30 research outputs found

    Localization Research on Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm-based Wireless Sensor Network

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    On the basis of conventional DV-Hop algorithm, Fruit fly Optimization Algorithm (FOA) is applied to improving its disadvantages. Simulation result shows that the average localization error and localization coverage of FOA are better than that of DV-Hop algorithm. Besides being less than that of DV-Hop, Fruit fly's average localization error tends to decrease as the number of nodes increase

    Exploiting Spatial Sparsity for Event Cameras with Visual Transformers

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    Event cameras report local changes of brightness through an asynchronous stream of output events. Events are spatially sparse at pixel locations with little brightness variation. We propose using a visual transformer (ViT) architecture to leverage its ability to process a variable-length input. The input to the ViT consists of events that are accumulated into time bins and spatially separated into non-overlapping sub-regions called patches. Patches are selected when the number of nonzero pixel locations within a sub-region is above a threshold. We show that by fine-tuning a ViT model on the selected active patches, we can reduce the average number of patches fed into the backbone during the inference by at least 50% with only a minor drop (0.34%) of the classification accuracy on the N-Caltech101 dataset. This reduction translates into a decrease of 51% in Multiply-Accumulate (MAC) operations and an increase of 46% in the inference speed using a server CPU

    3ET: Efficient Event-based Eye Tracking using a Change-Based ConvLSTM Network

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    This paper presents a sparse Change-Based Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (CB-ConvLSTM) model for event-based eye tracking, key for next-generation wearable healthcare technology such as AR/VR headsets. We leverage the benefits of retina-inspired event cameras, namely their low-latency response and sparse output event stream, over traditional frame-based cameras. Our CB-ConvLSTM architecture efficiently extracts spatio-temporal features for pupil tracking from the event stream, outperforming conventional CNN structures. Utilizing a delta-encoded recurrent path enhancing activation sparsity, CB-ConvLSTM reduces arithmetic operations by approximately 4.7× without losing accuracy when tested on a v2e-generated event dataset of labeled pupils. This increase in efficiency makes it ideal for real-time eye tracking in resource-constrained devices. The project code and dataset are openly available at https://github.com/qinche106/cb-convlstm-eyetracking

    Person identification using deep neural networks on physiological biomarkers during exercise

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    Much progress has been made in wearable sensors that provide real-time continuous physiological data from non- invasive measurements including heart rate and biofluids such as sweat. This information can potentially be used to identify the health condition of a person by applying machine learning algorithms on the physiological measurements. We present a person identification task that uses machine learning algorithms on a set of biomarkers collected from 30 subjects carrying out a cycling experiment. We compared an SVM and a gated recurrent neural network (RNN) for real-time accuracy using different window sizes of the measured data. Results show that using all biomarkers gave the best results from any of the models. With all biomarkers, the gated RNN model achieved ∼90% accuracy even in a 30 s time window; and ∼92.3% accuracy in a 150 s time window. Excluding any of the biomarkers leads to at least 7.4% absolute accuracy drop for the RNN model. The RNN implementation on the Jetson Nano incurs a low latency of ∼45 ms per inference

    Deep Polarization Reconstruction with PDAVIS Events

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    The polarization event camera PDAVIS is a novel bio-inspired neuromorphic vision sensor that reports both conventional polarization frames and asynchronous, continuously per-pixel polarization brightness changes (polarization events) with fast temporal resolution and large dynamic range. A deep neural network method (Polarization FireNet) was previously developed to reconstruct the polarization angle and degree from polarization events for bridging the gap between the polarization event camera and mainstream computer vision. However, Polarization FireNet applies a network pretrained for normal event-based frame reconstruction independently on each of four channels of polarization events from four linear polarization angles, which ignores the correlations between channels and inevitably introduces content inconsistency between the four reconstructed frames, resulting in unsatisfactory polarization reconstruction performance. In this work, we strive to train an effective, yet efficient, DNN model that directly outputs polarization from the input raw polarization events. To this end, we constructed the first large-scale event-to-polarization dataset, which we subsequently employed to train our events-to-polarization network E2P. E2P extracts rich polarization patterns from input polarization events and enhances features through cross-modality context integration. We demonstrate that E2P outperforms Polarization FireNet by a significant margin with no additional computing cost. Experimental results also show that E2P produces more accurate measurement of polarization than the PDAVIS frames in challenging fast and high dynamic range scenes. Code and data are publicly available at: https://github.com/SensorsINI/e2p

    Fast temporal decoding from large-scale neural recordings in monkey visual cortex

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    With new developments in electrode and nanoscale technology, a large-scale multi-electrode cortical neural prosthesis with thousands of stimulation and recording electrodes is becoming viable. Such a system will be useful as both a neuroscience tool and a neuroprosthesis. In the context of a visual neuroprosthesis, a rudimentary form of vision can be presented to the visually impaired by stimulating the electrodes to induce phosphene patterns. Additional feedback in a closed-loop system can be provided by rapid decoding of recorded responses from relevant brain areas. This work looks at temporal decoding results from a dataset of 1024 electrode recordings collected from the V1 and V4 areas of a primate performing a visual discrimination task. By applying deep learning models, the peak decoding accuracy from the V1 data can be obtained by a moving time window of 150 ms across the 800 ms phase of stimulus presentation. The peak accuracy from the V4 data is achieved at a larger latency and by using a larger moving time window of 300 ms. Decoding using a running window of 30 ms on the V1 data showed only a 4\% drop in peak accuracy. We also determined the robustness of the decoder to electrode failure by choosing a subset of important electrodes using a previously reported algorithm for scaling the importance of inputs to a network. Results show that the accuracy of 91.1\% from a network trained on the selected subset of 256 electrodes is close to the accuracy of 91.7\% from using all 1024 electrodes

    Exploiting Symmetric Temporally Sparse BPTT for Efficient RNN Training

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    Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are useful in temporal sequence tasks. However, training RNNs involves dense matrix multiplications which require hardware that can support a large number of arithmetic operations and memory accesses. Implementing online training of RNNs on the edge calls for optimized algorithms for an efficient deployment on hardware. Inspired by the spiking neuron model, the Delta RNN exploits temporal sparsity during inference by skipping over the update of hidden states from those inactivated neurons whose change of activation across two timesteps is below a defined threshold. This work describes a training algorithm for Delta RNNs that exploits temporal sparsity in the backward propagation phase to reduce computational requirements for training on the edge. Due to the symmetric computation graphs of forward and backward propagation during training, the gradient computation of inactivated neurons can be skipped. Results show a reduction of ∼\sim80% in matrix operations for training a 56k parameter Delta LSTM on the Fluent Speech Commands dataset with negligible accuracy loss. Logic simulations of a hardware accelerator designed for the training algorithm show 2-10X speedup in matrix computations for an activation sparsity range of 50%-90%. Additionally, we show that the proposed Delta RNN training will be useful for online incremental learning on edge devices with limited computing resources.Comment: Accepted by the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24