54 research outputs found


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    Pembajak hak kekayaan inatelaktual dibidang hak cipta sangat memprihatinkan, terutama pembajakan atas karya cipta dibidang musik berupa CD/VCD. Pembajakan ini terus meningkat dari tahun ketahun, hal ini dikarenakan belum ada tindakan dan solusi yang jelas dari pemerintah untuk terus melakukan perlindungan terhadap hak cipta. Ditambah lagi dengan faktor ekonomi dan kebudayaan masyarakat yang tidak menghargai suatu karya cipta. Dari latar belakang tersebut dapat dirumuskan permasalahan sebagai berikut, yaituBagaimana pelaksanaan perlindungan hak cipta dan pengawasan terhadap peredaran CD/VCD bajakan di Kecamatan Tampan, Apa saja faktorfaktor yang menjadi hambatan dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hak cipta CD/VCD bajakan di Kecamatan Tampan, Bagaimana dampak adanya CD/VCD bajakan terhadap musisi dan Negara. Adapun lokasi tempat penelitian ini adalah dilakukan di Kecamatan Tampan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan perlindungan hak cipta dan pengawasan terhadap peredaran CD/VCD bajakan di Kecamatan Tampan, Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi hambatan dalam pelaksanaan perlindungan hak cipta CD/VCD bajakan di Kecamatan Tampan, Untuk mengetahui dampak adanya CD/VCD bajakan terhadap musisi dan Negara. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum sosiologis, populasinya adalah Ditjen HKI Kanwil Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Riau, seluruh penjual CD/VCD bajakan di Kecamatan Tampan dan musisi yang ada di Kota Pekanbaru, metode yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling yang dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, angketdan studi kepustakaan. Dari hasil penelitian implementasi perlindungan terhadap hak cipta dibidang musik mengenai CD/VCD bajakan di Kecamatan Tampan dapat diakatakan belum maksimal karena masih banyak ditemukan CD/VCD bajakan, hal ini dikarenakan belum efektifnya penerapan dan pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Hak Cipta oleh pemerintah dan belum ada kesadaran hukum masyarakat tentang ii pentingnya hak cipta. Selain itu ada beberapa faktor yang menjadi kendala dalam perlindungan hak cipta, yaitu faktor ekonomi, faktor kebudayaan dan faktor dari pemerintah, ketiga faktor ini menjadi alasan umum banyaknya pelanggaran hak cipta. Dalam penerapannya pelaksanaan UU Hak Cipta ini juga harus dilaksanakan secara tegas bagi pelanggar, dimana saat ini banyak pihak-pihak yang dirugiakan akibat pembajakan ini yaitu seperti musisi, industri musik dan Negara. Jadi perlu ada suatu tindakan tegas dari pemerintah untuk membuat perlindungan ini berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada dalam UU Hak Cipta

    MultiFab: a machine vision assisted platform for multi-material 3D printing

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    We have developed a multi-material 3D printing platform that is high-resolution, low-cost, and extensible. The key part of our platform is an integrated machine vision system. This system allows for self-calibration of printheads, 3D scanning, and a closed-feedback loop to enable print corrections. The integration of machine vision with 3D printing simplifies the overall platform design and enables new applications such as 3D printing over auxiliary parts. Furthermore, our platform dramatically expands the range of parts that can be 3D printed by simultaneously supporting up to 10 different materials that can interact optically and mechanically. The platform achieves a resolution of at least 40 μm by utilizing piezoelectric inkjet printheads adapted for 3D printing. The hardware is low cost (less than $7,000) since it is built exclusively from off-the-shelf components. The architecture is extensible and modular -- adding, removing, and exchanging printing modules can be done quickly. We provide a detailed analysis of the system's performance. We also demonstrate a variety of fabricated multi-material objects.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-1138967)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant N66001-12-1-4242

    Computing Stochastic Completion Fields in Linear-Time Using a Resolution Pyramid

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    We describe a linear-time algorithm for computing the likelihood that a completion joining two contour fragments passes through any given position and orientation in the image plane. Our algorithm is a resolution pyramid based method for solving a partial differential equation characterizing a distribution of short, smooth completion shapes. The PDE consists of a set of independent advection equations in (x; y) coupled in the ` dimension by the diffusion equation. A previously described algorithm used a first-order, explicit finite difference scheme implemented on a rectangular grid. This algorithm required O(n 3 m) time for a grid of size n \Theta n with m discrete orientations. Unfortunately, systematic error in solving the advection equations produced unwanted anisotropic smoothing in the (x; y) dimension. This resulted in visible artifacts in the completion fields. The amount of error and its dependence on ` has been previously characterized. We observe that by careful addition o..

    Noise source, length and time scale distributions in installed jets with a flight stream

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    Installed jet noise sources are 3D in nature. Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) and hybrid LES-Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (LES-RANS), provides a method to increase understanding of influences on the noise produced. Here, using LES-RANS data, a coaxial nozzle with an ultra-high bypass-ratio is studied with and without a wing-flap geometry and with a flight stream. An isolated and installed jet with a flap deflection of 14 degrees are contrasted. Far-field sound is in agreement with measurements at a variety of locations. Sound sources, length and time scales are presented using second and fourth order space-time correlations. An automated system used for this is outlined. The installed case generates strong sources downstream of the flap trailing edge and additional mixing noise in the outer shear layer. The extracted data may be used in future to inform rapid modelling of jet noise at reduced cost

    Noise analysis of MAP-EM algorithms for emission tomography

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    The ability to theoretically model the propagation of photon noise through PET and SPECT tomographic reconstruction algorithms is crucial in evaluating the reconstructed image quality as a function of parameters of the algorithm. In a previous approach for the important case of the iterative ML-EM (maximumlikelihood expectation-maximization) algorithm, judicious linearizations were used to model theoretically the propagation of a mean image and a covariance matrix from one iteration to the next. Our analysis extends this approach to the case of MAP(maximum a posteriori)-EM algorithms, where the EM approach incorporates prior terms. We analyze in detail two cases: a MAP-EM algorithm incorporating an independent gamma prior, and a one-step-late (OSL) version of a MAP-EM algorithm incorporating a multivariate Gaussian prior, for which familiar smoothing priors are special cases. To validate our theoretical analyses, we use a Monte Carlo methodology to compare, at each iteration, theore..