9 research outputs found

    The New Educational Policy in India: Towards a Digital Future

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    New Education Policy was formulated by the Government via a consultation process. It emerges as an inclusive, participatory, and holistic approach of MHRD initiated in January 2015, MHRDA new National Education Policy (NEP) has been approved by the Union Cabinet, which makes modifications in the Indian system of education from school to college. The New Education Policy outlines India's goal of becoming a knowledge superpower. As part of the restructuring, the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) became the Ministry of Education. NEP promotes ideas, concepts, applications, and problem-solving activities. This policy calls for more interactive teaching-learning. A technology-based educational approach is emphasized in this policy. This policy demonstrates a greater use of ICT for remote and interactive education at school and in higher education. The study in this paper shows the impact of ICT tools on future education and various methods for building virtual infrastructure for learning

    A Survey on Face Recognition Techniques

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    Face detection is a computer technology that determines the locations and sizes of human faces in arbitrary (digital) images. It detects facial features and ignores anything else, such as buildings, trees and bodies. Face detection can be regarded as a specific case of object-class detection. In object-class detection, the task is to find the locations and sizes of all objects in an image that belong to a given class. Examples include upper torsos, pedestrians, and cars. Face detection can be regarded as a more general case of face localization. These days face detection is current research area. The face detection is normally done using ANN, CBIR, LDA and PCA. Keywords:- ANN, CBIR, LDA and PC


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    An ad-hoc mobile network is a collection of mobile nodes that are dynamically and arbitrarily located in such a manner that the interconnections between nodes are capable of changing on a continual basis.Adhoc nodes operating in a single path, single channel model might experience packet loss and high latency due to the congestion caused. Nodes along the heavy traffic path could reach the maximum bandwidth limit and experience undesirable amounts of packet drop. In Adhoc networks the nodes are mobile and contain no infrastructure. Certain emergency messages have to be delivered with very low latency and high reliability. An efficient routing protocol should ensure reliable packet delivery in a timely manner. Our Proposed solution is to setup multiple optimal paths based on bandwidth and delay. It allows storing multiple optimal paths based on Bandwidth and delay. At time of link failure, it will switch to next available path. To set up multiple paths, we have used the information that we get in the RREQ packet and also send RREP packet to more than one path It reduces overhead of local route discovery at the time of link failure. We investigated the performance metrics namely Retransmission Attempt, Media Access Delay, Network Load by through OPNET simulation