139 research outputs found

    Evolution of Class I cytokine receptors

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    BackgroundThe Class I cytokine receptors have a wide range of actions, including a major role in the development and function of immune and blood cells. However, the evolution of the genes encoding them remains poorly understood. To address this we have used bioinformatics to analyze the Class I receptor repertoire in sea squirt (Ciona intestinalis) and zebrafish (Danio rerio).ResultsOnly two Class I receptors were identified in sea squirt, one with homology to the archetypal GP130 receptor, and the other with high conservation with the divergent orphan receptor CLF-3. In contrast, 36 Class I cytokine receptors were present in zebrafish, including representative members for each of the five structural groups found in mammals. This allowed the identification of 27 core receptors belonging to the last common ancestor of teleosts and mammals.ConclusionThis study suggests that the majority of diversification of this receptor family occurred after the divergence of urochordates and vertebrates approximately 794 million years ago (MYA), but before the divergence of ray-finned from lobe-finned fishes around 476 MYA. Since then, only relatively limited lineage-specific diversification within the different Class I receptor structural groups has occurred.<br /

    SOCS proteins in development and disease

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    Cytokine and growth factor signaling mediates essential roles in the differentiation, proliferation, survival and function of a number of cell lineages. This is achieved via specific receptors located on the surface of target cells, with ligand binding activating key intracellular signal transduction cascades to mediate the requisite cellular outcome. Effective resolution of receptor signaling is also essential, with excessive signaling having the potential for pathological consequences. The Suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) family of proteins represent one important mechanism to extinguish cytokine and growth factor receptor signaling. There are 8 SOCS proteins in mammals; SOCS1-7 and the alternatively named Cytokine-inducible SH2-containing protein (CISH). SOCS1-3 and CISH are predominantly associated with the regulation of cytokine receptor signaling, while SOCS4-7 are more commonly involved in the control of Receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling. Individual SOCS proteins are typically induced by specific cytokines and growth factors, thereby generating a negative feedback loop. As a consequence of their regulatory properties, SOCS proteins have important functions in development and homeostasis, with increasing recognition of their role in disease, particularly their tumor suppressor and anti-inflammatory functions. This review provides a synthesis of our current understanding of the SOCS family, with an emphasis on their immune and hematopoietic roles

    Metabolic profile analysis of zebrafish embryos

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    A growing goal in the field of metabolism is to determine the impact of genetics on different aspects of mitochondrial function. Understanding these relationships will help to understand the underlying etiology for a range of diseases linked with mitochondrial dysfunction, such as diabetes and obesity. Recent advances in instrumentation, has enabled the monitoring of distinct parameters of mitochondrial function in cell lines or tissue explants. Here we present a method for a rapid and sensitive analysis of mitochondrial function parameters in vivo during zebrafish embryonic development using the Seahorse bioscience XF 24 extracellular flux analyser. This protocol utilizes the Islet Capture microplates where a single embryo is placed in each well, allowing measurement of bioenergetics, including: (i) basal respiration; (ii) basal mitochondrial respiration (iii) mitochondrial respiration due to ATP turnover; (iv) mitochondrial uncoupled respiration or proton leak and (iv) maximum respiration. Using this approach embryonic zebrafish respiration parameters can be compared between wild type and genetically altered embryos (mutant, gene over-expression or gene knockdown) or those manipulated pharmacologically. It is anticipated that dissemination of this protocol will provide researchers with new tools to analyse the genetic basis of metabolic disorders in vivo in this relevant vertebrate animal model

    ETV6 (TEL1) regulates embryonic hematopoiesis in zebrafish

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    Chromosomal translocations involving fusions of the human ETV6 (TEL1) gene occur frequently in hematologic malignancies. However, a detailed understanding of the normal function of ETV6 remains incomplete. This study has employed zebrafish as a relevant model to investigate the role of ETV6 during embryonic hematopoiesis. Zebrafish possessed a single conserved etv6 ortholog that was expressed from 12 hpf in the lateral plate mesoderm, and later in hematopoietic, vascular and other tissues. Morpholino-mediated gene knockdown of etv6 revealed the complex contribution of this gene toward embryonic hematopoiesis. During primitive hematopoiesis, etv6 knockdown resulted in reduced levels of progenitor cells, erythrocyte and macrophage populations, but increased numbers of incompletely differentiated heterophils. Definitive hematopoiesis was also perturbed, with etv6 knockdown leading to decreased erythrocytes and myeloid cells, but enhanced lymphopoiesis. This study suggests that ETV6 plays a broader and more complex role in early hematopoiesis than previously thought, impacting on the development of multiple lineages. &copy; 2015 Ferrata Storti Foundation

    Evolution of JAK-STAT pathway components : mechanisms and role in immune system development

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    BackgroundLying downstream of a myriad of cytokine receptors, the Janus kinase (JAK) &ndash; Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway is pivotal for the development and function of the immune system, with additional important roles in other biological systems. To gain further insight into immune system evolution, we have performed a comprehensive bioinformatic analysis of the JAK-STAT pathway components, including the key negative regulators of this pathway, the SH2-domain containing tyrosine phosphatase (SHP), Protein inhibitors against Stats (PIAS), and Suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins across a diverse range of organisms.ResultsOur analysis has demonstrated significant expansion of JAK-STAT pathway components co-incident with the emergence of adaptive immunity, with whole genome duplication being the principal mechanism for generating this additional diversity. In contrast, expansion of upstream cytokine receptors appears to be a pivotal driver for the differential diversification of specific pathway components.ConclusionDiversification of JAK-STAT pathway components during early vertebrate development occurred concurrently with a major expansion of upstream cytokine receptors and two rounds of whole genome duplications. This produced an intricate cell-cell communication system that has made a significant contribution to the evolution of the immune system, particularly the emergence of adaptive immunity.<br /

    From transcriptome to biological function: environmental stress in an ectothermic vertebrate, the coral reef fish Pomacentrus moluccensis

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    BackgroundOur understanding of the importance of transcriptional regulation for biological function is continuously improving. We still know, however, comparatively little about how environmentally induced stress affects gene expression in vertebrates, and the consistency of transcriptional stress responses to different types of environmental stress. In this study, we used a multi-stressor approach to identify components of a common stress response as well as components unique to different types of environmental stress. We exposed individuals of the coral reef fish Pomacentrus moluccensis to hypoxic, hyposmotic, cold and heat shock and measured the responses of approximately 16,000 genes in liver. We also compared winter and summer responses to heat shock to examine the capacity for such responses to vary with acclimation to different ambient temperatures.ResultsWe identified a series of gene functions that were involved in all stress responses examined here, suggesting some common effects of stress on biological function. These common responses were achieved by the regulation of largely independent sets of genes; the responses of individual genes varied greatly across different stress types. In response to heat exposure over five days, a total of 324 gene loci were differentially expressed. Many heat-responsive genes had functions associated with protein turnover, metabolism, and the response to oxidative stress. We were also able to identify groups of co-regulated genes, the genes within which shared similar functions.ConclusionThis is the first environmental genomic study to measure gene regulation in response to different environmental stressors in a natural population of a warm-adapted ectothermic vertebrate. We have shown that different types of environmental stress induce expression changes in genes with similar gene functions, but that the responses of individual genes vary between stress types. The functions of heat-responsive genes suggest that prolonged heat exposure leads to oxidative stress and protein damage, a challenge of the immune system, and the re-allocation of energy sources. This study hence offers insight into the effects of environmental stress on biological function and sheds light on the expected sensitivity of coral reef fishes to elevated temperatures in the future

    Characterization of zebrafish polymerase iii promoters for the expression of short hairpin RNA interference molecules

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is a powerful, sequence specific, and long-lasting method of gene knockdown, and can be elicited by the expression of short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) molecules driven via polymerase III type 3 promoters from a DNA vector or transgene. To further develop RNAi as a tool in zebrafish, we have characterized the zebrafish U6 and H1 snRNA promoters and compared the efficiency of each of the promoters to express an shRNA and silence a reporter gene, relative to previously characterized U6 promoters from pufferfish, chicken, and mouse. Our results show that the zebrafish polymerase III promoters were capable of effective gene silencing in the zebrafish ZF4 cell line, but were ineffective in mammalian Vero cells. In contrast, mouse and chicken promoters were active in Vero but not ZF4 cells, highlighting the importance of homologous promoters to achieve effective silencing

    Zebrafish as a model for leukemia and other hematopoietic disorders

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    Zebrafish is an established model for the study of vertebrate development, and is especially amenable for investigating hematopoiesis, where there is strong conservation of key lineages, genes, and developmental processes with humans. Over recent years, zebrafish has been increasingly utilized as a model for a range of human hematopoietic diseases, including malignancies. This review provides an overview of zebrafish hematopoiesis and describes its application as a model of leukemia and other hematopoietic disorders

    Cytokine networks and cancer stem cells

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    Cell-to-cell communication is an integral function of multicellular organisms. Many of these signals are received by a myriad of cell-surface receptors that utilize a range of intracellular signaling pathways to communicate this to the nucleus, rapidly impacting on the transcription of target genes in order to elicit the desired response, such as proliferation, differentiation, activation, and survival. Dysregulation of these important signaling pathways, and networks, often lead to pathological conditions due to inappropriate cell responses with negative consequences. The aberrant signaling pathways have been associated with many diseases, including cancer. Cytokines and chemokines convey a multitude of messages to the target cell, many of which are beneficial for cancers and cancer stem cells, such as proliferation, survival and migration. By hijacking this communication network, cancers and cancer stem cells can become invasive and more pathogenic. Furthermore, by using these communication systems, cancer stem cells are able to evade current therapies. Therefore, novel therapies may be developed to break the communication systems of the cancer stem cells. This chapter explores the role of the cytokines TGF-&beta;, TNF-&alpha;, IL-1 and IL-6 and chemokine CXCL8 as well as NF-&kappa;B and their role in cancer stem cell survival and maintenance. Emerging therapies are beginning to target the cancer stem cell population, either specifically or synergistically with existing therapeutic options. These novel therapies may hold the key to breaking the communication network of cancer stem cells

    G-CSF does not influence C2C12 myogenesis despite receptor expression in healthy and dystrophic skeletal muscle

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    Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) increases recovery of rodent skeletal muscles after injury, and increases muscle function in rodent models of neuromuscular disease. However, the mechanisms by which G-CSF mediates these effects are poorly understood. G-CSF acts by binding to the membrane spanning G-CSFR and activating multiple intracellular signaling pathways. Expression of the G-CSFR within the haematopoietic system is well known, but more recently it has been demonstrated to be expressed in other tissues. However, comprehensive characterization of G-CSFR expression in healthy and diseased skeletal muscle, imperative before implementing G-CSF as a therapeutic agent for skeletal muscle conditions, has been lacking. Here we show that the G-CSFR is expressed in proliferating C2C12 myoblasts, differentiated C2C12 myotubes, human primary skeletal muscle cell cultures and in mouse and human skeletal muscle. In mdx mice, a model of human Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), G-CSF mRNA and protein was down-regulated in limb and diaphragm muscle, but circulating G-CSF ligand levels were elevated. G-CSFR mRNA in the muscles of mdx mice was up-regulated however steady-state levels of the protein were down-regulated. We show that G-CSF does not influence C2C12 myoblast proliferation, differentiation or phosphorylation of Akt, STAT3, and Erk1/2. Media change alone was sufficient to elicit increases in Akt, STAT3, and Erk1/2 phosphorylation in C2C12 muscle cells and suggest previous observations showing a G-CSF increase in phosphoprotein signaling be viewed with caution. These results suggest that the actions of G-CSF may require the interaction with other cytokines and growth factors in vivo, however these data provides preliminary evidence supporting the investigation of G-CSF for the management of muscular dystrophy
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