55 research outputs found

    Analisis Struktur Modal Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Sektor Utama Yang Terdaftar Di Indeks LQ45 Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The main sectors (industries producing raw materials) of Indonesian Stock Exchange consist of agriculture and mining sectors. The number of primary sector companies listed in LQ45 tend to decrease in each period. Companies included into LQ45 are those with relatively good performance. On the other hand,the proper capital structure policy can optimize the performance of finance companies. The purposes of this research are: 1) to analyze capital structure of the main sector companies; 2) to analyze financial performance of the main sector companies; 3) to analyze theinfluence of capital structure on financial performance of the main sector companies. This research uses primary data from 2009-2013 sector companies with sample selection purposive of sampling technique. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling. Debt to Assets Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, andLong Term Debt to Equity Ratio are the loading factors of latent capital structure. Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, and Cash TurnoverRatio are the loading factors of latent liquidity. Profit Margin, Return on Asset, and Return on Equity are the loading factors of latent profitability. Assets Turnover Ratio, Inventory Turnover Ratio, and Working Capital Turnover Ratio are the loading factors of latent activity. Price Earning Ratiois a loading factor of latent market value. The results show that capital structure has positive and significant effects on activity, negative but not significant effects on liquidity, and significantly negative effects on profitability, but no effect on market value

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Diabetes Melitus

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    Diabetes  Melitus merupakan  penyakit  degeneratif  yang  diperkirakan  terus  meningkat.  Permasalahan diagnosa penyakit Diabetes Melitus terletak pada bagaimana pengguna mengetahui kemungkinan tingkat resiko tipe  dari  penyakit Diabetes  Melitus yang  dialami.  Masalah  tersebut  dapat  diselesaikan  dengan  menerapkan sistem  pakar.  Sistem  pakar  yaitu  suatu  ilmu  komputer  yang  berdasarkan  kecerdasan buatan  berguna  untuk menyelesaikan  masalah  seperti  yang  biasa  dilakukan  para  ahli.  Berdasarkan  pada  permasalahan  tersebut  akan ditemukan beberapa diagnosa, sehingga menimbulkan ketidakkonsistenan. Penerapan metode Dempster Shafer pada  sistem  pakar  dimanfaatkan  untuk  mengatasi  ketidakkonsistenan. Dempster  Shafer adalah  suatu  metode yang menerapkan fungsi kepercayaan dan pemikiran yang masuk akal. Nilai kepercayaan atau densitas terbesar menunjukkan hasil diagnosa penyakit Diabetes Melitus. Parameter penetapan diagnosa Diabetes Melitus dilihat berdasarkan  hasil  lab  gula  darah,  umur,  jenis  kelamin,  riwayat  keluarga,  dan  gejala  yang  dialami.  Hasil pengujian sistem yang menerapkan Dempster Shafer diperoleh tingkat akurasi sistem sebesar 86.7 %, sehingga sistem dignosa ini dapat menjadi alternatif solusi sebagai media konsultasi bagi pengguna untuk mendapatkan informasi kemungkinan tingkat resiko tipe pada penyakit Diabetes Melitus yang dialami

    Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan PKPS BBM Bidang Kesehatan

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    Unavoidable raise of International fuel prices had forced Government of Indonesia under the leadership of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to reduce fuel subsidies. These happened in March 2005 (fuel prices increased approximately 60 per cent), October 2005 (with 108 per cent rise in fuel prices), and May 2008 (which increased the fuel prices for around 30 per cent). The point of this policy is that the government has intention to re-allocate the funds fromreduced fuel subsidies to four main programs for poor people such as direct compensation (payment of 100,000 Indonesian Rupiah, or about US$10, to 15 million families, or one quarter of the population, through the state postal and banking system), school operational assistance, free health service, and rural infrastructure program. The objective of this study is to evaluate the Fuel Subsidy Reduction Compensation Program (Program Kompensasi Pengurangan Subsidi Bahan Bakar Minyak (PKPS-BBM)) during the period 2005-2006 in general. Quantitative and qualitative approaches are used in this research through document analysis and in-depth interview. PKPS BBM program implementation in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Kalimantan Timur, and Bogor City are not yet optimal because of the dissimilarity on number of target and standard of utilisation in each region, considering differences in their geographical conditions. However, poor people are quite satisfied with free health services although the realization did not touch the target completely. Moreover, there stillexists expense charged to poor people

    Risk Factors of Injury in Urban and Rural Areas in Sleman, Yogyakarta

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    Background: WHO estimates that 9% of the causes of death in the world are injury. About 90% of these events occur in low- Middle income countries (LMICs). Injury can also lead to disability that increases burden to economy and health system. Injury is often ignored in these countries. In Indonesia, the prevalence of injury increased from 7.5% in 2013 to 8.2% in 2013. Yogyakarta is one of the provinces with a high prevalence of injury (12.4%). This study aimed to estimate the risk factors of injury in urban and rural areas in Yogyakarta. Subjects and Method: This was a cross sectional study carried out in Sleman, Yogyakarta, using data from the Sleman Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS Sleman). A sample of 19,814 subjects was selected for this study. The dependent variable was injury. The independent variables were age, gender, marital status, level of knowledge, job, and social economic position. The data were collected by questionnaire. The data were described in percent and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: The incidence of injury was 5% in the study population. The incidence of injury was higher in the rural area (6.5%) than the urban area (4.9%). Conversely, the incidence of severe injury was higher in the urban area (15.8%) than the rural area (9.5%), with traffic accident (35.1%) as the leading cause of injury in the urban area and fall (35.0%) in the rural area. The common places of injury were roads and surrounding house area. Half of them chose medical treatment (urban 50.31%, rural 48.1%), while the rest of them opted for traditional therapy or self-medication. In urban area, the risk of injury increased with male (OR= 1.40; 95%CI= 1.20 to 1.60), divorced/ widow (OR= 1.60; 95%CI= 1.10 to 2.40), students (OR= 1.30; 95%CI= 1.05 to 1.70) and low to moderate socioeconomic position (OR= 1.30; 95%CI= 1.10 to 1.70). In rural area, the risk of injury increased with older age (OR= 1.90; 95%CI= 1.50 to 2.20) and businessman (OR= 2.10; 95%CI= 1.20 to 3.40). Conclusion: Urban and rural populations have different burden, characteristics, and risk factors of injury. The intervention program should be designed according to these differences. Keywords:injury, rural, urban, area, risk facto

    Pengenalan dan Pencegahan Kenakalan Remaja (Adult Delicuency) melalui Psikoedukasi Keluarga

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    Kenakalan remaja adalah kecenderungan remaja untuk melakukan tindakan yang melanggar aturan yang dapat mengakibatkan kerugian dan kerusakan baik terhadap dirinya sendiri maupun orang lain. Melalui keluarga psikoedukasi dapat dilaksanakan, psikoedukasi keluarga merupakan salah satu bentuk intervensi yang dapat diberikan kepada keluarga yang mempunyai anggota keluarga dengan masalah kesehatan fisik yang berdampak pada mental emosional keluarga hingga menimbulkan munculnnya masalah psikososial. Tujuan utama dari terapi psikoedukasi keluarga ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi tentang kesehatan mental. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa sesudah penyuluhan, para orang tua terutama ibu – ibu menjadi bertambah wawasannya kemudian mengerti akan kenakalan remaja mulai dari pengertian, tanda – tanda, hingga cara mengatasinya

    Analisis Pemakaian Bahan Bakar Biogas Termurnikan Pada Unjuk Kerja Motor Bakar

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    The long term purpose of this research is to obtain biogas quality renewable natural gas and can be used as fuel for internal combustion engine to drive a generator of electricity as energy diversification efforts in the area of small islands sustainable. Specific targets to be achieved is gained methods / techniques for absorbing impurities contained in biogas especially elements CO2. The study was conducted to reduce levels of CO2 in the biogas by using absorbent NaOH solution, taking into account variations in the flow rate of biogas (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 l / min) to the percentage reduction in CO2 levels. Later studies followed by testing engine peformance are to determine the effect of CO2 in the biogas on the performance of the motor fuel, seen from the engine rotation (1500, 2500, 3500 and 4500 rpm) and the smoothing of the spin machine.Results of research have shown that the torque on biogas B2 increased 21.3% to biogas yet purified, while for biogas B4 increased by 19.1%. Biogas B6, B8 biogas and biogas B10 an increase of torque respectively, amounting to 14.9%, 12.8% and 8.5%. Biogas B2 obtained SFCE decrease in the average of the biogas which has not been purified by 33.4%, which was followed by biogas obtained B4 SFCE decline on average by 22.7% next B6 biogas obtained SFCE decline on average by 17.9%. While biogas obtained B8 SFCE decline on average by 13.9% and biogas B10 decline SFCE obtained an average of 8.5%. The smaller the value SFCE shows that consumption of biogas that the less effective but gained greater power

    An international survey on the pragmatic management of epistaxis

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    Epistaxis is one of the most common ear, nose and throat emergencies. The management of epistaxis has evolved significantly in recent years, including the use of nasal cautery and packs. However, a correct treatment requires the knowledge of nasal anatomy, potential risks, and complications of treatment. Epistaxis is often a simple and readily treatable condition, even though a significant bleed may have potentially severe consequences. At present, there are very few guidelines concerning this topic. The current Survey explored the pragmatic approach in managing epistaxis. A questionnaire, including 7 practical questions has been used. The current International Survey on epistaxis management reported a relevant prevalence (21.7%), mainly during childhood and senescence, an important hospitalization rate (11.8%), the common use of anterior packing and electrocoagulation, and the popular prescription of a vitamin supplement and intranasal creams

    Pengembangan Pompa Hydram (Hydroulic Ram Pump) Sebagai Alternatif Penyedia Air Irigasi

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    Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk menjadikan kelompok tani mitra mampu mewujudkan swasembada pangan sehingga dapat mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional. Target khusus yang ingin dicapai yaitu meningkatkan produktivitas lahan pertanian dari satu kali musim tanam menjadi dua kali musim tanam dalam setahun, sehingga secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan kelompok tani mitra pada khususnya dan masyarakat sekitar pada umumnya serta diperolehnya metode/teknik untuk menaikkan air dari tempat yang rendah ke tempat yang lebih tinggi tanpa menggunakan energi listrik maupun bahan bakar. Untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dapat digunakan pompa yang tidak memerlukan bahan bakar atau listrik sebagai sumber tenaga penggerak utama. Pompa Hydraulic Ram (Hidram) adalah sebuah pompa yang tidak memerlukan bahan bakar atau energi listrik sebagai sumber tenaga penggerak utama. Selain tidak memerlukan energi luar sebagai sumber tenaga penggerak utama, pompa hidram juga memiliki kelebihan lain, yaitu: konstruksinya sederhana, tidak memerlukan pelumasan, dapat bekerja kontinyu selama 24 jam tanpa berhenti, pengoperasiannya mudah dan biaya pembuatan dan perawatan murah
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