13 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Hardys Negara

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    The ritel business that exist in Negara city has been experiences fast development. The development cause by the ritail customer more like to buy the different good in one place. Many retail place offering many easy in shopping start from service given, discount, payment selection, and others facility to create satisfaction for the customer. The method used in this research is the study of causality. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling with a sample size of 130 respondents. The research instrument using a questionnaire with a scale semantic difrensial. Data analysis technique using SEM (structural equation model).The results showed the quality of services provided by the State Hardys positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. This means that the better quality of service to customers, it can improve customer satisfaction Hardys Negara. This means that the better the quality of services provided to customers, the higher the customer loyalty behavior, and conversely the bad quality of services provided, the lower the level of customer loyalty and customer satisfaction and significant positive effect on customer loyalty Hardys Negara. This means that the better the quality of services provided to customers, the higher the level of their desire to apply loyal, otherwise the worse the perceived satisfaction then the lower the desire of consumers to apply loyal. Hardys suggestion for the State to be more focused on creating customer satisfaction as give discounts on every purchase with a specific nominal and further emphasize customer satisfaction programs are better able to make a valid loyal customers

    Pengaruh Atribut Produk Pakaian Terhadap Web Browsing Hedonism Dan Pembelian Impulsif

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    This study aims to explain the effect of apparel product attributes to web browsing hedonism and impulsive buying at B2C shopping site in Denpasar. An online questionnaire used as an instrument of primary data collection. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling by the respondents as many as 100. The hypothesis testing used analytical techniques Partial Least Square (PLS) by SmartPLS 3. The results showed that the variety of selection and price policy and significant positive effect on web browsing hedonism, sensory attributes not significant effect on web browsing hedonism. Variety of selection and significant negative effect on impulsive buying. Pricing policy, sensory attributes and web browsing hedonism positive and significant effect on online impulsive buying.Web browsing hedonism is found as a mediating influence variety of selection and pricing policy on impulsive buying. Marketers website should not provide too many product choices, as well as considering the use of virtualization technology products in 3D to provide more information in real clothing products on shopping sites that evoke passion hedonist visitors during web browsing

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Dampaknya terhadap Kesempatan Kerja di Provinsi Bali

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    Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh signifikan secara tidak langsung Investasi, Pengeluaran pemerintah, Ekspor melalui pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja di Provinsi Bali, danuntuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh signifikan secara langsung Investasi, Pengeluaran pemerintah, Eksport melalui pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja di Provinsi Bali. Jumlah data yang diambil adalah dari tahun 1990-2010.Metode yang dapat digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik pengumpulan datadengan caramengali data dari beberapa laporan, seperti buku-buku, beberapa catatan-catatan yang ada di Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) dan Instansi Lainnya. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan serta melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan berbagai Narasumber penting, sedangkan untuk teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur (path analysis).Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang Pertama bahwa Variabel Investasi, Pengeluaran pemerintah, Eksport berpengaruh positif terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, hanya variabel esport yang secara parsial tidak berpengaruh terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, kemudian untuk analisis yang kedua didapatkan hasil bahwa variabel Investasi, Pengeluaran pemerintah, Eksport berpengaruh melalui Pertumbuhan Ekonomi terhadap kesempatan kerja adalah significant secara serempak, tetapi secara parsial variabel ekspor tidak significan tetapi positif serta secara langsung terhadap Kesempatan kerja. Kemudian untuk variabel Pengeluaran Pemerintah tidak berpengaruh signifikan dan negatif terhadap Kesempatan kerja di Provinsi Bali

    Hubungan Karakteristik Demografi dengan Perilaku Komplain (Studi di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Badung)

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    This study aims todetermine the relationship of demographic characteristics with complaint behaviorin Badung Hospital. Respondents in this study is 100 people. Data analysis techniques used in this study is descriptive statistical analysis, chi-square analysis and crosstabs. The results of this study found that only in come that have a significant relationship with complaint behavior. Suggestions for Badung Hospitalis to improve the delivery channel complaints and clarify the procedures and requirement sareused

    The Role of Brand Image and Customer Commitment in Mediating Service Quality Towards Customer Loyalty

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    The purpose of this study is to explain the role of brand image and customer commitment in mediating the effect of service quality on customer loyalty. The population in this study is customers at Kedonganan Village Credit Institution. The purposive sampling method has been used with 130 respondents included. Questionnaires were distributed and the result are analyzed using PLS (Partial Least Square) technique. The results of this study indicate that service quality has a positive and significant effect on brand image, customer commitment, and customer loyalty at Kedonganan Village Credit Institution. There was a significant role of brand image and customer commitment in mediating the effect of service quality on customer loyalty at Kedonganan Village Credit Institution. In order to improve brand image and customer commitment, it is hoped that Kedonganan Village Credit Institution will be able to provide Faster service, attractive promotions, and technology improvement to encourage customer loyalty