23 research outputs found

    Design Variables for Self-Directed Learning in MOOC Environment

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) can meet education needs from diverse social, cultural, and access backgrounds and require a minimal cost of resources from learners. To successfully scaffold large and distributed populations to learn effectively in these MOOCs, the design needs to optimize self-directed learning. In this paper, the researchers investigated the design variables for MOOCs\u27 learning environment that allowed learning choices made by learners. With this study, the researchers developed a 21-item questionnaire based on a review of the literature and their MOOC design and implementation practices, Massive Online Open Course Learning Environment Design Questionnaire (MOOC-LED). The researchers used the quantitative survey study and developed an initial examination of the MOOC-LED factor structure, validity, and internal reliability. The analyses were based on the anonymous data of 162 participants’ perception of learning in MOOCs. The scholarly significance of the 21-item MOOC-LED questionnaire is discussed with its limitations, implications, and future directions

    Soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stoichiometry and its influencing factors in Chinese fir plantations across subtropical China

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    The crucial roles of soil carbon (C) and nutrients and their stoichiometric characteristics in indicating the soil interior nutrient cycling and plant nutrient supply of forest ecosystems have been widely verified, whereas it has been less explored when considering the influencing factors regionally, especially for the widely cultivated plantation tree species. In the current study, the patterns of soil organic C (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) stoichiometry in Chinese fir [Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook] plantations across subtropical China were analyzed, and their influencing factors were also investigated. The results showed that the range of SOC: TN (C:N), SOC: TP (C:P), and TN: TP (N:P) ratios were 7.32–18.27, 20.15–230.48, and 2.11–15.05 with a mean value of 13.22, 83.50, and 6.05, respectively. Well-constrained correlations were found in SOC and TN, as well as in TN and TP. Soil TN and TP contents increased with increasing altitude, whereas soil C:N, C:P, and N:P ratios decreased. Soil TP content decreased, and the C:P ratio increased with increasing mean annual temperature (MAT) and annual total solar radiation (ATSR). Soil C:N, C:P, and N:P ratios increased with increased mean annual precipitation (MAP) and mean annual evaporation (MAE). Overall, our findings suggested that the soil nutrient supply is relatively adequate in Chinese fir plantations across subtropical China. Meanwhile, soil C, N, and P stoichiometric characteristics were affected by geographical and climatic variables to different degrees

    Root nutrient capture and leaf resorption efficiency modulated by different influential factors jointly alleviated P limitation in Quercus acutissima across the North–South Transect of Eastern China

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    Soil and climatic conditions are known to have close associations with plant morphological and stoichiometric traits at a regional scale along latitudinal gradients; however, how latitude drives biotic and abiotic factors affecting plant nutrient acquisition to accommodate environmental nutrient deficiency remains unclear. We quantified soil, root, leaf, and leaf litter nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations to determine the potentially limiting nutrient and the simultaneous responses of root capture and leaf resorption to nutrient deficiency in seven Quercus acutissima forests across the North–South Transect of Eastern China. The results showed that the mean leaf and root N:P ratios in Q. acutissima were 21.58 and 20.23, respectively, which markedly exceeded the P limitation threshold of 16 for terrestrial plants. The mean leaf litter N and P were 10.63 mg/g and 0.51 mg/g, respectively, indicating that P resorption proficiency was relatively higher than N resorption proficiency. N displayed higher stoichiometric homeostasis than P in the leaf. The leaf and root N:P ratios showed a quadratic variation that first decreased and then increased as latitude increased, whereas the phosphorus resorption efficiency and root-soil accumulation factor of P displayed the opposite trend. Partial least square path modeling (PLS-PM) analysis demonstrated that root nutrient capture and leaf nutrient resorption were regulated by different influential factors. Overall, these findings provide new insights into plant strategies to adapt to environmental nutrient deficiency, as well as the scientific basis for predicting the spatial and temporal patterns of nutrient acquisition in the context of climate change

    Underlying Role of Rumination-Mediated Attachment Style Plays in PTSD after TIA and Stroke

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    Objective: Attachment and rumination were examined as the intermediary variables on post-traumatic stress disorder and medication compliance in stroke or TIA patients. Methods: A total of 300 participants with stroke or TIA from the Second Hospital of Hebei Province were selected. Patients accomplished NIHSS, ABCD2, ECR, RSQ, and RRS on admission. After 3 months, the PCL-C and MMAS were collected. Results: In the stroke or TIA patients, the incident of PTSD was 7.7%; PTSD scores were significantly associated with attachment anxiety (r = 0.225, p p p < 0.01). After the Sobel test analysis and verification by the Baron and Kenny’s stepwise approach we found that ruminant mediated the relationship between attachment anxiety and PTSD; obsessive thinking mediated the relationship between attachment anxiety and PTSD. Conclusions: The relationship between attachment anxiety and PTSD was positively predicted by rumination and obsessive thinking. Adult attachment style, rumination, and PTSD scores may not predict medication compliance

    Effect of Wind on the Relation of Leaf N, P Stoichiometry with Leaf Morphology in Quercus Species

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    Leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry correlates closely to leaf morphology, which is strongly impacted by wind at multiple scales. However, it is not clear how leaf N, P stoichiometry and its relationship to leaf morphology changes with wind load. We determined the leaf N and P concentrations and leaf morphology—including specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf dissection index (LDI)—for eight Quercus species under a simulated wind load for seven months. Leaf N and P concentrations increased significantly under these conditions for Quercus acutissima, Quercus rubra, Quercus texana, and Quercus palustris—which have elliptic leaves—due to their higher N, P requirements and a resultant leaf biomass decrease, which is a tolerance strategy for Quercus species under a wind load. Leaf N:P was relatively stable under wind for all species, which supports stoichiometric homeostasis. Leaf N concentrations showed a positive correlation to SLA, leaf N and P concentrations showed positive correlations to LDI under each wind treatment, and the slope of correlations was not affected by wind, which indicates synchronous variations between leaf stoichiometry and leaf morphology under wind. However, the intercept of correlations was affected by wind, and leaf N and P use efficiency decreased under the wind load, which suggests that the Quercus species changes from “fast investment-return” in the control to “slow investment-return” under windy conditions. These results will be valuable to understanding functional strategies for plants under varying wind loads, especially synchronous variations in leaf traits along a wind gradient

    Morphological Response of Eight <i>Quercus</i> Species to Simulated Wind Load

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    <div><p>Leaf shape, including leaf size, leaf dissection index (LDI), and venation distribution, strongly impacts leaf physiology and the forces of momentum exerted on leaves or the canopy under windy conditions. Yet, little has been known about how leaf shape affects the morphological response of trees to wind load. We studied eight <i>Quercus</i> species, with different leaf shapes, to determine the morphological response to simulated wind load. <i>Quercus</i> trees with long elliptical leaves, were significantly affected by wind load (<i>P</i>< 0.05), as indicted by smaller specific leaf area (SLA), stem base diameter and stem height under windy conditions when compared to the control. The <i>Quercus</i> trees with leaves characterized by lanceolate or sinuous edges, showed positive morphological responses to wind load, such as bigger leaf thickness, larger stem diameter, allocation to root biomass, and smaller stem height (<i>P</i>< 0.05). These morphological responses to wind can reduce drag and increase the mechanical strength of the tree. Leaf dissection index (LDI), an important index of leaf shape, was correlated with morphological response to wind load (<i>P</i>< 0.05), including differences in SLA, in stem base diameter and in allocation to root biomass. These results suggest that trees with higher LDI, such as those with more and/or deeper lobes, are better adapted to wind load.</p></div

    Canopy gap impacts on soil organic carbon and nutrient dynamic: a meta-analysis

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    Abstract Key message The forest canopy gaps, formed by natural or anthropogenic factors, have been found to reduce soil carbon content and increase nutrient availability. The magnitudes of these effects have been observed to increase with gap age and size, and are largely influenced by changes in temperature, precipitation, and solar radiation. Context Local studies have illustrated the influence of canopy gaps on the spatial heterogeneity of soil carbon and nutrients, playing a pivotal role in driving forest regeneration and succession. Nevertheless, it remains largely unknown whether the response of soil carbon and nutrient content to gap formation is consistent across forest ecosystems at global scale. Aims The aim of this paper is to assess the homogeneity of the observed responses of soil carbon and nutrients following gap formation among a wide array of forest ecosystems and climatic regions. Methods We performed a meta-analysis synthesizing 2127 pairwise observations from 52 published articles to quantify the changes in in soil physical, chemical, and microbial variables resulting from gap creation in natural forests and plantations spanning tropical to boreal regions. Results Canopy gaps resulted in significant decrease of soil organic carbon (C org) and microbial carbon (C mic). The concentrations of ammonium (NH4 +), nitrate (NO3 −), and available phosphorus (available P) increased following gap creation. These changes mainly occurred in the growing season and in the mineral soil layer, becoming more pronounced with increasing gap age and size. The change in C org was negatively regulated by mean annual precipitation, and was associated with the changes in Nt and N mic . The change in NH4 + was positively regulated by mean annual temperature, and was associated with the changes in available P and oxidoreductases (Ox-EEAs). The model explaining the change in soil carbon content exhibited a higher explanatory power than the one accounting for changes in soil nutrient availability. Conclusion The results indicated that forest canopy gaps resulted in a reduction in soil carbon content and an increase in nutrient availability. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the role of small-scale disturbances as drivers of forest ecosystem succession

    Leaf morphology (means ±SE) of eight <i>Quercus</i> species under simulated wind load (n = 3).

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    <p>Leaf morphology (means ±SE) of eight <i>Quercus</i> species under simulated wind load (n = 3).</p

    Biomass and percentages of biomass allocation (means ±SE) for eight <i>Quercus</i> species under simulated wind load (n = 3).

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    <p>Biomass and percentages of biomass allocation (means ±SE) for eight <i>Quercus</i> species under simulated wind load (n = 3).</p