65 research outputs found

    Conditions of Substrate and Water Quality Supporting Activites as A Growth Factor in Mangrove at Coastal Basaan I, South East District Minahasa

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    Mangrove forest vegetation contained in Basaan The village has an important role, both ecologically and economically for the community. The mangrove ecosystem's ability to maintain its ecological function depends on factors - environmental contributing factors, namely the quality of the environment and substrate conditions. The purpose of the study was to measure the quality of environmental factors and substrate waters around mangrove and describe the environmental capacity of water at mangrove ecosystem. The method of research by sampling at two locations: station A and station B by taking water samples in which the chemical and physical parameters of the test carried out in the Laboratory of Water archipelago and substrate samples which were tested in Laborarotium Soil Fertility, Faculty of Agriculture Unsrat Manado. The test results showed that the water temperature is 310C and TSS levels <1 (station A) and 44 (station B), pH 7.3; salinity 32; NH3 0.26 (A), 0.05 (B); PO4 0.122 (A ), 0.013 (B); H2S < 0.02; DO 10.10 (A), 8.95 (B). For the test results is the basic substrate pH H2O 7.6 (station A) and 7.5 (station B) neutral category; pH KCl 5.1 (A) and 5.4 (B) neutral category, N 0.44 (A ), 0.34 (B) medium category; P2O5 1.98 (A) and 15.35 (B) medium category; organic C-5.83 (A) and 3.98 (B) high category; K2O 2, 27 (A) and 23.48 (B) medium category. Conditions coastal waters village Basaan I still quite good because of the support and the dukungya still need attention orthoposphat parameter whose value is higher than the standard.   Keywords : water quality, substrate base, carrying capacit

    Technology Applications Based Ecosystem Conservation in the Beach Basaan, Southeast Minahasa Regency , North Sulawesi

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    In fact the use or the use of resources and territory or coastal area showed a significant rate. Yet on the other hand the availability of space and resources are in a dilemma because the rate is followed by the use of more that do not consider the sustainability of the resource. It is crucial to increase with increasing population. One of the consequences or impact most noticeably is the damage to the environment, both natural environment in general and specifically the environment of coastal areas. From various studies and concern, for while the environmental damage that occurs in the context of use (exploitation) of natural resources because of: 1) Lack of or perhaps the lack of an integrated approach to the planning and management of resources that are in the coastal region; 2) Lack of adequate information and data to be used as a reference in the management; 3) Lack of community involvement in the management of local government may hoarse coastal power. Management of small -scale coastal resources is an activity in the village / urban neighborhoods implemented as an effort of institutional capacity building and community, improving the quality of the environment, as well as socio-economic improvement of the quality of society by using technology appropriate management of coastal areas for the community. These activities are grouped into 3 categories: 1. Capacity building society in the management of coastal and marine resources through training and mentoring, 2. Environmental improvement activities that influence the activities in improving welfare, 3. The development of alternative employmen

    Ecosystem Protection Of Mangrove Based Society By Village Decision (Case In The Bay Of Labuan Uki, Regensi Of Bolaang Mongondow)

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    The decrease of mangrove ecosystem in the coast Labuan Uki bay loak subdistrict, bolaang mongondow province caused by conversion land on each parts of mangrove become industry area and people residance. It’s  has effect to fish production, when there has low area of mangrove aqual to fisherman income. It means that, mangrove has no fungsion as development facility of marine biota will give the effect to the organism in that area.To make protection to mangrove ecosystem area in the bay of Labuan Uki. The researcher do the research of mangrove ecosystem based society by village decision. To know the wide and the study case of useless in labuan uki area. The result of this research to analys using qualitatife description method.The result of this research to give information to the researcer about the village regulation able to accept by villager with one hundred percent (30 persons total respondents). Than in the village regulation is kinds of mangrove ecosystem protection  based society that purpose to the cuntinue basic development in the bay of labuan uki and have been to apply solid system and partnerships. And the wide of mangrove about ± 241.75 ha. In there has genus Rhizophora, genus Sonneratia, Genus Bruiguera and genus Avicennia. But the most genus in Labuan Uki is dominate of  genus Rhizphora. In this case has to identificate effect of this problem that is to find out location of it. For the first in Sauk village dusun 1 the wide about ± 7.500 m2 as a talung conversion area. Secondly batubara II village dusun 3 the wide about ± 204 m2 and ± 3 ha. To conversion as location to make residance and fishpond area. And the last Labuan Uki village dusun IV the wide about ± 3 ha and about ± 3 ha. To conversion as fishpond area and PT. BETAGAS factory area.The key : defect case, mangrove, joint village regulation ABSTRAK Berkurangnya ekosistem hutan mangrove di pesisir Teluk Labuan Uki Kecamatan Lolak, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow dikarenakan oleh konversi lahan pada beberapa daerah dari hutan mangrove menjadi daerah perindustrian dan pemukiman penduduk. Hal tersebut berpengaruh pada produksi perikanan, dimana penurunan areal hutan mangrove berbanding lurus dengan tingkat pendapatan nelayan. Artinya, hilangnya fungsi hutan mangrove sebagai fasilitas perkembangbiakan biota laut akan dapat mempengerahui keberadaan organisme laut disekitanya.Untuk mendekati upaya perlindungan di sekitar ekosistem hutan mangrove di kawasan teluk Labuan Uki, maka dilakukan penelitian ekosistem hutan mangrove berbasis masyarakat melalui penetapan peraturan desa bersama. Guna mengetahui luasan dan kasus kegiatan pemanfaatan yang terjadi di kawasan teluk Labuan uki. Hasil penelitian selanjutnya di analisis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peraturan desa bersama dapat disetujui masyrakat desa dengan nilai 100 % (dari total responden 30 orang). Sedangkan penulisan peraturan desa bersama adalah bentuk upaya perlindungan ekosistem hutan mangrove berbasis masyarakat yang mengarah pada prinsip-prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan teluk Labuan Uki dan telah menerapkan sistem keterpaduan dan kemitraan. Dan ekosistem hutan mangrove terdapat luas ± 241.75 ha. Serta banyak ditumbuhi oleh genus Rhizophora, genus Sonneratia, Genus Bruiguera dan genus Avicennia. Namun yang mendominasi kawasan teluk Labuan Uki adalah genus Rhizphora. Di samping itu, indentifikasi pemangku kepentingan dan permasalahan dari kasus kegiatan kerusakan hutan mangrove ditemukan beberapa titik, Desa Sauk dusun I luasan ± 7.500 m2 yang di konversi sebagai lahan talung (pemecah ombak) dan ± 1.500 m2 untuk  jalan perahu. Desa Baturapa II dusun 3 luasan ± 204 m2 dan ± 3 ha yang dikonversi sebagai lahan pembuatan rumah dan tambak. Dan Desa Labuan Uki dusun IV luasan ± 3 ha dan luasan ± 3 ha yang dikonversi sabagai lahan tambak dan perusahaan pabrik PT. BETAGAS.Kata kunci:      Kasus kerusakan, hutan mangrove, peraturan desa bersama

    Structure Of Mangrove Communities In Baturapa Village, Lolak District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency

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    The Baturapa Village community uses mangroves to fulfill their various needs (fuel wood, house construction materials, color dyes and synthetic flower-making raw materials). This utilization must be carried out in a controlled manner to preserve the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem. This study aims to determine the extent and the current structure of the mangrove community in Baturapa Village. The research was conducted in the mangrove area of Baturapa Village, Lolak District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi Province in March 2019.The method used was the line transect method to see the mangrove community structure including density, frequency, species dominance and Important Value Index (INP) and diversity index (H’). Mangrove area was calculated using Google earth pro and ArcGis 10.4 software. The outcomes of the calculation of the area of mangrove in the village of Baturapa are 37.4 hectares. The results of the identification of mangroves in the coastal area of Baturapa Village, Lolak District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency, have 11 species, with 111 total individuals. Of the 3 line transects, the highest species density is Rhizophora stylosa, 800 trees / ha (line transect III) with relative density ( KR) 57.1%, while T\the highest frequency of species is Rhizophora stylosa with a value of 1.0 with a relative frequency (FR) of 50% (line transect III). The highest species dominance is Rhizophora mucronata with a value of 4.6 where relative dominance (DR) is 53.4% (line transect II). Furthermore, the highest species value index (INP) is Rhizophora stylosa with a value of 118.6 (line transect III). Line transect I has the highest diversity index (H;) with a value of 1.99. A value of 1.99 (H’) greater than 1 and smaller 3.3 means that productivity is sufficient, ecosystem conditions are quite balanced and ecological pressure is moderate.Keywords: Baturapa Village, mangrove area, density, frequency, dominance, index important value, mangrove diversity indexABSTRAKMasyarakat Desa Baturapa memanfaatan mangrove untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan hidupnya (kayu bakar, bahan pembangunan rumah,pewarna jarin dan bahan baku pembuatan bunga sintetis). Pemanfaatan ini harus dilakukan secara terkendali untuk menjaga keberlanjutan ekosistem mangrove. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui luasan dan struktur komunitas mangrove saat ini di Desa Baturapa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan mangrove Desa Baturapa, Kecamatan Lolak, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara pada bulan maret 2019. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode line transect untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas mangrove meliputi kerapatan, frekuensi, domimasi spesies serta Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) dan Indeks keaneragaman (H’). Menghitung luas mangrove menggunakan sofware Google earth pro  dan ArcGis 10,4.  Hasil perhitungan luas mangrove  di desa Baturapa  37,4 Hektar. Hasil identifikasi mangrove di wilayah pesisir Desa Baturapa Kecamatan  Lolak Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow terdapat  11 spesies,  dengan total individu sebanyak 111.  Dari ke-3 line transect, kerapatan spesies tertinggi dimiliki Rhizophora stylosa, 800 pohon/ha (line transect III) dengan kerapatan relatif (KR) 57,1 %. Frekuensi spesies tertinggi adalah  Rhizophora stylosa  dengan nilai 1,0 dengan frekuensi relatif (FR) 50% (line transect III). Dominasi spesies tertinggi adalah Rhizophora mucronata dengan nilai 4,6 dimana dominasi relatif (DR) 53,4% (line transect II).  Selanjutnya Indeks Nilai Penting (INP) spesies paling tinggi yaitu Rhizophora stylosa dengan nilai 118,6 (line transect III). Line transect  I memiliki  indeks keanekaragaman (H’)  tertinggi dengan nilai 1,99.  Nilai 1,99 (H’) lebih besar 1 dan lebih kecil 3,3 ini berarti produktivitas cukup, kondisi ekosistem cukup seimbang dan tekanan ekologi sedang. Kata kunci : Desa Baturapa, luas mangrove, kerapatan, frekuensi, dominasi, Indeks                     nilai penting,Indeks keaneragaman mangrov

    Kondisi Ekologi dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Mangrove di Desa Tarohan Selatan Kecamatan Beo Selatan Kabupaten Kepulauan Talaud

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    KONDISI EKOLOGI DAN PEMANFAATAN SUMBERDAYA MANGROVE DI DESA TAROHAN SELATAN KECAMATAN BEO SELATAN KABUPATEN KEPULAUAN TALAUD1 Rivay Ontorael2, Adnan S Wantasen3, Ari B Rondonuwu3 ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the ecological condition of mangrove forests, and the use/utilization of mangrove forests. The method used is method of survey and interview cruising. Ecological data retrieval is done by making transects kuadrant shaped by the size of 25x25 cm by 3 pieces lengthwise parallel to the coastline of South Tarohan Village. Respondents to the data carried by a purposive sampling interview respondents who have been determined. The results showed that the highest density is owned by Sonneratia alba and the highest frequency is owned by species Sonneratia Alba its index value is also important because it is owned by Sonneratia Alba. Sonneratia Alba is a type of mangrove, Sonneratia which have a dominant role in the mangrove forest ecosystem. Environmental conditions of coastal waters of South Tarohan village has a good environment and support the survival of mangrove forests and biota in the vicinity. South Tarohan Villagers were already aware of and understand the benefits of mangrove forests, it can not guarantee the preservation of mangrove forests because most people still use mangrove wood for household needs for fuel wood.   Keywords : Mangrove, ecological   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi ekologi hutan mangrove, serta penggunaan/pemanfaatan hutan mangrove. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survey jelajah dan wawancara. Pengambilan data ekologi dilakukan dengan membuat transek berbentuk kuadrant dengan ukuran 25x25 m sebanyak 3 buah  memenjang sejajar garis pantai Desa Tarohan Selatan. Untuk data responden dilakukan dengan wawancara secara purposive sampling yaitu responden yang sudah ditentukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Kerapatan jenis tertinggi di miliki oleh Sonneratia alba dan Frekuensi Jenis tertinggi di miliki oleh Sonneratia alba beserta Indeks Nilai Penting juga di miliki oleh Sonneratia alba karena Sonneratia alba merupakan jenis mangrove yang memiliki peranan dominan dalam ekosisten hutan mangrove. Kondisi lingkungan perairan pesisir Desa Tarohan Selatan memiliki lingkungan yang baik dan mendukung kelangsungan hidup dari hutan mangrove dan biota yang ada di sekitarnya. Masyarakat Desa Tarohan Selatan ternyata sudah mengetahui dan memahami manfaat hutan mangrove, hal ini tidak dapat menjamin kelestarian hutan mangrove karena masih sebagian besar masyarakat menggunakan kayu bakau sebagai kebutuhan rumah tangga untuk kayubakar kayu bakar. Kata kunci : Mangrove, ekolog

    Economic Analysis of Coral Reefs in Bahoi Village, North Minahasa District

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    For the management activity of coastal area, especially coral reefs, need basic data about economic condition of the coral reefs. Therefore, to manage the ecosystem of coral reefs in Bahoi Village, need an analysis act of economic condition. Whereas, for the economic values, analyze base on direct use of the society. Total economic values of the coral reefs in Bahoi Village, analyze only from the direct use. At the moment its about Rp.2.420.130.000/year. This values is the acumulation from the direct use of fisheries (coral fish) about Rp.2.368.980.000/year and the direct use of the tourism about Rp.51.150.000/year. The relation of ecological and economic condition, base on the result of the coefficient values is 0.0887 for coral and 0.2470 for algae, indicated that 1% growth of the coral coverage unit, will raise 8.87% unit of the total fish. Likewise, 1% growth of the algae coverage, will raise 24.70% of the total fish. In other words, every growth of the coral coverage and algae coverage, will raise the total fish. The relation of fish diversity and fishing trip to the fisherman income, the coefficient values is 2.7475 for fish diversity and 1.1693 for fishing trip, indicated that 1% growth of fish diversity fish, will raise 274.75% unit of the fisherman income. Likewise, 1% growth of fishing trip per month, will raise 116.93% unit of the fisherman income. To improve the ecological condition that finally can increase the society income, therefore activity that cause damage to the coral reefs, such as fishing with “bubu” and coral mining, need to be stopped. It’s also need to develop the other benefit of coral reefs, like tourism. Key words : analysis, ekonomic, ekological, coral reff Abstrak   Untuk suatu kegiatan pengelolaan wilayah pesisir khususnya terumbu karang, diperlukan data dasar mengenai nilai ekonomi dari terumbu karang. Oleh sebab itu guna pengelolaan ekosistem terumbu karang di Desa Bahoi perlu dilakukan pengkajian ekonomi. Nilai ekonomi total dari terumbu karang di Desa Bahoi hanya dilihat dari nilai manfaat langsung, yang saat ini memiliki nilai sebesar Rp 2.420.130.000/tahun. Nilai ini merupakan akumulasi dari manfaat langsung perikanan tangkap (ikan karang) sebesar Rp 2.368.980.000/tahun dan manfaat langsung wisata sebesar Rp 51.150.000/tahun. Hubungan kondisi ekologi dan ekonomi dilihat dari nilai koefisien yang diperoleh yaitu 0.0887 untuk karang batu dan 0.2470 untuk algae  menunjukkan bahwa setiap pertambahan 1% dari satuan tutupan karang batu akan diikuti dengan penambahan 8.87% satuan jumlah ikan. Demikian juga dengan penambahan 1% satuan tutupan algae akan dikuti dengan penambahan 24.70% satuan jumlah ikan. Dengan kata lain, setiap penambahan tutupan karang dan tutupan algae akan diikuti dengan peningkatan jumlah ikan. Dalam hubungan keanekaragaman ikan dan trip penangkapan terhadap pendapatan nelayan nilai koefisien yang diperoleh yaitu 2.7475 untuk keanekaragaman ikan dan 1.1693 untuk trip penangkapan, menunjukkan bahwa setiap pertambahan 1% dari satuan keanekaragaman ikan akan diikuti dengan penambahan 274.75% satuan pendapatan nelayan. Demikian juga dengan penambahan 1% satuan jumlah trip per bulan akan dikuti dengan penambahan 116.93% satuan pendapatan nelayan. Untuk meningkatkan kondisi ekologi, yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan penghasilan masyarakat, maka kegiatan yang mengakibatkan rusaknya terumbu karang seperti penangkapan ikan dengan bubu dan penambangan karang harus dihentikan, serta perlu dikembangkannya manfaat lain terumbu karang seperti pariwisata yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan di wilayah ini. Kata-kata kunci : kajian, ekonomi, ekologi, terumbu karang   1 Dibiayai oleh Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi dalam program PENPRINAS MP3EI 2015-2016 2 Staf pengajar pada Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan UNSRA

    Mapping of Mangrove Diversity in Kelurahan Tongkaina, Bunaken Sub-District, Manado

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    This research was conducted in coastal area of Tongkaina Village, Bunaken Sub-district, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province. The purpose of this study was to calculate the diversity of mangrove plants and map the zoning of mangrove species distribution in three research sites. The data collected are categorized as primary and secondary data. Primary data collection related to biophysical condition of mangrove ecosystem, including vegetation structure and area of mangrove cover in study site and further analyzed. Secondary data were collected from various literature studies, documentation and scientific papers and related legislation. Based on  the obtained results, it was known that the diversity index of mangrove in Tongkaina is 1.71 which is categorized as medium in term of its diversity, because the value of H 'is greater than 1 and smaller than 3. This value means also that there was enough productivity, ecosystem condition is quite balanced, and moderate ecological pressures. The highest species diversity index was found in Sonneratia alba with an index of 0.37 and the lowest was in the Bruguiera gymnorrhiza species with index of 0.06. Mapping of mangrove species is done by taking coordinate points within quadrant at three research sites. Color degradation with rounded symbols are used to distinguish each species. The aims are designed to be able to easily distinguish between species visually and can be used as one method of mapping study on the diversity of mangroves. This study reveals the known levels of mangrove diversity are moderate. The existence of fishing activities and mooring boat by the local community contribute to mangrove land degradation. Indispensable protection or conservation through knowledge transfer and building awareness to the community, as well as providing an economic alternative for those utilizing mangrove for both household and commercial needs, in order to maintain better conditions are equally important.Keywords: Mapping, Mangrove, Diversity, TongkainaAbstrakPenelitian ini berlokasi di kawasan pesisir pantai Kelurahan Tongkaina, Kecamatan Bunaken Kota Manado Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghitung keanekaragaman hutan mangrove serta memetakan zonasi pembagian jenis mangrove di tiga stasiun penelitian. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer berkaitan dengan kondisi biofisik ekosistem mangrove yaitu, struktur vegetasi dan luasan mangrove di daerah penelitian dan selanjutnya dianalisis. Kemudian data sekunder dikumpulkan dari berbagai kajian literature, dokumentasi dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah serta peraturan perundang-undangan terkait. Pada hasil yang diperoleh diketahui nilai indeks keanekaragaman mangrove di Tongkaina adalah 1,71 dimana nilai indeks ini tergolong dalam kategori keanekaragaman sedang, karena nilai H’ lebih besar dari 1 dan lebih kecil dari 3, yang berarti produktivitas cukup, kondisi ekosistem cukup seimbang, dan tekanan ekologis sedang. Indeks Keanekaragaman spesies tertinggi didapati pada Sonneratia alba dengan nilai indeks 0,37 dan terendah ada pada spesies Bruguiera gymnorrhiza yang memiliki nilai indeks yaitu 0,06. Pemetaan jenis mangrove dilakukan dengan cara pengambilan titik koordinat pada kuadran di tiga stasiun penelitian. Degradasi warna dengan simbol bulat di pakai untuk membedakan tiap spesies. Hal ini bertujuan agar dapat dengan mudah membedakan antar spesies secara visual serta dapat dijadikan salah satu metode kajian untuk memetakan keanekaragaman mangrove. Diketahui tingkat keanekaragaman mangrove tergolong sedang. Adanya kegiatan pertambakan dan tambatan perahu masyarakat membuat lahan mangrove semakin berkurang. Sangat diperlukan adanya perlindungan atau pelestarian melalui pengetahuan dan penyadaran kepada masyarakat, serta memberikan alternatif ekonomi bagi yang memanfaatkan mangrove baik untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga ataupun komersial, demi menjaga perkembangan kondisi yang lebih baik.Kata kunci:      Pemetaan, Mangrove, Keanekaragaman, Tongkain

    Study of Vegetation and Perception Characteristic of Coastal Community in Utilizing Mangrove in Labuan Uki Bay, Bolaang Mongondow Regency

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    Bay of Labuan Uki located in Lolak district, Bolaang Mongondow regency, North Sulawesi province has the potential of coastal area and sea, especially mangrove ecosystem to be used and preserved for the public welfare.Based on that, the purpose of the research is  to (1) analyze the community structure and mangroves forest area at the Bay of Labuan Uki (2) analyze the perception Bay of Labuan Uki coastal area societies in the utilization of mangrove ecosystems. The results of this research found that 5 families mangrove Avicenniaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Sonneratiaceae, Arecaceae and Myrsinaceae and 14 species, mangrove area is now 125.49 Ha with the conditions of thickness and density of mangrove largely been sparse due to logging for over functioned. The public perception most desire sustainable use, so need for rehabilitation, socialization to raise public awareness, economic alternatives for utilizing mangrove either directly or indirectly, and making of regulations related to the mangrove forests such as the Village Regulations together (Sauk, Baturapa II, Labuan Uki) and or the Local Regulation of Bolaang Mongondow Regency to maintain and preserve the mangrove forests at the Bay of Labuan Uki today.Keywords: Mangrove, Public Perception, Bay of Labuan Uki. AbstrakTeluk Labuan Uki terletak di Kecamatan Lolak, Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara memiliki potensi wilayah pesisir dan laut terutama ekosistem mangrove untuk dimanfaatkan dan dilestarikan demi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Menganalisis struktur komunitas dan luasan hutan mangrove di kawasan Teluk Labuan Uki (2) Menganalisis persepsi masyarakat pesisir Teluk Labuan Uki dalam pemanfaatan ekosistem mangrove. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan 5 famili mangrove yaitu Avicenniaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Sonneratiaceae, Arecaceae dan Myrsinaceae dan 14 spesies, luasan mangrove saat ini 125,49 Ha dengan  kondisi ketebalan serta kerapatan mangrove  sebagian besar sudah jarang akibat penebangan untuk dialihfungsikan. Persepsi masyarakat sebagian besar menginginkan pemanfaatan yang berkelanjutan, maka perlu adanya rehabilitasi, sosialisai untuk membangkitkan kesadaran masyarakat, alternatif ekonomi bagi yang memanfaatkan mangrove baik secara langsung maupun tidak dan pembuatan regulasi terkait hutan mangrove berupa Peraturan Desa bersama (Sauk, Baturapa II, Labuan Uki) dan atau Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow untuk menjaga dan melestarikan hutan mangrove di Teluk Labuan Uki saat ini.Kata kunci : Mangrove, Persepsi Masyarakat, Teluk Labuan Uki
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