984 research outputs found

    Establishment of tiered diagnosis and treatment system based on the stakeholder theory and its strategies: a case study on Nanjing

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    Purpose: This dissertation's purpose is to discuss the tiered diagnosis and treatment system and its implementation strategies in China based on the stakeholder theory. Method: The thesis will take Nanjing as an example to compare the composition, management, and operation of the three major medical partnerships, namely, Jiangsu Province Hospital Group, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Group, and Zhongda Hospital Southeast University Group, based on the stakeholder theory and case analysis. Key stakeholders will be derived from the literature review, and the attribute of all stakeholders will be determined by Mitchell score-based approach. The thesis will also investigate cognition, recognition, interest demands and suggestions of core stakeholders concerning tiered diagnosis and treatment, and propose relevant suggestions to facilitate the implementation of tiered diagnosis and treatment. Results: The three major medical associations in Nanjing are mainly established according to the model of "government appointment plus voluntary association". Their operation model and effects are different. Core stakeholders of tiered diagnosis and treatment include: health administrative departments, medical insurance departments, medical staff working at superior medical institutions, the public (patients, dependents of patients and residents), medical staff working at primary medical institutions, and companies; marginal stakeholders include center for disease control and prevention, new media such as WeChat official accounts and Microblog, administration for industry and commerce, medical staff working at private medical institutions, commercial insurance institutions, traditional media such as newspapers and TV channels; and general stakeholders include departments of finance, price departments, National Development and Reform Commission, Food and Drug Administration, public security organs, procuratorates and people’s courts, and industrial associations. There are differences in the cognition, recognition, and interest demands among all key stakeholders. Conclusion: The effect of the implementation of tiered diagnosis and treatment is not satisfactory. To further develop tiered diagnosis and treatment, more measures should be taken, such as publicity and guidance, proper resource allocation, introducing commercial capital, strengthening independent practices of medical personnel, and establishing sharing medical platform.Propósito: O objetivo desta dissertação é discutir o sistema de diagnóstico e tratamento em níveis e as suas estratégias de implementação na China com base na teoria dos stakeholders (partes interessadas). Método: A tese tomará Nanjing como um exemplo para comparar a composição, gestão e operação das três principais parcerias médicas, ou seja, o Grupo Hospitalar da Província de Jiangsu, o Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital Group e o Zhongda Hospital Southeast University Group, com base na teoria dos stakeholders e na análise de caso. As principais partes interessadas serão identificados com base na revisão bibliográfica e o atributo de todas as partes interessadas será determinado pela abordagem baseada no escore de Mitchell. A tese também investigará a cognição, o reconhecimento, as exigências de interesses e as sugestões dos principais interessados no diagnóstico e tratamento escalonados, e proporá sugestões relevantes para facilitar a implementação do diagnóstico e tratamento escalonados. Resultados: As três principais associações médicas em Nanjing são estabelecidas principalmente de acordo com o modelo de "nomeação governamental mais associação voluntária". O seu modelo de operação e efeitos são diferentes. As principais partes interessadas do diagnóstico e tratamento escalonado incluem: departamentos administrativos de saúde, departamentos de seguros de saúde, equipe médica trabalhando em instituições médicas superiores, o público (pacientes, dependentes de pacientes e residentes), equipe médica trabalhando em instituições médicas primárias e empresas; partes interessadas marginais incluem o centro para controle e prevenção de doenças, novos meios de comunicação como contas oficiais do WeChat e Microblog, administração para indústria e comércio, pessoal médico trabalhando em instituições médicas privadas, instituições de seguros comerciais, meios de comunicação tradicional como jornais e canais de televisão; e as partes interessadas em geral incluem departamentos de finanças, departamentos de preços, Comissão Nacional de Desenvolvimento e Reforma, Administração de Alimentos e Medicamentos, órgãos de segurança pública, procuradorias e tribunais do povo e associações industriais. Existem diferenças nas exigências de cognição, reconhecimento e interesse entre todos os principais interessados. Conclusão: O efeito da implementação do diagnóstico e tratamento escalonado não é satisfatório. Para desenvolver ainda mais o diagnóstico e o tratamento escalonados, mais medidas devem ser tomadas, como publicidade e orientação, alocação adequada de recursos, introdução de capital comercial, fortalecimento das práticas independentes de pessoal médico e estabelecimento de plataformas de partilha médica

    The Weight Distributions of Cyclic Codes and Elliptic Curves

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    Cyclic codes with two zeros and their dual codes as a practically and theoretically interesting class of linear codes, have been studied for many years. However, the weight distributions of cyclic codes are difficult to determine. From elliptic curves, this paper determines the weight distributions of dual codes of cyclic codes with two zeros for a few more cases

    A study on mutual information-based feature selection for text categorization

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    Feature selection plays an important role in text categorization. Automatic feature selection methods such as document frequency thresholding (DF), information gain (IG), mutual information (MI), and so on are commonly applied in text categorization. Many existing experiments show IG is one of the most effective methods, by contrast, MI has been demonstrated to have relatively poor performance. According to one existing MI method, the mutual information of a category c and a term t can be negative, which is in conflict with the definition of MI derived from information theory where it is always non-negative. We show that the form of MI used in TC is not derived correctly from information theory. There are two different MI based feature selection criteria which are referred to as MI in the TC literature. Actually, one of them should correctly be termed "pointwise mutual information" (PMI). In this paper, we clarify the terminological confusion surrounding the notion of "mutual information" in TC, and detail an MI method derived correctly from information theory. Experiments with the Reuters-21578 collection and OHSUMED collection show that the corrected MI method’s performance is similar to that of IG, and it is considerably better than PMI