8 research outputs found

    Replacement of fentanyl infusion by enteral methadone decreases the weaning time from mechanical ventilation: a randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction: Patients undergoing mechanical ventilation (MV) are frequently administered prolonged and/or high doses of opioids which when removed can cause a withdrawal syndrome and difficulty in weaning from MV. We tested the hypothesis that the introduction of enteral methadone during weaning from sedation and analgesia in critically ill adult patients on MV would decrease the weaning time from MV. Methods: A double-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted in the adult intensive care units (ICUs) of four general hospitals in Brazil. The 75 patients, who met the criteria for weaning from MV and had been using fentanyl for more than five consecutive days, were randomized to the methadone (MG) or control group (CG). Within the first 24 hours after study enrollment, both groups received 80% of the original dose of fentanyl, the MG received enteral methadone and the CG received an enteral placebo. After the first 24 hours, the MG received an intravenous (IV) saline solution (placebo), while the CG received IV fentanyl. For both groups, the IV solution was reduced by 20% every 24 hours. The groups were compared by evaluating the MV weaning time and the duration of MV, as well as the ICU stay and the hospital stay. Results: Of the 75 patients randomized, seven were excluded and 68 were analyzed: 37 from the MG and 31 from the CG. There was a higher probability of early extubation in the MG, but the difference was not significant (hazard ratio: 1.52 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.87 to 2.64; P = 0.11). The probability of successful weaning by the fifth day was significantly higher in the MG (hazard ratio: 2.64 (95% CI: 1.22 to 5.69; P < 0.02). Among the 54 patients who were successfully weaned (29 from the MG and 25 from the CG), the MV weaning time was significantly lower in the MG (hazard ratio: 2.06; 95% CI 1.17 to 3.63; P < 0.004). Conclusions: The introduction of enteral methadone during weaning from sedation and analgesia in mechanically ventilated patients resulted in a decrease in the weaning time from MV

    Effect of substitution of intravenous infusion of fentanyl by enteral methadone on the time of weaning from mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients in intensive care units for adults

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    INTRODUÇÃO:Pacientes em ventilação mecânica (VM) são freqüentemente submetidos ao uso prolongado e/ou a doses elevadas de opióides, que durante a retirada podem causar abstinência dificultando o desmame da VM. Objetivo: testar a hipótese de que a introdução da metadona enteral na fase de desmame da sedação e analgesia em pacientes adultos graves sob VM diminui o tempo de desmame da VM. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, randomizado, controlado e duplo-cego, realizado entre abril de 2005 e outubro de 2009, em quatro Unidades de Terapia Intensiva (UTIs) de adultos de Joinville, SC. Foram randomizados 75 pacientes que apresentavam critérios para desmame da VM e estavam em uso de fentanil por mais de cinco dias consecutivos ou infusão ³ 5 g/kg/h por 12 horas. Os pacientes foram randomizados em dois grupos: Grupo Metadona (GM) e Grupo Controle (GC). Nas primeiras 24 horas após a inclusão os dois grupos receberam 80% da dose original do fentanil. Ao GM administrou-se metadona via enteral (10 mg cada 6 horas), e ao GC administrou-se placebo via enteral. Após as primeiras 24 horas acrescentou-se infusão intravenosa de solução salina (placebo) no GM, enquanto o GC recebeu infusão de solução intravenosa de fentanil. Em ambos os grupos, a solução venosa foi reduzida em 20% a cada 24 horas. Episódios de intolerância à retirada de opióide foram medicados com suplementação de opióide. Os grupos foram comparados entre si avaliando-se o tempo de desmame da VM, tempo de VM, permanência na UTI e permanência hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Dos 75 pacientes randomizados, sete foram excluídos e 68 foram analisados: 37 no GM e 31 no GC. Entre o início do desmame e a extubação, observou-se maior probabilidade de antecipação da extubação no GM, porém a diferença não foi significativa (Hazard Ratio: 1,52 (IC 95% 0,87 a 2,64; p = 0,11). Analisando-se o intervalo entre a randomização e o quinto dia do desmame da VM, a probabilidade de sucesso de desmame foi significativamente maior no GM (Hazard Ratio: 2,64 (IC 95%: 1,22 a 5,69; p < 0,02). Dentre os 54 pacientes que completaram o desmame da VM (29 do GM e 25 do GC), o tempo de desmame da VM foi significativamente menor no GM (Hazard Ratio: 2.06; IC 95% 1.17 a 3.63; p < 0.004). Não houve diferença entre os grupos com relação ao tempo de VM, permanência na UTI e permanência hospitalar. CONCLUSÃO: a introdução da metadona enteral na fase de desmame da sedação e analgesia de pacientes adultos graves sob VM resultou na diminuição do tempo de desmame da VMINTRODUCTION: Patients on mechanical ventilation (MV) are often subjected to prolonged use and / or high doses of opioids, which when removed can cause withdrawal syndrome and to difficult weaning from MV. Objective: to test the hypothesis that the introduction of enteral methadone in weaning from sedation and analgesia in critically ill adult patients on MV decreases the time of weaning from MV. METHODS: Prospective, randomized, controlled, double-blind trial, conducted between April 2005 and October 2009 in ICUs of four hospitals in Joinville, SC. We randomized 75 patients who met the criteria for weaning from MV and were using fentanyl for more than 5 consecutive days or infusion ³ 5 g/ kg / h for 12 hours. Patients were randomized into two groups: Methadone group (MG) and Control Group (CG). At first 24 hours both groups received 80% of the original dose of fentanyl and received, additionally, enteral methadone (10mg qid) or enteral placebo. After the first 24 hours, MG: received enteral methadone (10mg qid) and intravenous placebo. CG received enteral placebo and intravenous fentanyl. In both groups, the blinded intravenous solutions were reduced by 20% of the original dose, every 24 hours. Episodes of intolerance opioid withdrawal were treated with supplemental opioid. The groups were compared by evaluating the time of weaning from MV, duration of MV, ICU and hospital stay.RESULTS: Of 75 randomized patients, 7 were excluded and 68 were analyzed: 37 at MG and 31 in CG. Between the beggining of weaning and extubation, there was a greater probability of anticipation of extubation in the MG, but the difference was not significant. (Hazard Ratio: 1,52 (IC 95% 0,87 a 2,64; p = 0,11). Analyzing the interval between randomization and the fifth day of weaning from MV, the probability of successful weaning was significantly higher in GM (Hazard Ratio: 2,64 (IC 95%: 1,22 a 5,69; p < 0,02). Within the 54 patients who completed the weaning from MV (29 on the MG and 25 on the CG), weaning time from MV was significantly less in the MG (Hazard Ratio: 2.06; IC 95% 1.17 a 3.63; p < 0.004). There was no difference between the two groups with respect the duration of MV, length of ICU stay and hospital stay. CONCLUSÃO: the introduction of enteral methadone in weaning from sedation and analgesia of critically ill adult patients on MV decreased the time of weaning from M

    Diretrizes para manutenção de múltiplos órgãos no potencial doador adulto falecido: parte I. Aspectos gerais e suporte hemodinâmico Guidelines for potential multiple organ donors (adult): part I. Overview and hemodynamic support

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    A desproporção entre a grande demanda por transplantes de órgãos e a baixa realização de transplantes é um grave problema de saúde pública. O reconhecimento da morte encefálica, a adequada abordagem da família e a manutenção clínica do doador falecido são fundamentais para a diminuição desta desproporção. Neste cenário, o intensivista tem importância central e a aplicação do conjunto de informações disponíveis para manutenção do potencial doador falecido está claramente associada à redução de perdas de doadores e ao aumento da qualidade e da efetivação de transplantes<br>There is a relative shortage of appropriate organs available for transplantation. The appropriate diagnosis of brain death, a suitable family approach and the maintenance of the deceased donor are fundamental in addressing this issue. The intensive care physician plays a key role in the maintenance of the deceased donor, thereby reducing losses and increasing the number of successful transplant

    Diretrizes para avaliação e validação do potencial doador de órgãos em morte encefálica

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    RESUMO O transplante de órgãos é a única alternativa para muitos pacientes portadores de algumas doenças terminais. Ao mesmo tempo, é preocupante a crescente desproporção entre a alta demanda por transplantes de órgãos e o baixo índice de transplantes efetivados. Dentre as diferentes causas que alimentam essa desproporção, estão os equívocos na identificação do potencial doador de órgãos e as contraindicações mal atribuídas pela equipe assistente. Assim, o presente documento pretende fornecer subsídios à equipe multiprofissional da terapia intensiva para o reconhecimento, a avaliação e a validação do potencial doador de órgãos