87 research outputs found

    Current Open Questions in Complete Mixability

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    Complete and joint mixability has raised considerable interest in recent few years, in both the theory of distributions with given margins, and applications in discrete optimization and quantitative risk management. We list various open questions in the theory of complete and joint mixability, which are mathematically concrete, and yet accessible to a broad range of researchers without specific background knowledge. In addition to the discussions on open questions, some results contained in this paper are new

    Quasi-convexity in mixtures for generalized rank-dependent functions

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    Quasi-convexity in probabilistic mixtures is a common and useful property in decision analysis. We study a general class of non-monotone mappings, called the generalized rank-dependent functions, which include the preference models of expected utilities, dual utilities, and rank-dependent utilities as special cases, as well as signed Choquet integrals used in risk management. As one of our main results, quasi-convex (in mixtures) signed Choquet integrals precisely include two parts: those that are convex (in mixtures) and the class of scaled quantile-spread mixtures, and this result leads to a full characterization of quasi-convexity for generalized rank-dependent functions. Seven equivalent conditions for quasi-convexity in mixtures are obtained for dual utilities and signed Choquet integrals. We also illustrate a conflict between convexity in mixtures and convexity in risk pooling among constant-additive mappings
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