195,093 research outputs found

    A New Method for Exposing Deposit Feeders to Contaminated Sediments for Food Chain Studies

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    (excerpt) The ubiquity and refractory nature of certain organic compounds, such as chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB\u27s), results in their accumulation in aquatic sediments (Holdrinet et al. 1978, Peck et al. 1980, Wang et al. 1979). Their continuous release from this reservoir through physico-chemical and biogenic processes to the overlying water column results in the accumulation of xenobiotic compounds in the food chain

    Assessing acidity impacts in Nordic lakes and streams: Development of a macroinvertebrate-based multimetric index to quantify degradation and recovery

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    1) Emissions of acidifying compounds have decreased over several decades, nevertheless acidification impacts on aquatic ecosystems remains as a regionally important environmental driver resulting in biodiversity loss and impaired function in many lakes and streams. 2) Many metrics based on macroinvertebrates are currently used to assess the biological impacts of acidification. However, few include measures of community composition, abundance, diversity, and the presence/absence of tolerant/sensitive taxa, and fewer still are calibrated simultaneously for both lentic and lotic waters and across large geographic regions. 3) Data on water chemistry and benthic macroinvertebrates was extracted from a database compiled by representatives from Norway, Sweden and Finland. Using lake-and stream data on water chemistry and macroinvertebrates from Norway and Sweden, we developed a Nordic macroinvertebrate-based multimetric index (MMI) for acidity (NAMI) to assess impacts of and recovery from acidity using information on measures of community structure and traits. 4) Lake and stream datasets were explored together and independently for correlation between measures of community structure and traits to acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), modified ANC regarding 1/3 of the organic acids as strong (ANCo1) and pH. Significantly correlated candidate metrics with highest correlations were chosen using forward stepwise linear regression models against ANC, ANCo1 and pH. Results showed that the combined lake and stream MMI had the highest correlation (r-squared) with ANCo1. 5) Seven metrics were included in NAMI: one measure of composition (sum of the combined relative abundance of Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Crustacea), two measures of diversity (the number of Ephemeroptera taxa excluding leptophlebiids and the number of Bivalvia taxa), one effect trait (taxa with life cycle duration > 1 year), two response traits (taxa with resistance forms: eggs and plastron respiration) and one tolerance trait (preference > 5 pH < 5.5). 6) The NAMI is a promising metric to standardize lake and stream macroinvertebrate assessments of acidity impacts and recovery across the Nordic countries, and to harmonize chemical and biological classifications of water quality, including progress towards achieving international objectives

    Evaluation of Visible Implant Elastomer Tags in Wild Coastal Cutthroat Trout in the Marine Environment

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    We evaluated the detectability of visible implant elastomer (VIE) tags in Coastal Cutthroat TroutOncorynchus clarkii clarkiiin the marine environment by comparing visually identified recaptures from VIE tags with known recaptures that were identified through genotype matching. A total of 89 individual Coastal Cutthroat Trout were marked in the lower jaw with colored VIE tags, sampled for genetics, and recaptured across 12 months in 2015. The rate of correspondence between the VIE tags and genetic matches was 92% (82/89) of the recaptured Coastal Cutthroat Trout in the nearshore marine environment. We found that red- and blue-colored VIE tags were detected at a higher rate (100%) than were yellow- and orange-colored tags (87.3% and 90.6%, respectively). In contrast, tag type (single or double), tag location (left or right), fish length (FL, mm), and time (days) since tagging had no effect on tag detectability during the study period. All of the tag colors were recovered for the maximum life of the study (up to 342 days). In all of the cases of nondetections (5/89), the tags were not identified upon initial recapture or subsequent capture events, suggesting that they were lost or not visible immediately upon insertion in the field-as opposed to being unidentified due to the degradation of tag detectability over time. The results of this study suggest that VIE tags have the potential to be detectable in juvenile and adult Coastal Cutthroat Trout for at least 12 months after insertion, with blue and red performing the best. Additional monitoring extending beyond 12 months after tagging would be necessary to identify the maximum life of VIE tags

    Cryptanalysis of Sun and Cao's Remote Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity

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    Dynamic ID-based remote user authentication schemes ensure efficient and anonymous mutual authentication between entities. In 2013, Khan et al. proposed an improved dynamic ID-based authentication scheme to overcome the security flaws of Wang et al.'s authentication scheme. Recently, Sun and Cao showed that Khan et al. does not satisfies the claim of the user's privacy and proposed an efficient authentication scheme with user anonymity. The Sun and Cao's scheme achieve improvement over Khan et al.'s scheme in both privacy and performance point of view. Unfortunately, we identify that Sun and Cao's scheme does not resist password guessing attack. Additionally, Sun and Cao's scheme does not achieve forward secrecy

    Where does all the phosphorus go? Mass balance modelling of phosphorus in the Swedish long-term soil fertility experiments

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    To gain insights into phosphorus (P) dynamics in soils and the ability to predict soil responses to varying fertilizer inputs, mass balance models prove to be valuable tools. In this study, a new dynamic mass balance model, PBalD8, was used to describe the change in extracted P in the A horizon of soils subjected to diverse fertilizer treatments over a period of 50 to 60 years in five soil fertility experiments. The model employed a Freundlich equation to describe soil-solution partitioning of P and assumed that acid-lactate-extractable P represented a labile pool of P in instant equilibrium with soil solution P. Additionally, oxalate-extractable inorganic P was presumed to comprise the sum of the labile and stable pools of P, with mass flux to and from the latter described by Fick's first law. The model was evaluated using results from extractions and P K-edge XANES spectroscopy. Notably, organic P, as revealed by P K-edge XANES, did not substantially contribute to long-term changes in soil P content and was therefore excluded from consideration. In general, the model offered reasonable fits to the extracted P concentrations. However, for the P-depleted treatments, a prerequisite was that the P removal through harvest was lower compared to measurements. Conversely, in three of the soils, the modelled fertilizer inputs needed to be reduced to 70 % to 85 % of the known additions. These discrepancies may be attributed to the involvement of deeper soil horizons, including deep crop uptake and mixing with lower soil layers, although other factors such as lateral dispersion and inaccuracies in estimating applied fertilizers cannot be discounted. These results underscore the necessity of gaining a more comprehensive understanding of how deeper soil horizons influence P mass balances in agricultural soils. In one of the soils, Fja center dot rdingslo center dot v, P K-edge XANES results demonstrated the formation of calcium phosphate over time in the highest fertilization treatment, consistent with the model. Additionally, in two soils, Kungsa center dot ngen and the P-depleted Vreta Kloster soil, the model predicted a significant contribution from mineral weathering. However, the PBalD8 model also projected higher P leaching rates than those observed, suggesting that the model may not fully capture this P output term

    Soil phosphorus fractionation in calcareous soil as affected by organic amendments application

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    Understanding of P transformations following organic amendments addition to highly calcareous soils is necessary for developing better management practices that can help enhance P fertilizer use efficiency. Phosphorus solubility and availability for plant uptake under the conditions of arid calcareous soil is very low, making P nutrient supply a critical issue under these conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of various types of organic amendments (chicken compost, cow compost and a mixture of humic-fulvic acid) applied alone at different rates of KH2PO4 fertilizer on P fractions in calcareous soil using the sequential chemical extraction method. Amended calcareous soil was incubated under laboratory conditions and soil samples were collected at 0, 4, 8 and 16 weeks of the incubation periods. Soil was sequentially extracted and analyzed for P different fractions. The results indicated that the addition of chicken and cow compost increased soluble and exchangeable-P and Ca-P fractions in calcareous soil and the increases depend on application rates. The results indicated that combination of chicken and cow compost with different KH2PO4 fertilizer application rates increased the concentration of soluble and exchangeable-P in the soil compared to organic amendments or KH2PO4 fertilizer applied alone. The P associated with Ca was the dominant P fractions in soil, ranging between 51 to 59% regardless of the different treatment and the period of incubations. The Al- and Fe-associated P fractions varied between 2 and 9%, with the maximum value being observed at the eighth week of incubation. The residual-P fraction ranged between 5 and 22% at different incubation periods

    Recursive Code Construction for Random Networks

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    A modification of Koetter-Kschischang codes for random networks is presented (these codes were also studied by Wang et al. in the context of authentication problems). The new codes have higher information rate, while maintaining the same error-correcting capabilities. An efficient error-correcting algorithm is proposed for these codes.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor