19 research outputs found

    Flotation Behavior of Malachite Using Hydrophobic Talc Nanoparticles as Collectors

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    In this study, the flotation behavior of malachite was investigated using hydrophobic talc nanoparticles (TNs) as collectors. To improve the floatability of TN-deposited malachite, various experimental parameters were systematically investigated. We found that the floatability sharply increased as the size of the TNs decreased. The floatability of malachite was enhanced in the presence of smaller TNs, since higher amounts of smaller TNs were deposited on the surface of the malachite, thus rendering the surface more hydrophobic. Moreover, the floatability of the TN-deposited malachite increased as the pH decreased, likely due to the more favorable interaction between TNs and malachite by means of electrostatic attraction. Furthermore, the floatability became more enhanced as the TN concentration increased, likely associated with increases in the amount of TNs deposited on the surface of the malachite, thus enhancing the floatability by altering the hydrophobicity of the surface. Our findings suggest that the application of natural hydrophobic TNs as collectors in malachite flotation should be introduced as a new concept

    Dual Function of Wnt Signaling during Neuronal Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Activation of Wnt signaling enhances self-renewal of mouse embryonic and neural stem/progenitor cells. In contrast, undifferentiated ES cells show a very low level of endogenous Wnt signaling, and ectopic activation of Wnt signaling has been shown to block neuronal differentiation. Therefore, it remains unclear whether or not endogenous Wnt/β-catenin signaling is necessary for self-renewal or neuronal differentiation of ES cells. To investigate this, we examined the expression profiles of Wnt signaling components. Expression levels of Wnts known to induce β-catenin were very low in undifferentiated ES cells. Stable ES cell lines which can monitor endogenous activity of Wnt/β-catenin signaling suggest that Wnt signaling was very low in undifferentiated ES cells, whereas it increased during embryonic body formation or neuronal differentiation. Interestingly, application of small molecules which can positively (BIO, GSK3β inhibitor) or negatively (IWR-1-endo, Axin stabilizer) control Wnt/β-catenin signaling suggests that activation of that signaling at different time periods had differential effects on neuronal differentiation of 46C ES cells. Further, ChIP analysis suggested that β-catenin/TCF1 complex directly regulated the expression of Sox1 during neuronal differentiation. Overall, our data suggest that Wnt/β-catenin signaling plays differential roles at different time points of neuronal differentiation

    A Fluorescent Cy7-Mercaptopyridine for the Selective Detection of Glutathione over Homocysteine and Cysteine

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    We describe a near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent probe 1 for the selective detection of GSH over Hcy and Cys under physiological conditions. Probe 1 was composed of Cy7 as a NIR dye and 2-mercaptopyridine as a GSH-reactive site and fluorescence quencher. In the presence of GSH, the 2-mercaptopyridine functionality of probe 1 was replaced by the thiolate group of GSH through a nucleophilic substitution reaction with a fluorescence increase at 818 nm. The probe was found to be highly selective for GSH over Hcy, Cys, and other tested potential interferants, including ROS and metal ions. In addition, probe 1 successfully displayed fluorescence changes in response to changing the GSH concentrations in MDA-MB-231 cells in the presence of external agents i.e., N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC; as GSH inducer) or buthionine sulfoximine (BSO; as GSH inhibitor). We envision that probe 1 will serve as a promising sensing tool for monitoring the changes of the GSH level and the understanding of the roles of GSH under physiological and pathological conditions

    Phosphorylation by NLK inhibits YAP-14-3-3-interactions and induces its nuclear localization.

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    Hippo signaling controls organ size by regulating cell proliferation and apoptosis. Yes-associated protein (YAP) is a key downstream effector of Hippo signaling, and LATS-mediated phosphorylation of YAP at Ser127 inhibits its nuclear localization and transcriptional activity. Here, we report that Nemo-like kinase (NLK) phosphorylates YAP at Ser128 both in vitro and in vivo, which blocks interaction with 14-3-3 and enhances its nuclear localization. Depletion of NLK increases YAP phosphorylation at Ser127 and reduces YAP-mediated reporter activity. These results suggest that YAP phosphorylation at Ser128 and at Ser127 may be mutually exclusive. We also find that with the increase in cell density, nuclear localization and the level of NLK are reduced, resulting in reduction in YAP phosphorylation at Ser128. Furthermore, knockdown of Nemo (the Drosophila NLK) in fruit fly wing imaginal discs results in reduced expression of the Yorkie (the Drosophila YAP) target genes expanded and DIAP1, while Nemo overexpression reciprocally increased the expression. Overall, our data suggest that NLK/Nemo acts as an endogenous regulator of Hippo signaling by controlling nuclear localization and activity of YAP/Yorkie

    Recyclable Periodic Nanostructure Formed by Sublimable Liquid Crystals for Robust Cell Alignment

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    We demonstrate a facile method to fabricate a recyclable cell-alignment scaffold using nanogrooves based on sublimable liquid crystal (LC) material. Randomly and uniaxially arranged smectic LC structures are obtained, followed by sublimation and recondensation processes, which directly produce periodic nanogrooves with dimensions of a couple of hundreds of nanometers. After treatment with osmium tetroxide (OsO4), the nanogroove can serve as a scaffold to efficiently induce directed cell growth without causing cytotoxicity, and it can be used repeatedly. Together, various cell types are applied to the nanogroove, proving the scaffold's broad applicability. Depending on the nanotopography of the LC structures, cells exhibit different morphologies and gene expression patterns, compared to cells on standard glass substrates, according to microscopic observation and qPCR. Furthermore, cell sheets can be formed, which consist of oriented cells that can be repeatedly formed and transferred to other substrates, while maintaining its organization. We believe that our cell-aligning scaffold may pave the way for the soft material field to bioengineering, which can involve fundamentals in cell behavior and function, as well as applications for regenerative medicine