24 research outputs found
In addition to their membership in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Indonesia and Malaysia are also involved as active members in the evolving Association of South-East Asian Nation (ASEAN). This raises a question over whether involvement in the ASEAN, especially how ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) brings about a negative or positive impact on Indonesia’s and Malaysia’s trade performance with fellow OIC member countries. The current paper attempts to examine empirically the likelihood of such relationship and explore whether there presents a systematic difference between the case of Indonesia and Malaysia. Based on the results, some implications will be highlighted and policy recommendations will be offered.
Analisis Penanaman Modal Asing di Indonesia Tahun 2007-2016: Pendekatan Model Gravitasi
Penelitian ini, bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan penanaman modal asing dengan ukuran ekonomi suatu negara dan jarak menggunakan pendekatan model gravitasi. Adapun variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yakni Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) per kapita Indonesia, Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) per kapita negara investor, jarak negara Indonesia dengan negara investor, pendidikan terakhir tenaga kerja di Indonesia, indeks stabilitas politik Indonesia dan keterbukaan ekonomi Indonesia dengan mencakup lima negara investor terbesar di Indonesia, dari tahun 2007 - 2016. Hasil penelitian ini PDB per kapita Indonesia, PDB per kapita negara investor, jarak, dan keterbukaan ekonomi Indonesia berpengaruh terhadap penanaman modal asing Indonesia sedangkan pendidikan terakhir tenaga kerja Indonesia dan Indeks Stabilitas Politik Indonesia tidak berpengaruh. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model gravitasi sudah relevan secara empiris untuk diterapkan pada kasus penanaman modal asing Indonesia
Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Tebu di Kecamatan Bunga Mayang Kabupaten Lampung Utara Provinsi Lampung
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendapatan petani tebu di Kecamatan Bunga Mayang. Objek penelitian ini adalah petani tebu di Kecamatan Bunga Mayang. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengambil sampel berjumlah 94 responden petani yang dipilih menggunakan rumus slovin. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan analisis hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini bahwa modal, harga, luas lahan, jumlah produksi, dan biaya produksi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pendapatan petani tebu. Dengan pertambahan lahan tanam pohon tebu petani maka produksi yang dihasilkan akan semakin melimpah, untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang besar biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan harus seminimal mungkin, tetapi diimbangi dengan harga gula yang stabil naik. Penggunaan modal usaha untuk pembelian peralatan dan juga pembelian pupuk yang dapat meningkatkan jumlah produksi sangat dibutuhkan bagi petani
The Influence of Sharia Capital Market, Sharia Bonds (Sukuk), and BI Rate on Gross Domestic Products (GDP) in Indonesia
This study aims to determine what affect GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in constant Indonesian prices. The dependent variable used is GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and the independent variables are Islamic stocks, Islamic mutual funds, Islamic bonds (Sukuk), and the BI rate. The data used in this study are monthly during the period 2016: 1-2018: 12 sourced from OJK, BI, and Ministry of Home Affairs. The estimation tool used in this study is the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) using E-views 7.0. Estimation results show that in the short term, the GDP variable (Gross Domestic Product) itself, Islamic stocks, BI rate, and Islamic mutual funds significantly affect GDP (Gross Domestic Product). In the long run, the estimation results show that sharia stock variables and sharia mutual funds have a significant effect on GDP (Gross Domestic Product). While the sharia bond variable (Sukuk) and the BI rate do not significantly affect GDP (Gross Domestic Product). VECM estimation results in this study also produce important Says, namely IRF (Impulse Response Function) and VDC (Variance Decomposition)
Determinants of Poverty in West Java Province After the Regional Expansion of Pangandaran District
This research aims to analyze the influence of Human Development Index, population growth, and Gross Regional Domestic Product on poverty level in 27 districts/cities in West Java Province. The panel data obtain from Statistics Indonesia, consists of time series data is taken from 2015 to 2018, and cross-section data includes 27 districts/cities in West Java Province. The estimator of this research is using multiple linear regressions (Ordinary Least Squares) with fixed-effect model. The results show that Human Development Index, population growth and Gross Regional Domestic Product have negative and significant effect on the poverty level in West Java Province after regional expansion of Pangandran district
This study aims to determine the socio-economic benefits of CBT concept application, as well as the extent to which the successful implementation of Community Based Tourism (CBT) concept in Nglanggeran Tourism Village and what are the strategies needed for the development of Nglanggeran Tourism Village. Data collection techniques using literature study and interview respondents in Nglanggeran. Based on the level of achievement of all the indicators above, it can be said that the application of the concept of Community Based Tourism has been successfully developed in Nglanggeran Tourism Village, Kecamatan Patuk, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. The biggest obstacle factor is derived from the price factor, place, human resources, place and promotion. Tourism development strategy is done by overcoming the existing obstacle factors
Analisis Model Gravitasi Terhadap Migrasi Internasional Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Tahun 2011-2015
Migrasi internasional Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) merupakan fenomena menarik untuk dikaji. Berdasarkan laporan Bank Indonesia mengenai jumlah rata-rata TKI yang melakukan migrasi internasional dari tahun 2011-2015 mencapai 3.9 juta jiwa. Pada penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan model gravitasi sebagai alat untuk melihat hubungan antara jarak dan ukuran ekonomi kedua negara dengan migrasi internasional TKI. Penulis menggunakan beberapa variabel seperti jarak negara asal dengan negara tujuan, Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) per kapita negara tujuan, Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) per kapita negara asal, jumlah populasi di negara tujuan, dan kesamaan agama mayoritas antara negara asal dan negara tujuan guna melihat pengaruhnya terhadap migrasi internasional TKI. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mencakup 26 negara tujuan TKI dari tahun 2011-2015. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah data panel model random effect. Kemudian penulis menggunakan pendekatan mundlak untuk mengatasi masalah time-invariant. PDB per kapita negara tujuan, PDB per kapita negara asal, jarak, jumlah populasi negara tujuan, dan kesamaan agama mayoritas antara negara asal dan negara tujuan berpengaruh terhadap migrasi internasional TKI. Sebagaimana hasil temuan, variabel jarak berpengaruh negatif terhadap migrasi internasional TKI, PDB per kapita negara asal berpengaruh negatif, sementara PDB per kapita negara tujuan berpengaruh positif. Maka dari itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model gravitasi cukup relevan diterapkan pada kasus migrasi internasional tenaga kerja Indonesia
The Community Partnership Program aimed to provide direct benefits to people's lives in the social and economic fields and to improve the quality of resources through the empowerment of the women of the PKK and Karang Taruna groups in Dukuh IV Cerme, Panjatan, Kulon Progo Regency by utilizing natural ingredients in around his residence. This activity was expected to solve the problems in the partner villages, namely the source of income for the community is only dominated by the agricultural sector, the natural potential of the village that has not been used properly, lack of skills in managing the potential of the village, the majority of the residents of Dukuh VI Cerme are housewives who have minimal income. The Community Partnership Program consists of two activities, namely the training in making ecoprints by utilizing natural materials in the neighborhood around Dukuh VI Cerme, Panjatan and making audio-visual videos on how to make ecoprints. The Partnership Program activity is expected to be carried out continuously so that it can be an additional livelihood for the local community because the selling value of the ecoprint product is still quite high on the market.
Keywords: Ecoprint; Income; Natural Ingredient; Kulonprog
Inflation has always been being seen as one of the most important macroeconomic variables in modern economies. Every year, media especially in Muslim countries has constantly reported that inflation rates increase during the Islamic holy month of Ramadhan and Eid Ul Fitr. Remarkably, there has been hitherto almost no serious study focusing on the empirical relationship between Ramadhan, Eid Ul Fitr and inflation. This research aims to examine empirically whether Ramadhan and Eid Ul Fitr have a systematic effect on inflation. This research uses regression analysis technique and involves data from 66 local economies in Indonesia between January 2000 and December 2017. The finding of this paper is Ramadhan and Eid Ul Fitr have a positive effect on inflation. The possible reasons for explaining the results is the high of public demand. To overcome inflation in Indonesia not only from the role of government in controlling inflation rate, but also the role of Muslims community in controlling consumption
The Role of Information and Communication Technology on Service Trade : Case Study of Indonesia's Export to ASEAN Countries
This study aims to analyze the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on bilateral trade in service between Indonesia and its ASEAN trading partners. The sample is bilateral export in service between Indonesia and 9 ASEAN countries such as Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. The total trade in service data is based on UN-Comtrade. It consists of service products that are coded in Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). This study uses the gravity model framework of data panel from 2005 to 2017 with random effect model is analyzed using Generalized Least Square. Based on the regression analysis, results show that sub-index of ICT Development Index (IDI) such as mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants which represents technology development, has a positive and significant impact on Indonesia’s service export to ASEAN countries. Other variables such as GDP and distance also have significant effect on Indonesia’s export in service. GDP reporter, GDP partners and common language have positive and significant effect on Indonesia’s export in service. Furthermore, distance has a negative and significant effect on Indonesia’s export in service. These results are in line with Gravity model theory. In addition, these results are expected to be strong enough for the specifications of alternative models and estimation methods. Based on these results, some expected trade policy recommendation related to trade in service and telecommunication particularly trade between Indonesia and ASEAN countries can be formulated. For instance, to strengthen Indonesia’s networking and infrastructure of telecommunication in ASEAN countries. To build more Base Transceiver Station (BTS) located in trading partners in ASEAN. Telin Singapore established by Telkom Indonesia is officially established in 2007 and is the first Telkom footprint in international business. Since Singapore is Indonesia’s trading partner which has the highest of ICT Development Index among other ASEAN countries, the Indonesian government need to continue the implementation of Information and Communication Joint Committee Indonesia-Singapore