7 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Asupan Makanan dan Status Kesadaran Gizi Keluarga dengan Status Gizi Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sewon I, Bantul

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    Background: Poor nutritional status of children in Puskesmas Sewon I in 2007 amounted to 0.60%. Family Nutrition Awareness Status in Puskesmas Sewon I was at 47.06%. Average consumption of energy and protein adequacy of children under the minimum requirements is 19.8% to 9.9% for en-ergy and protein. Nutritional status is influenced by several factors, either directly or indirectly and purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of nutrition intake and family nutrition awareness status with under five years child nutritional status in Puskesmas Sewon I Bantul Yogya-karta. Method: Design of this research was cross sectional. The sample size of this study was 97 respon-dents. Sampling method of the study was proportional cluster random sampling technique. The variables examined in this research include under five years child nutritional status, nutrition intake, and fam-ily nutrition awareness status. The relationship of each variable was seen by using the Chi Square statistical test. Results: Results showed that of 97 respondents found 39 children (40.2%) had one and the nutri-tional status of 58 children (59.8%) had normal nutritional status. Bivariate analysis showed a relation-ship between under five years children nutritional status with food intake p < 0.05 (p = 0.000) and for under five years children nutritional status with family nutrition awareness status p < 0.05 (p = 0.03). Conclusion: There was a relationship of nutrition intake and family nutrition awareness status with under five years child nutritional status

    Analisis Kinerja Perawat dalam Pengendalian Infeksi Nosokomial di RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Bantul YOGYAKARTA

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    Background: Nosocomial infection is an important health care problem worldwide. Nosocomial infections in the hospital at about 9% (variation 3- 21%) or over 1.4 million patients admitted to hospi-tals around the world. Nosocomial infections pose some problems, namely an increase in morbid-ity and mortality, the addition of day care, the increasing cost of care and dissatisfaction with both pa-tients and their families. Nosocomial infection control efforts are very complex and involves a variety of targets including hospital personnel, patients, medical equipment, treatment rooms, and the envi-ronment. The purpose of this study was to mengetahuai performance of nosocomial infection con-trol nurse in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Methods: This study was a type of observational analytic study using quantitative cross- sectional survey design. The sample size was of the study was 50 nurses. The sampling technique used Sampling Random sampling techniques with systematic sampling. Data was taken using a ques-tionnaire. Results: Based on the results of the bivariate test there were three variables that were statistically significant, namely knowledge (p value = 0.000 and RP = 7.115), attitude (p value = 0.000 and RP = 6.519) and skills (p value = 0.000 and RP = 6.519). Non- significant variables: education (p value = 0.486 and RP = 0.542) and training (p value = 0.670 and RP = 1.432). Conclusion: There was a statistically significant relationship between knowledge, attitudes and skills in nosocomial infection control and there was no statistically significant relationship between education and training in nosocomial infection control

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pola Pencarian Pengobatan ke Pelayanan Kesehatan Alternatif Pasien Suspek Tuberculosis di Komunitas

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    Background : Daerah Istimewa Yogykarta (DIY) in TB case detection rate in 2009 reached 52.90 % (target 70 % ). The discovery of TB patients in the health care unit is still passive, so the pattern of health seeking behavior of TB or suspected TB patients is very important to understand. Past research indicates that 43 % of TB suspects to seek treatment in alternative health care. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with treatment seeking patterns of alternative health services to suspected tuberculosis in the community.Methods : This study used a survey method with cross-sectional design. Total study sample using cluster sample of 750 respondents. Respondents were drawn at random by using a quick survey procedures. Analysis of the data used were univariate and bivariate analysis.Results : There were not relationship between gender, education, age and economic status of the search patterns of alternative medicine. It can be seen from the value P value indicates the number of which are smaller than 0.05. Biologically, male gender was a factor suspected tuberculosis protekif pengampilan decision not to take medication. Male sex had 0.708 times the risk than women to go to a pharmacy / drug store. It is shown from the values prevalent Ratio ( RP ) = 0.708 ( with 95 % CI : 0.471 to 1.066 ). Variables of education, age and economic status have values prevalent Ratio ( RP ) > 1 means that the age of the elderly is not necessarily a risk factor for tuberculosis suspects decision to perform alternative medicine.Conclusion : There were not relationship between education, economic status, the sex, and age at treatment seeking patterns to alternative health care

    Hubungan Antara Karakteristik His Dengan Lamanya Persalinan Normal Kala I Di Wilayah Puskesmas Taliwang Sumbawa Barat NTB 2009

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    Background : Maternal and prenatal death rate in Indonesia is still enough. One of thecauses of the high maternal and prenatal death rate in Indonesia and oteher developingcountries is “ distortion”, a desease causing longer “ parturition”. Based on the SDKI (IndonesianPopulation statistical data) in 2003, maternal death rate in Indonesia is 307-100.000living breath. In other word, there were 2 giving birth mothers was death. Maternal deathrate (AKI) in West Sumbawa regency is still high. We could see the fact that in 2007 there was35-100.000 living breath In .medical center of Taliwang West Sumbawa, found that 26 (83,87%)underwent “periode I well, 5 respondent (16,13%) underwent Periode I not good.Method : This research applied Observational Analitycal Method by using a Cross Sectionalapproach with sampel number 31 respondents.Result : Nirmis with birth lenght periode I shows that the value of Chi-Square (x2) count23,977 > 5,991 X2table. According to the statistic, it means that there is significant relationbetween nirmis and birth lenght of period I, According to the statistic, shows that the value ofAsymp.Sig was 0,000. It means that P < á (0,000 < 0,05) so Ho refused, because value ofCoeficient Contingenti is 0,66 so nirmis contribute for desease birth lenght of period I andresidue countibute by another factorbut not researched with researcher.Conclussion : Satatistically, there is a significant relation nirmis and birth length of period I inmedical center of Taliwang West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara period January until March2009

    Hubungan antara Dukungan Sosial dengan Kesiapan Menghadapi Menarche pada Siswi Kelas VII di SMP 1 Playen Gunungkidul

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    Background: Adolescent is a periode where many physical changes and environmental demainds occurings. For a girl, the most visible changes is the beginning of menarche or first menstruation. Because menarche is definitely happened to every girl. Its necessary for a girl to have many sources of social support to help her reduce anxiety during her menarche periode and decrease her readiness on that situasion. The goal is to find of relationship between social support and readiness on menarche at VII grade of SMP 1 Playen Gunungkidul. Method: This was an analytical observation research using cross sectional approach. The research subjects were 26 students of VII grade of SMP 1 Playen, 12-13 years old and having menarche. Sampel were taken using accidental sampling techniques, data analysis used Chi Square. Result : There was relationship between social support and readiness on menarche with correlation coefficient was 0,599 and significance/Asymp. Sig was 0,006 which compared by a= 0,05 so P value < 0,05. from 26 subjects, 65,4 persen had sufficient social support level and 73 persen subjects had sufficient level of readiness on menarche. Conclusion : There was relationship between social support and readiness on menarche at VII grade of SMP 1 Playen Gunungkidul Yogyakarta andd readiness on menarche. 65,4 persen had sufficient social support level and 73 persen subjects had sufficient level of readiness on menarche

    The Use of Sterile Razors as an Efforts to HIV Transmission Prevention

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    HIV Transmission can also occur as a result of the employment relationship.In addition to health workers there are other workers who are in close contact with his client was a barber, hairdresser, masseur, tattoo, ear piercer and acupuncturist. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of a barber in the prevention of transmission of HIV/AIDS with the use of a sterile razor blade. The study design was cross-sectional survey and data analysis is performed simultaneously with quantitative descriptive approach. This study was conducted in the district of Yogyakarta Special Region of Yogyakarta. Subjects of the study were all traditional barber in the study area. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with certain criteria under the terms set by the researchers. The data analysis used Spearman. The average age of respondents was 30.91, the number of consumers 31.28. Mean knowledge is 34.09, attitudes and behavior amounting to 31.06. Based on the rate most people are able to reach a price set by a razor because the tariff ranges between IDR 6,000-10,000 and an average tariff of IDR 8,230. On average shaver have 32 customers each month. There was a correlation between knowledge, attitude with behavior of a barber in the prevention of transmission of HIV/AIDS. There was a correlation between knowledge, attitude and behavior to conduct barber in the prevention of transmission of HIV/AIDS