbasis Nilai; disebut model Simulasi Break Picture Berbasis Nilai. Metode penelitian menggunakan Research and Development (R and D). Produk penelitian pengembangan ini yaitu model desain, bahan ajar dan media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Perhitungan ttes, taraf signifikansi 5%, dengan teknik before and after; menunjukkan ttes = 20,880; jika diperbandingkan dengan ttab setelah diinterpolasi 2,002; maka terlihat ttes > ttab. Perbandingan dengan Kelas Kontrol, taraf signifikansi 5%, menunjukkan ttes = 5.971; jika diperbandingkan dengan ttab setelah diinterpolasi 2,002; terlihat ttes > ttab; dengan efektivitas model yaitu Gain 2,00; atau 1, 48 x Konvensional

    Designing ESP Textbook for Pharmacy Students Based on Needs Analysis and CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) Evaluation Model

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    This research aimed to explore pharmacy students' needs on ESP materials and to design ESP textbooks for pharmacy students based on the needs analysis. This research used descriptive qualitative design. The data were collected from needs analysis questionnaire, evaluation questionnaire by using CIPP model and interviews, then they were described in narrative form. Based on the data obtained from CIPP evaluation, the average of students on context evaluation expected that teaching materials should be designed according to the needs, opportunities and benefits to support their academic and career after graduation. Through input evaluation, students want the materials to be in line with the needs of students and syllabus. Meanwhile, physically, students want the textbook has an attractive appearance, both from cover and from pictures. In addition, they also want the textbook has lesson objectives for each unit, has clear instructions and systematic for each activity and covers all language skills. Process Evaluation consisted of five aspects of assessment; aspect of feedback to the topics discussed in textbook, aspect of reading, speaking, writing and listening skills. The result of this evaluation, the average of students stated that not all materials are useful for students, and the important materials that can improve their reading, speaking, writing and listening skills must be included in the textbook. The result of product evaluation, most of students stated that the present ESP textbook was not relevant or not in line with the curriculum and their needs. Based on the analyzing and interpreting data obtained from needs analysis, it can be concluded that the English syllabus and materials developed should be based on students’ needs. English topics for pharmacy based on data obtained, namely: Greeting and Introducing Oneself and Others, Definition and Scope of Pharmacy, Pharmacist Duties and Responsibilities, Pharmacy Services, Medical Prescription, Dispensing Medication, Hospital Pharmacy, Herbal Medicine, Drug Classifications, Drug Information Services, Pharmaceutical Industry, Diseases and Illness, Virus, Epidemic & Pandemic, and Corona Virus (Covid-19). Keywords: Designing ESP material, Needs analysis, CIPP evaluation model, Pharmacy student DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-29-06 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Perhitungan Medan Listrik Dan Rapat Arus Pada Plasma Lucutan Korona Dengan Konfigurasi Jarum–Cincin

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    This paper presents analytical method for the calculations of the electric field and current density in needle-ring configurations of the corona discharge plasma. The needle is considered hyperboloidal. The result of the calculation indicates that the strong electric field generated by the sharp needle due to the unsymmetrical of geometric form of it. Similarly, the current density at the tip of the sharp needle is higher than at the ring. The value of the electric field and current density depends on geometric form, especially radius of the hyperbola, radius of the ring, and the distance between the electrodes. Radius of the hyperbola must be smaller than radius of the ring

    Studi Awal Sifat Optis Taklinier Larutan Garam Dalam Medan Magnet Luar

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    STUDI AWAL SIFAT OPTIS TAKLINIER LARUTAN GARAM DALAM MEDAN MAGNET LUAR. Telah dilakukan kajian pada sifat optis taklinier dari larutan garamdalammedanmagnet luar (B). Besar medan magnet maksimum adalah sekitar 0,049 T yang dihasilkan dari kumparan kawat sebanyak 6625 lilitan dan dialiri arus listrik bolak-Balik sebesar maksimum 5 A. Interaksi radiasi sinar Laser He-Ne 633 nm, 5 mW, dengan sampel dalam medan magnet digunakan untuk mengukur Perubahan sudut polarisasi cahaya laser. Sedangkan Perubahan indek bias terhadap B diperoleh dengan metode interferometer Michelson. Untuk variasi konsentrasi larutan NaCl, diperoleh bahwa Perubahan sudut polarisasi bertambah secara linier terhadap B. Sedangkan indek bias cenderung berkurang secara linier dengan kenaikan B