57 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Berbasis Pada Program Pemberdayaan Fakir Miskin (Studi Penelitian Di Desa Mundak Jaya Kecamatan Cikedung Kabupaten Indramayu)

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    Poverty is a phenomenon or a social phenomenon that is almost as old as the human civilization. In each area there is poverty in Indonesia name must always be there no matter how good the area is, because of poverty and well-being are like two sides of a coin that can not be liberated. Therefore, to address the problem of poverty that exist in Indramayu Regency, Regents and Local Government / agencies related to the problem of poverty has put together a strategy to address the problem of poverty in the district of Indramayu.Research approaches in Poor People Empowerment Program Year 2011 (Case Studies Business Group in the Village Mundak Jaya sub-district of Indramayu district Cikedung). This departs from the meaning of descriptive research approach itself, that an analytical descriptive method of gathering facts through the proper interpretation. This method is shown to study the issues that arise in the community in certain situations, including public relations, activities, attitudes, opinions, as well as ongoing processes and their effects on certain phenomena in the society.The fact shows that the implementation of the program in the field of KUBE FM in the village Mundak Jaya sub-district of Indramayu district Cikedung can not say success, is evident from the 8 (Eight) KUBE FM in the village Mundak Jaya. The program is now not active / running again, but the goats on the KUBE FM Desa Jaya Mundak from the year 2011 until now there are growing well and the goat, which is only 4 KUBE FM who still survive, thrive and breed goats that KUBE FM "Harapan Jaya, Tanjung Jaya Mulya Hope and Jaya Mulya" the goat still survive and thrive better than in 2011-until now. So failure KUBE FM program in the village Mundak Jaya starts from the number of goats that do not develop properly and die, so that members of KUBE FM getting lazy (pessimistic) to take care of the goats in the implementation of future programs KUBE FM. Therefore, not a few of the members KUBE FM out of the group, because goats are dying and not well maintained, so many goats were submitted / deposited to the people who breed goats personal (non-program) and there is also a goat deposited / submitted to be treated to Mundak Jaya Village residents who also receive assistance from government programs that cultivate other programs in the field of poultry rearing Mundak Jaya village with the intention that the goats stay healthy and breed well

    Pelatihan dan Bimbingan dalam Pemanfaatan Internet yang Baik dan Aman Bagi Pelajar SMK Anak Bangsa Desa Bandar Siantar Kabupaten Simalungun

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    Perkembangan teknologi khususnya internet telah membawa banyak Perubahan. Berkat bantuan internet semua pekerjaan menjadi terasa ringan. Bagi para siswa atau pelajar, internet memudahkan mereka dalam mencari literatur atau bahan-bahan tugas sekolah. Akan tetapi kemampuan siswa dalam menggunakan internet dengan cara yang baik dan aman di era globalisasi dewasa ini masih tergolong rendah, terutama pada siswa-siswi SMK Anak Bangsa desa Bandar Siantar Kabupaten Simalungun. Letaknya yang di pedesaan dan jauh dari perkotaan serta kurangnya perhatian pemerintah daerah dalam melakukan sosialisasi, bimbingan dan pelatihan internet membuat banyak siswa khususnya yang tinggal di pedesaan, kurang memahami pentingnya pemanfaatan internet dengan cara yang positif. Sebagian besar para siswa bisa bebas berselancar di dunia maya dan melakukan aktivitas online mereka tanpa adanya pengawasan. Oleh karena itu kegiatan pelatihan dan bimbingan dalam pemanfaatan internet sangat perlu dilakukan untuk mengingatkan serta memberikan kesadaran bagi para siswa bagaimana cara menggunakan internet dengan cara yang bijaksana agar kedepannya kemampuan akademik maupun pengetahuan mereka terhadap dunia pendidikan dan informasi semakin meningkat. Pelatihan ini nanti nya akan menggunakan 4 macam modul diktat yang masing-masing akan dijelaskan berupa presentasi menggunakan power point. Dengan pelatihan dan bimbingan ini diharapkan para pelajar khususnya disekolah ini mampu memanfaatkan internet dengan arif dan bijaksana dalam rangka mendukung upaya pengembangan SDM yang beradab yang memiliki kemampuan bersaing secara global, tidak hanya mampu bersaing secara intelektual tetapi juga memiliki adab dan perilaku yang baik

    Identifikasi Faktor Penyebab Anak Keluarga Sejahtera Tidak Melanjutkan Pendidikan Ke Perguruan Tinggi

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    The title of this research is “The Identification of Causes Factors of Children From The Prosperous Family Who Not Continuing Their Education to The College (Case Study In Pasar Barito Sanggau)”. Common problem in this research is “Why children from prosperous families there are not continuing their education to the college" (case study in Pasar Barito Sanggau)? The sub-problems are: How is the internal factor that causes the child of traders in Pasar Barito not to continue their education to the college and how is the external factors that cause the child of traders in Pasar Barito not continue their education to the college? The Purpose of this research is to determine the internal and external factors that cause the child of traders in Pasar Barito who not continue their education to college. The techniques of data collection used are interview and documentation studies. The tools of data collection used are interview guides, note books and archives. The analysis in this research is presented by descriptively qualitative by using an 8 informants consisting of 4 children of traders in Pasar Barito who not continue their education to the college, and 4 parents who an traders in Pasar Barito from each that childs. The results of this research that indicate the causes factors of the children from traders in Pasar Barito who not continue their education to the college is the lack of interest from that child of traders to continue their education to the colleg

    Analisis Keterampilan Bertanya oleh Guru Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi pada Kelas X Mas Khulafaur Rasyidin

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    The purpose in this research is to analyze the ability of asked by sociology teacher study program of X class Khulafaur Rasyidin Kabupaten Kubu Raya. The method that is used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The result of this research showed that the ability of asked by sociology teacher of X class Mas Khulafaur Rasyidin Kabupaten Kubu Raya is optimal yet. This case is seen from both aspects the ability of asked, the teacher only fulfill one aspect. The aspect is the ability of basic asked. The ability of basic asked, it seen and got from skill and teacher\u27s ability of basic asked in learning process. Teacher often gives a question and receive student\u27s question well. The ability of the next level asked that the teacher did of sociology study program is not optimal yet. This case can be seen from the teacher of the next level asked, when the teacher given a question to the students in the cognitive level, the teacher is not optimal yet or it is not mastered yet all of them about the setting list of a question from the lowest cognitive level to the complex level

    Adaptasi Sosial Tionghoa Muslim dengan Keluarga Non Mulim (Studi Keluarga Tionghoa Muslim di Kecamatan Singkawang Barat)

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    : This study aims to determine the social adaptation of Chinese Muslim with non-Muslim family. The approach used is descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation, while the data collection tool is a guide to observation, interview, and documentation. Results showed that that the social adaptation performed Tioghoa ethnic Muslim against non-Muslim families, of which bring positive results, Chinese Muslim relations with non-Muslim family that runs fine, but not absolute. They were received by a non-Muslim family through a long process of adaptation

    Internalisasi Nilai Kedisiplinan dalam Pembentukan Kepribadian Siswa melalui Ekstrakurikuler Paskibra SMPN 4 Pontianak

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    This research is "internalization of discipline in the formation of the personality of students through extracurricular paskibra SMP Negeri 4 Pontianak". The approach used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The data collection technique used is the technique of interview, observation and documentation. With data collection tools in the form of interview, observation and documentation guidelines. The results showed the internalization of discipline through extracurricular paskibra done gradually through a process of moral knowing and moral feeling by trainers and moral action of the student. Moral knowing conducted by trainer to provide knowledge about the value of discipline, moral feeling is done by trainers to give an example of the value of discipline to students. Moral action of students who take extra paskibra looks of behavior of students the value of discipline in following extracurricular paskibra

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Kepribadian Guru terhadap Keberhasilan Siswa dalam Belajar Sosiologi SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 1

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    : This thesis titled "The influence ofTeacher's Personality Competence on the student's success in learning Sociology at the Class XI IIS 2 of SMA KemalaBhayangkari 1Sungai Raya ". The problem in this thesis is how the teacher's personality competencecan improve the student's learning processin Sociology for student class XI IIS 2 in SMA KemalaBhayangkari 1 Sungai Raya. The Samples in this study are 40 students of class XI IIS 2SMA KemalaBhayangkari 1 Sungai Raya. The information and data in this study gained through the results of questionnaires from respondents. The Data processing techniques in this study using a percentage formula. Results from this study indicate that:There is a 28.9 % positive relationship between personal competence of teachers with student success in studying Sociology in class XI SMA Kemala IIS 2 Bhayangkari 1 Sungai Raya. There weree 4 students who had not finished with a score below the minimum completeness criteria ; score of 75, and 9 students who had scored right at number 75 according to the score of a minimum completeness criteria, And the value is included in the study analysis. So that 4 students have a share of 28.9 % in describing the influence of teacher's personality competence on the student's success in learning Sociology. While the rest percentages are influenced by other factors which not included the independent variables and the dependent variable in the study.The higher the Teacher's personality competence in the learning process the higher the student's success in achieving getting a high score
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