191 research outputs found


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    Tohoku University博士(工学)要約のみthesi

    Boosting the Discriminant Power of Naive Bayes

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    Naive Bayes has been widely used in many applications because of its simplicity and ability in handling both numerical data and categorical data. However, lack of modeling of correlations between features limits its performance. In addition, noise and outliers in the real-world dataset also greatly degrade the classification performance. In this paper, we propose a feature augmentation method employing a stack auto-encoder to reduce the noise in the data and boost the discriminant power of naive Bayes. The proposed stack auto-encoder consists of two auto-encoders for different purposes. The first encoder shrinks the initial features to derive a compact feature representation in order to remove the noise and redundant information. The second encoder boosts the discriminant power of the features by expanding them into a higher-dimensional space so that different classes of samples could be better separated in the higher-dimensional space. By integrating the proposed feature augmentation method with the regularized naive Bayes, the discrimination power of the model is greatly enhanced. The proposed method is evaluated on a set of machine-learning benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed method significantly and consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art naive Bayes classifiers.Comment: Accepted by 2022 International Conference on Pattern Recognitio

    A Max-relevance-min-divergence Criterion for Data Discretization with Applications on Naive Bayes

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    In many classification models, data is discretized to better estimate its distribution. Existing discretization methods often target at maximizing the discriminant power of discretized data, while overlooking the fact that the primary target of data discretization in classification is to improve the generalization performance. As a result, the data tend to be over-split into many small bins since the data without discretization retain the maximal discriminant information. Thus, we propose a Max-Dependency-Min-Divergence (MDmD) criterion that maximizes both the discriminant information and generalization ability of the discretized data. More specifically, the Max-Dependency criterion maximizes the statistical dependency between the discretized data and the classification variable while the Min-Divergence criterion explicitly minimizes the JS-divergence between the training data and the validation data for a given discretization scheme. The proposed MDmD criterion is technically appealing, but it is difficult to reliably estimate the high-order joint distributions of attributes and the classification variable. We hence further propose a more practical solution, Max-Relevance-Min-Divergence (MRmD) discretization scheme, where each attribute is discretized separately, by simultaneously maximizing the discriminant information and the generalization ability of the discretized data. The proposed MRmD is compared with the state-of-the-art discretization algorithms under the naive Bayes classification framework on 45 machine-learning benchmark datasets. It significantly outperforms all the compared methods on most of the datasets.Comment: Under major revision of Pattern Recognitio

    A regularized attribute weighting framework for naive bayes

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    The Bayesian classification framework has been widely used in many fields, but the covariance matrix is usually difficult to estimate reliably. To alleviate the problem, many naive Bayes (NB) approaches with good performance have been developed. However, the assumption of conditional independence between attributes in NB rarely holds in reality. Various attribute-weighting schemes have been developed to address this problem. Among them, class-specific attribute weighted naive Bayes (CAWNB) has recently achieved good performance by using classification feedback to optimize the attribute weights of each class. However, the derived model may be over-fitted to the training dataset, especially when the dataset is insufficient to train a model with good generalization performance. This paper proposes a regularization technique to improve the generalization capability of CAWNB, which could well balance the trade-off between discrimination power and generalization capability. More specifically, by introducing the regularization term, the proposed method, namely regularized naive Bayes (RNB), could well capture the data characteristics when the dataset is large, and exhibit good generalization performance when the dataset is small. RNB is compared with the state-of-the-art naive Bayes methods. Experiments on 33 machine-learning benchmark datasets demonstrate that RNB outperforms the compared methods significantly

    Approximate Methods for the Computation of Step Functions in Homomorphic Encryption

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    The computation of step functions over encrypted data is an essential issue in homomorphic encryption due to its fundamental application in privacy-preserving computing. However, an effective method for homomorphically computing general step functions remains elusive in cryptography. This paper proposes two polynomial approximation methods for general step functions to tackle this problem. The first method leverages the fact that any step function can be expressed as a linear combination of shifted sign functions. This connection enables the homomorphic evaluation of any step function using known polynomial approximations of the sign function. The second method boosts computational efficiency by employing a composite polynomial approximation strategy. We present a systematic approach to construct a composite polynomial fkfk1f1f_k \circ f_{k-1} \circ \cdots \circ f_1 that increasingly approximates the step function as kk increases. This method utilizes an adaptive linear programming approach that we developed to optimize the approximation effect of fif_i while maintaining the degree and coefficients bounded. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these two methods by applying them to typical step functions such as the round function and encrypted data bucketing, implemented in the HEAAN homomorphic encryption library. Experimental results validate that our methods can effectively address the homomorphic computation of step functions

    Faster BGV Bootstrapping for Power-of-Two Cyclotomics through Homomorphic NTT

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    Power-of-two cyclotomics is a popular choice when instantiating the BGV scheme because of its efficiency and compliance with the FHE standard. However, in power-of-two cyclotomics, the linear transformations in BGV bootstrapping cannot be decomposed into sub-transformations for acceleration with existing techniques. Thus, they can be highly time-consuming when the number of slots is large, degrading the advantage brought by the SIMD property of the plaintext space. By exploiting the algebraic structure of power-of-two cyclotomics, this paper derives explicit decomposition of the linear transformations in BGV bootstrapping into NTT-like sub-transformations, which are highly efficient to compute homomorphically. Moreover, multiple optimizations are made to evaluate homomorphic linear transformations, including modified BSGS algorithms, trade-offs between level and time, and specific simplifications for thin and general bootstrapping. We implement our method on HElib. With the number of slots ranging from 4096 to 32768, we obtain a 7.35x\sim143x improvement in the running time of linear transformations and a 4.79x\sim66.4x improvement in bootstrapping throughput, compared to previous works or the naive approach

    Fast and Accurate: Efficient Full-Domain Functional Bootstrap and Digit Decomposition for Homomorphic Computation

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    The functional bootstrap in FHEW/TFHE allows for fast table lookups on ciphertexts and is a powerful tool for privacy-preserving computations. However, the functional bootstrap suffers from two limitations: the negacyclic constraint of the lookup table (LUT) and the limited ability to evaluate large-precision LUTs. To overcome the first limitation, several full-domain functional bootstraps (FDFB) have been developed, enabling the evaluation of arbitrary LUTs. Meanwhile, algorithms based on homomorphic digit decomposition have been proposed to address the second limitation. Although these algorithms provide effective solutions, they are yet to be optimized. This paper presents four new FDFB algorithms and two new homomorphic decomposition algorithms that improve the state-of-the-art. Our FDFB algorithms reduce the output noise, thus allowing for more efficient and compact parameter selection. Across all parameter settings, our algorithms reduce the runtime by up to 39.2%39.2\%. Furthermore, our FDFB algorithms introduce an error that can be as small as 1/15 of that introduced by previous algorithms when evaluating continuous functions. Our homomorphic decomposition algorithms also run at 2.0x and 1.5x the speed of prior algorithms. We have implemented and benchmarked all previous FDFB and homomorphic decomposition algorithms and our methods in OpenFHE

    Solution Phase Synthesis of Cu(OH) 2

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    Recombination analysis based on the complete genome of bocavirus

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    Bocavirus include bovine parvovirus, minute virus of canine, porcine bocavirus, gorilla bocavirus, and Human bocaviruses 1-4 (HBoVs). Although recent reports showed that recombination happened in bocavirus, no systematical study investigated the recombination of bocavirus. The present study performed the phylogenetic and recombination analysis of bocavirus over the complete genomes available in GenBank. Results confirmed that recombination existed among bocavirus, including the likely inter-genotype recombination between HBoV1 and HBoV4, and intra-genotype recombination among HBoV2 variants. Moreover, it is the first report revealing the recombination that occurred between minute viruses of canine