193 research outputs found

    Controlling single rare earth ion emission in an electro-optical nanocavity

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    Rare earth emitters enable critical quantum resources including spin qubits, single photon sources, and quantum memories. Yet, probing of single ions remains challenging due to low emission rate of their intra-4f optical transitions. One feasible approach is through Purcell enhanced emission in optical cavities. The ability to modulate cavity-ion coupling in real time will further elevate the capacity of such systems. Here, we demonstrate direct control of single ion emission by embedding erbium dopants in an electro-optically active photonic crystal cavity patterned from thin-film lithium niobate. Purcell factor over 170 enables single ion detection, which is verified by second-order autocorrelation measurement. Dynamic control of emission rate is realized by leveraging electro-optic tuning of resonance frequency. Using this feature, storage and retrieval of single ion excitation is further demonstrated, without perturbing the emission characteristics. These results promise new opportunities for controllable single photon sources and efficient spin-photon interfaces

    Minority-spin conduction in ferromagnetic Mn5_5Ge3_3Cx_x and Mn5_5Si3_3Cx_x films derived from anisotropic magnetoresistance and density functional theory

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    The anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) of ferromagnetic Mn5_5Ge3_3Cx_x (0 \le x \le 1) and Mn5_5Si3_3Cx_x (0.5 \le x \le 1) thin films was investigated and compared with density functional theory calculations from which the spin-split electronic density of states at the Fermi level and the spin polarization were obtained. The isostructural compounds exhibit different AMR behavior. While only Mn5Si3C0.5 shows a positive AMR ratio and a positive spin polarization, the negative AMR ratio of all other compounds is due to a negative spin polarization. The correlation between the sign of the AMR and the degree of spin polarization is in agreement with theoretical calculations of the AMR ratio indicating that the magnetoelectronic transport in both compounds is dominated by minority-spin conduction. The dominating role of minority-spin conduction remains unaffected even after incorporation of carbon into the crystalline lattice which weakens both AMR and spin polarization

    Anomalous magnetohydrodynamics with temperature-dependent electric conductivity and application to the global polarization

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    We have derived the solutions of the relativistic anomalous magnetohydrodynamics with longitudinal Bjorken boost invariance and transverse electromagnetic fields in the presence of temperature or energy density dependent electric conductivity. We consider the equations of states in a high temperature limit or in a high chiral chemical potential limit. We obtain both perturbative analytic solutions up to the order of \hbar and numerical solutions in our configurations of initial electromagnetic fields and Bjorken flow velocity. Our results show that the temperature or energy density dependent electric conductivity plays an important role to the decaying of the energy density and electromagnetic fields. We also implement our results to the splitting of global polarization for \Lambda and \bar{\Lambda} hyperons induced by the magnetic fields. Our results for the splitting of global polarization disagree with the experimental data in low energy collisions, which implies that the contribution from gradient of chemical potential may dominate in the low energy collisions

    Simulation Design of a Tomato Picking Manipulator

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    Simulation is an important way to verify the feasibility of design parameters and schemes for robots. Through simulation, this paper analyzes the effectiveness of the design parameters selected for a tomato picking manipulator, and verifies the rationality of the manipulator in motion planning for tomato picking. Firstly, the basic parameters and workspace of the manipulator were determined based on the environment of a tomato greenhouse; the workspace of the lightweight manipulator was proved as suitable for the picking operation through MATLAB simulation. Next, the maximum theoretical torque of each joint of the manipulator was solved through analysis, the joint motors were selected reasonably, and SolidWorks simulation was performed to demonstrate the rationality of the material selected for the manipulator and the strength design of the joint connectors. After that, the trajectory control requirements of the manipulator in picking operation were determined in view of the operation environment, and the feasibility of trajectory planning was confirmed with MATLAB. Finally, a motion control system was designed for the manipulator, according to the end trajectory control requirements, followed by the manufacturing of a prototype. The prototype experiment shows that the proposed lightweight tomato picking manipulator boasts good kinematics performance, and basically meets the requirements of tomato picking operation: the manipulator takes an average of 21 s to pick a tomato, and achieves a success rate of 78.67%