28 research outputs found

    Prognostic factors of Guillain-Barré syndrome: a 111-case retrospective review

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    Abstract Background To identify the predictive factors associated with worse prognosis in the Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), which can be helpful to fully evaluate the disease progression and provide proper treatments. Methods Clinical data of 111 GBS patients who were diagnosed from 2010 to 2015 were collected and retrospectively analyzed. Results Patients with diabetes (P=0.031), high blood pressure at admission (P=0.034), uroschesis (P=0.028), fever (P<0.001), ventilator support (P<0.001) during hospitalization, disorder of consciousness (p=0.007) and absence of preceding respiratory infection(P=0.016) were associated with worse outcome at discharge, while abnormal sensation, ataxia, weakness and decrease of tendon reflex seemed not correlated with the Medical Research Council(MRC) score at discharge. Compared with the subtype of acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, prognosis of Miller-Fisher syndrome (p<0.001) and cranial nerve variant (p<0.038) were better, but prognosis of acute motor axonal neuropathy(AMAN) was worse (p<0.032). Laboratory examinations at admission showed that hyperglycemia (P=0.002), high leukocyte count (P=0.010), hyperfibrinogenemia (P=0.001), hyponatremia (P=0.020), hypoalbuminemia (P=0.005), abnormal hepatic (P=0.048) and renal (P=0.009) functions were associated with poorer prognosis at discharge, while albuminocytologic dissociation in cerebrospinal fluid, GM1 and GQ1b antibody showed no correlation with the MRC score at discharge. γ-Globulin and glucocorticoid therapies showed no difference in the MRC score at the discharge. Conclusions AMAN, diabetes, high blood pressure, uroschesis, high body temperature, ventilator support, consciousness disorder, absence of upper respiratory tract preceding infection, hyperglycemia, hyponatremia, hypoalbuminemia, high leukocyte count, hyperfibrinogenemia, abnormal hepatic and renal function were demonstrated as poor prognostic factors

    Investigation of Input Modalities Based on a Spatial Region Array for Hand-Gesture Interfaces

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    To improve the efficiency of computer input, extensive research has been conducted on hand movement in a spatial region. Most of it has focused on the technologies but not the users’ spatial controllability. To assess this, we analyze a users’ common operational area through partitioning, including a layered array of one dimension and a spatial region array of two dimensions. In addition, to determine the difference in spatial controllability between a sighted person and a visually impaired person, we designed two experiments: target selection under a visual and under a non-visual scenario. Furthermore, we explored two factors: the size and the position of the target. Results showed the following: the 5 × 5 target blocks, which were 60.8 mm × 48 mm, could be easily controlled by both the sighted and the visually impaired person; the sighted person could easily select the bottom-right area; however, for the visually impaired person, the easiest selected area was the upper right. Based on the results of the users’ spatial controllability, we propose two interaction techniques (non-visual selection and a spatial gesture recognition technique for surgery) and four spatial partitioning strategies for human-computer interaction designers, which can improve the users spatial controllability

    Disturbed subjective sleep in Chinese females with type 2 diabetes on insulin therapy.

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence and determine the possible risk factors of poor sleep quality in Chinese type 2 diabetes patients with insulin treatment. METHODS: 140 type 2 diabetes patients with insulin treatments were enrolled in our study. General characteristics and laboratory testing such glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), post-prandial plasma glucose (PPG) were measured. Every patient completed Chinese version of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire. PSQI global score>5 was defined as poor sleep quality. RESULTS: Global PSQI score was significantly higher in female type 2 diabetes patients with insulin treatment than male (7.52 vs 6.08, P<0.05). After adjusting for age, BMI, FPG, PPG, HbA1c and duration of diabetes, female is still an independent risk factor for poor sleep quality [OR = 2.55, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.24-5.27, P = 0.01]. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that we found poor sleep quality in female Chinese type 2 diabetes patients with insulin treatment and these findings may contribute to sleep disorder control in female type 2 diabetes

    Investigation of Input Modalities Based on a Spatial Region Array for Hand-Gesture Interfaces

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    To improve the efficiency of computer input, extensive research has been conducted on hand movement in a spatial region. Most of it has focused on the technologies but not the users&rsquo; spatial controllability. To assess this, we analyze a users&rsquo; common operational area through partitioning, including a layered array of one dimension and a spatial region array of two dimensions. In addition, to determine the difference in spatial controllability between a sighted person and a visually impaired person, we designed two experiments: target selection under a visual and under a non-visual scenario. Furthermore, we explored two factors: the size and the position of the target. Results showed the following: the 5 &times; 5 target blocks, which were 60.8 mm &times; 48 mm, could be easily controlled by both the sighted and the visually impaired person; the sighted person could easily select the bottom-right area; however, for the visually impaired person, the easiest selected area was the upper right. Based on the results of the users&rsquo; spatial controllability, we propose two interaction techniques (non-visual selection and a spatial gesture recognition technique for surgery) and four spatial partitioning strategies for human-computer interaction designers, which can improve the users spatial controllability


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    The beam phase measurement system in HIRFL is<br />introduced. The system had been improved using RFsignal<br />mixing and filtering techniques and noise<br />cancellation method. Therefore, the influence of strongly<br />RF disturbing was eliminated and the signal to noise rate<br />was increased, and a stable and sensitive phase<br />measurement system was developed. The phase history of<br />the ion beam was detected by using 15 sets of capacitive<br />pick-up probes installed in the SSC cyclotron. The beam<br />phase information was necessary for tuning purposes to<br />obtain an optimized isochronous magnetic field, where<br />the beam intensity was increased and the beam quality<br />was optimized. The measurement results before and after<br />optimized isochronous magnetic field for 40Ar15+ ion and<br />12C6+ ion in SSC were given. The phase measurement<br />system was reliable by optimizing isochronous magnetic<br />field test, and the precision reached &plusmn;0.5o, the sensitivity<br />of beam signal measurement was about 10nA as well

    TLQP-21 protects human umbilical vein endothelial cells against high-glucose-induced apoptosis by increasing G6PD expression.

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    Hyperglycemia causes oxidative stress that could damage vascular endothelial cells, leading to cardiovascular complications. The Vgf gene was identified as a nerve growth factor-responsive gene, and its protein product, VGF, is characterized by the presence of partially cleaved products. One of the VGF-derived peptides is TLQP-21, which is composed of 21 amino acids (residues 556-576). Past studies have reported that TLQP-21 could stimulate insulin secretion in pancreatic cells and protect these cells from apoptosis, which suggests that TLQP-21 has a potential function in diabetes therapy. Here, we explore the protective role of TLQP-21 against the high glucose-mediated injury of vascular endothelial cells. Using human umbilical vascular endothelial cells (HUVECs), we demonstrated that TLQP-21 (10 or 50 nM) dose-dependently prevented apoptosis under high-glucose (30 mmol/L) conditions (the normal glucose concentration is 5.6 mmol/L). TLQP-21 enhanced the expression of NAPDH, resulting in upregulation of glutathione (GSH) and a reduction in the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). TLQP-21 also upregulated the expression of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), which is known as the main source of NADPH. Knockdown of G6PD almost completely blocked the increase of NADPH induced by TLQP-21, indicating that TLQP-21 functions mainly through G6PD to promote NADPH generation. In conclusion, TLQP-21 could increase G6PD expression, which in turn may increase the synthesis of NADPH and GSH, thereby partially restoring the redox status of vascular endothelial cells under high glucose injury. We propose that TLQP-21 is a promising drug for diabetes therapy

    Frequency-tunable hybrid metamaterial terahertz logic gate with liquid crystal based on electromagnetically induced transparency

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    Terahertz logic gates will have a wide range of applications in future 6G communications. In this study, we theoretically propose a frequency-tunable all-optical terahertz logic gate composed of a silicon-metal composite metamaterial with a liquid crystal (LC) layer. Simulation results demonstrate the presence of electromagnetically induced transparency in the transmission spectrum of the device. Upon illumination, the transparency window in the transmission spectrum can be altered owing to the photoelectric effect in Si segments. The designed device can realize NOR Boolean operation based on the illumination-transmission response. More importantly, the LC layer with adjustable permittivity presents an effective method for manipulating the device’s working frequency. The influences of the LC layer’s thickness on the transparency window are also studied

    Clinical characteristics of 140 patients with type 2 diabetes on insulin therapy.

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    <p>Student’s t-test. female vs male *P<0.05, #P<0.01.</p><p>BMI, body mass index; HbA1c, glycosylated hemoglobin A1c; PSQI, Pitts-burgh sleep quality index; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; PPG, post-prandial plasma glucose.</p

    Taphonomy, age and paleobiogeography of the enigmatic taxon Lotosaurus adentus (Archosauria: Poposauroidea) from the Middle Triassic Badong Formation, Hunan, China

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    Lotosaurus adentus is an unusual sail-backed, edentulous poposauroid pseudosuchian primarily known from a single, nearly monospecific bonebed discovered and excavated in the 1970s in the Middle-Upper Triassic Badong Formation of Sangzhi County, Hunan Province, South China. Renewed interest in this unique taxon prompted exposure of an additional 90 m2 of the bonebed. Almost 1000 new L. adentus bones, 28% of which were articulated, were discovered during this excavation. The bones lack evidence of tooth marks, trample marks, or insect modification, and display minimal weathering. The site is reinterpreted as a pedogenically modified floodplain pond (and overlying fluvial channel) within a warm, semi-arid sub-tropical region (paleolatitude ∼ 34°N), contrasting with previous interpretations of the locality as a tidal flat deposit. The occurrence of mudcracks, conchostrachan fossils, and vertic paleosol development with calcium carbonate accumulations in both overlying and underlying facies indicates periodic aridity and ephemeral conditions. The bonebed is characterized by partial disarticulation and minor transport, and is confined to a thin, < 30 cm-thick interval. Considered together, these features are most consistent with a mass mortality event, possibly drought related considering the sedimentological context, followed by minor transport during a rapid burial event. U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology and Lu-Hf isotope analysis were utilized to reassess the provenance and age of the deposit, and suggest that L. adentus was likely Ladinian or possibly even Carnian in age, rather than Anisian as previously reported. Paleocurrent data, detrital zircon age spectra, and Lu-Hf isotopes indicate that fluvial sediments were partially derived from sources in the North China craton and Qinling-Dabieshan tectonic belt, implying that faunal interchange between the North and South China blocks was possible by this time

    Results of multivariate logistic regression analysis of the association between patient’s characteristics and disturbed subjective sleep.

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    <p>Multivariate logistic regression analysis.</p><p>B, regression coefficient; SD, standard error; OR, Odds Ratio; CI, confidence interval; BMI, body mass index; HbA1c, glycosylated hemoglobin A1c.</p