14 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Temperatur Larutan Triethylamine (Tea), Air Dan Ca(OH) 2 Terhadap Pelepasan CO 2 Pada Proses Pemurnian Biogas

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    Biogas is renewable fuel that generated by bacteria activities in anaërobic organic matter process. Biogas composed by CH 4 17 (54% to 70%), CO2 (27% to 45%) and impurities gas such as N2 , H2O, CO, H2S. The CO2 on biogas should be reduced because it's as inhibitor that reduces heat of biogas flame. This research proposed to reduce CO 2 in the packed column purification system by using TEA, H2O, and Ca(OH)2 solution as absorber.The absorber temperature were variated 35o, 45o, 55omand 65oC for knowing performance absorber reduce CO2 at the flow rate of CO 2 and CH4 , entering packed collum by 0.1 l/m, release time of CO2 in heater was eight minutes by comparison CH4 , and CO2 i.e. 80 % -20 %, 85 % -15 %, 90 % -10 % and 95 % -5 %. The result of this study was the higher the temperature heating, the higher the percentage of CO2 released. Absorbentt TEA + H2O and combined TEA + H2O + Ca(OH)2 , improve absorption of CO2 in a linear manner at a temperature of warming 35, 45, 55, 65 c

    Pengaruh Penambahan HHO Terhadap Kinerja Dan Ionisasi Pembakaran Motor Bensin

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    This aim of this research was to conduct the effect of HHO which injected into the combustion chamber through the intake manifold of the gasoline four-stroke motorcycle engine. HHO is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen was produced by water electrolysis process.The experiments were carried out by using the HHO generatorin intake manifold to produced HHO gas, which injected into the combustion chamber. The HHO gas injection was varied of 0 ml/s, 0.75 ml/s, 1.5 ml/s, 2.25 ml/s and 3 ml/s based on the engine shaft revolution (rpm). The engine shaft revolutions were also varied at 1700 rpm, 2200 rpm, 2700 rpm, 3200 rpm, 3700 rpm, and 4200 rpm. The engine performance (power output effectively, SFC, and thermal efficiency), the ionization combustion (burning voltage and burning time) and exhaust gas emissions (HC and CO) were investigated. The results show that the additionof the HHO gascould improve the performance of the gasoline four-stroke engine. The effective of power out-put and thermal efficiency increase as increase the HHO injection.The specific fuel consumption (sfc) was also decreases as increases the HHO injection. The ionization combustion much better, which the voltage products of combustion increase and combustion time decrease as increase the HHO injection. The addition of HHO gas was also improved the quality of exhaust gas emission which are reduce the content of CO and HC gases due tothe HHO enhance the combustion process. The hydrogen gas has a high diffusivity which can improve of the fuel mixing, turbulence and homogeneity. The hydrogen gas has the flamehigh faster than gasoline, therefore its decrease the burning time as increase the HHO injection

    Pengaruh Pengunaan Katalis Terhadap Laju Dan Efisiensi Pembentukan Hidrogen

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    Hydrogen was produced by steam reforming of kapok seed oil. CuZn as catalyst helps accelerate separation and increase production of hydrogen gas. This catalyst is viable and has high stability. Hydrogen gas was produced through 3 steps of catalyzing by mixed kapok seed oil and water with ratio of 1:1, 1:3 and 3:1. Heating temperature of catalyst at 250 C was selected. The rate and efficiency in forming of hydrogen gas were evaluated. From present investigation show that the more steps of catalyzing resulted in higher products, production rate, and efficiency in forming of hydrogen gas. Using 3 steps of catalyzing has promoted higher products, production rate, and efficiency in forming of hydrogen gas compared to 1 step and 2 step of catalyzing

    Karakteristik Pembakaran CH4 Dengan Penambahan Co2 Pada Model Helle- Shaw Cell Pada Penyalaan Bawah

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    Along with the development of industrial technologies is rapidly increasing the demand for renewable energy sources becomes a very important consideration. One of the alternative energy is now being developed is the energy derived from organic materials, this is because the organic compounds are classified as renewable energy. One energy technology in accordance with the requirements of the biogas technology. If biogas is purified or cleaned of impurities in this case CO2 is good, he would have the same characteristics as natural gas. How big is the influence of CO2 on heating value (heat) in the combustion process it is necessary to an investigation. one by looking at the characteristics of combustion, both the pattern and pace of rambatnya. Combustor used in this study is a model of Helle-shaw cell measuring 50 x 20 x 1 cm. Variation of the mixture used is the ratio 7,5:1 to 10: 1 with the addition of 10% 20%, 30% CO2. Performed on the ignition of ignition. Observation of the shape and rate of flame propagation is done using a high speed camera. The results showed that the ratio of 7,5:1 to 10: 1 blue color of the flame and the flame propagation speed greater penembahan but with 10% CO2 20%, 30% color changing flame reddish yellow which indicates incomplete combustion occurs, and the smaller the rate of flame propagation. This is influenced by the presence of buoyancy forces generated by the combustion

    Peningkatan Implementasi 5S Dan Total Productive Maintenance Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Dmaic Dan Expert System (Studi Kasus PT. “XYZ”, Jawa Timur)

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    This research aimed to increase implementation of 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in a paper manufacture company using integration of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improvement, Control) approach and expert system. The DMAIC approach was used for obtain main problem why implementation worked ineffectively, root-cause problem, and improvement solution for business process. Expert system was used to help fastening consultation process while the expert of 5S and TPM, which is few in number, have no time to give consultation. Problems often occurred in 5S and TPM implementation during 2011-2012 are Seiso, Seiton, Autonomous Maintenance, and Seiri. Those problems are caused by the process business that only focused in audit system, instead of 5S implementation stage itself whereas many mechanic or electric still have wrong perception about 5S, and also caused by Autonomous Maintenance that not work effectively. The proposed improvement for the problem are to implement 5S activities on daily activities in simple way in order to introduce 5S culture and increase frequency and control of Autonomous Maintenance. Expert system development delivered application (called SIPAMS) that gives recommendation for main problem. SIPAMS help organization member, such as operator, mechanic, electric and others who didn't receive 5S/TPM implementation training, to consult and to learn basic principles of 5S and TPM

    Pembakaran Premixed Minyak Nabati Pada Bunsen Burner Type Silinder

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    In the premixed combustion wave propagation combustion occurs is called the flame front. Premixed flame will propagate at the speed of moving towards the reactants unique. If the speed of the reactants is equal to the speed of propagation of fire, the fire (reaction zone) will be stationary. It is necessary to follow up on the influence of equivalence ratio (φ) varied with laminar flame speed (SL) in the premixed combustion of vegetable oil (virgin coconut oil, jatropha and cotton seeds). Research using experimental (true experimental research), which is put through direct observation by the equivalence ratio (φ), 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 m / l, to determine the causal relationship. Then the results showed a pattern of fire Bunsen burner pure coconut oil with equivalence ratio (φ), namely: 2.00, 1.87, 1.78, and 1.66, jatropha oil with equivalence ratio (φ) are: 1.73, 1.62, 1:52, and 1:44 and seed oil kapok with equivalence ratio (φ) are: 1.76, 1.65, 1:55, and 1:46, the richer the air the flame pattern that looks smaller and smaller until the blow off. This happens because the richer the air causes the fuel has an air excess so that the fuel (fuel) burning diffusion semakain reduced and cause combustion close to the surface of the tip of the nozzle Bunsen burner to high flame formed shorter until there blow off or extinguished