36 research outputs found

    Open and Distance Learning: Engaging Learners through Innovation and Creativity

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    Open learning has increased in importance over the years as seen in the increasing number of universities offering open and distance learning programmes. Research in the area has also increased over the years, covering a multitude of topics and concentrating on areas such as e-learning, interactive learning and collaborative learning. The authors of this research suggested that academics and practitioners should explore how teachers or tutors can influence learning designs and strategies with the aim of engaging learners through innovation and creativity. This paper explores the avenues that can be pursued by Open University Malaysia to incorporate innovation and creativity into its blended learning mode. Data were gathered from a literature review on open and distance learning, print module, online learning, and face-to-face tutorial. The research thus provides information on the current practices of open and distance learning programmes in Open University Malaysia; and the basic principles of implementing these open and distance learning programmes. In particular, the findings provide the characteristics of an effective print module, online learning, and face-to-face tutorial. At the end of the paper, some innovative and creative ideas that can be implemented in Open University Malaysia were suggested and discussed. (Authors' abstract

    Boosting Malaysian Tourism – The Food Way!

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    Malaysia‟s aim to become a developed nation has spurred growth in many areas of the economy including tourism. Malaysian tourism destinations have been well promoted along with the uniqueness of the Malaysian culture which is an exciting blend of the Malay, Chinese, Indian and other native subcultures. However, one of the reasons tourists repeatedly come back to the country has been neglected. This paper focuses on this – how food can be used as a strategy to boost Malaysian tourism. A comparative study is done on how Hong Kong and Singapore has capitalized on food in their tourism initiatives. Based on this, a comparison is then made on what has been done in Malaysia and what is still missing. Five key strategies are proposed to boost Malaysian tourism including food trails, on-line promotions, quality certification, culinary classes and packages and community involvement. These will contribute to the number of tourist arrivals, regional development, tourist pattern of dispersion and community development. (Abstract by authors

    "Building Core-Competencies for Sustainability through Leadership and Teamwork - the Experience of a leading ODL Institution's Star Faculty

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    Malaysia’s quest for achieving the status of a developed nation and increasing competition in the workforce has spurred working adults to enroll in higher learning institutions. Due to work and time constraints, most of these learners have chosen to opt for open and distance learning where they can engage in their studies while continuing to work at the same time. Open University Malaysia, as the leading ODL institution in the country, strives to fulfill its learners’ expectations while at the same time trying to forge ahead with limitations in terms of workforce, technological changes and increased competition faced by most ODL institutions. Taking these limitations in mind and realising that its future sustainability lies in its core competencies, the university’s Faculty of Business and Management has undertaken a massive move to build these competencies. Through sheer hard work and determination, the faculty has risen to be a “star” faculty in the university – showing improvements in terms of quality assessment and learning materials matched with an increase in student numbers and student satisfaction. This study shares their experiences and their secrets to success. Theirs is a journey of transformational leadership and teamwork, where two leaders lead from the front and behind - propelling a strong team towards a journey that will lead to the future. (Abstract by authors

    Challenges and Strategies in Engaging Adult Learners in the face-to-face facilitation in ODL

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    Engaging students in the classroom have become more crucial in education as the attention span of students remain the same despite the increase in learning hours. Many studies have been done on this especially at the primary and secondary level. However, there are less studies being done at the tertiary level of education. With the advancement of technology and the recent increase in distance learning and on-line learning, the number of hours dedicated to face-to-face teaching has been reduced. This means that learners have to absorb the same amount of knowledge in lesser number of hours. This study is a conceptual paper based on a literature review which focuses on how academicians can engage learners through various creative and innovative solutions. It identifies the challenges faced by academicians in teaching adult learners and explores avenues that can be pursued to engage these learners. At the end of the paper, strategies that have been successfully implemented in OUM Business School are documented as a basis for future research efforts. It was concluded that all tutors and facilitators should be committed to the development of innovation and creativity in the learning environment in order to engage learners in the classroom. This would ensure that quality in teaching and learning is achieved

    Developing Destination Brand Identity: Towards sustainability of tourism destination from the perspective of stakeholders and theory of social identity

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    This is a conceptual paper on the concept of destination brand identity from the perspective of stakeholders. In planning and strategising for sustainable tourism destination, destination branding is a critical issue that needs to be explored. The nature of a destination domain is one where there exists an “open-system” of interdependent, multidimensional and multiple stakeholders where the actions of one stakeholder will impact the rest of the actors in the destination, thus making the process of developing destination identity very complex. The difficulties in dealing with different interests amongst the stakeholders make the process of developing destination identity more complicated, resulting in difficulties in achieving unity and understanding about the "shared image" for a destination brand. Moreover, to produce a sustainable tourism destination, the supports offered by stakeholders to the planning and development process is a key element for the successful operation, management and sustainibility of the destination. The destination branding literature shows consistency in the consideration of the power of stakeholders for branding destination. Therefore, based on the theory of stakeholders and the theory of social identity that underlies this paper, the study will identify the relationship between the stakeholders and brand development for a destination domain. This paper introduces a framework designed to study the implications of stakeholders towards the destination brand

    “Utilising ODL Technology in Case Based Teaching and Learning – Empowering Learners in OUM’s BBPS 4103”

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    Case studies have long been used in renowned business schools such as Harvard Business School in the United States and Curtin Business School in Australia as a tool to develop students’ critical thinking and analytical skills. The success of using case studies in capstone courses that cover a multitude of subjects have been well enumerated especially in the area of Strategic Management. However, most of these successes have been in conventional classrooms where discussions take place and students present their ideas and views in front of their peers. The Faculty of Business and Management, Open University Malaysia has taken this a step further by offering their BBPS4103 Strategic Management course fully-online where the teaching and learning is all done via videos and forums, supported with other learning materials, but with no face-to-face contact at all. This paper will present an overview of the project and how it has transformed the learning environment for our learners and resulted in a higher level of engagement. Learners are empowered to learn by themselves and can take learning a step further by being able to apply their critical thinking skills and theoretical concepts to a real-life case. Learning is done at their own pace through the use of on-line videos and a learner-centred forum. A comparison of the assessment results achieved by learners in the previous blended mode of learning and the new fully on-line mode is presented, along with an analysis of how the project has saved costs for the university. The paper concludes with recommended strategies for future improvements in utilizing ODL in case based teaching and learning. (Abstract by authors

    Influence of Self-Efficacy as a Mediator on Time Management and Students’ Performance Relationship in Malaysian Online Distance Learning Institutions

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    Academic achievement is the main objective amongst students in tertiary education institutions. A tertiary education institution’s performance normally will be measured by its ability to retain its students and the students’ resultsStudents’ failure rate too high will give the higher education institution a negative image Not many have conducted studies on online distance learning students’ performance