3,501 research outputs found

    RANS Equations with Explicit Data-Driven Reynolds Stress Closure Can Be Ill-Conditioned

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    Reynolds-averaged Navier--Stokes (RANS) simulations with turbulence closure models continue to play important roles in industrial flow simulations. However, the commonly used linear eddy viscosity models are intrinsically unable to handle flows with non-equilibrium turbulence. Reynolds stress models, on the other hand, are plagued by their lack of robustness. Recent studies in plane channel flows found that even substituting Reynolds stresses with errors below 0.5% from direct numerical simulation (DNS) databases into RANS equations leads to velocities with large errors (up to 35%). While such an observation may have only marginal relevance to traditional Reynolds stress models, it is disturbing for the recently emerging data-driven models that treat the Reynolds stress as an explicit source term in the RANS equations, as it suggests that the RANS equations with such models can be ill-conditioned. So far, a rigorous analysis of the condition of such models is still lacking. As such, in this work we propose a metric based on local condition number function for a priori evaluation of the conditioning of the RANS equations. We further show that the ill-conditioning cannot be explained by the global matrix condition number of the discretized RANS equations. Comprehensive numerical tests are performed on turbulent channel flows at various Reynolds numbers and additionally on two complex flows, i.e., flow over periodic hills and flow in a square duct. Results suggest that the proposed metric can adequately explain observations in previous studies, i.e., deteriorated model conditioning with increasing Reynolds number and better conditioning of the implicit treatment of Reynolds stress compared to the explicit treatment. This metric can play critical roles in the future development of data-driven turbulence models by enforcing the conditioning as a requirement on these models.Comment: 35 pages, 18 figure

    Quantum memory and non-demolition measurement of single phonon state with nitrogen-vacancy centers ensemble

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    In diamond, the mechanical vibration induced strain can lead to interaction between the mechanical mode and the nitrogen-vecancy (NV) centers. In this work, we propose to utilize the strain induced coupling for the quantum non-demolition (QND) single phonon measurement and memory in diamond. The single phonon in a diamond mechanical resonator can be perfectly absorbed and emitted by the NV centers ensemble (NVE) with adiabatically tuning the microwave driving. An optical laser drives the NVE to the excited states, which have much larger coupling strength to the mechanical mode. By adiabatically eliminating the excited states under large detuning limit, the effective coupling between the mechanical mode and the NVE can be used for QND measurement of the single phonon state. Under realistic experimental conditions, we numerically simulate the scheme. It is found that the fidelity of the absorbing and emitting process can reach a much high value. The overlap between the input and the output phonon shapes can reach 98.57%98.57\%.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Stellar weak-interaction rates for rprp-process waiting-point nuclei from projected shell model

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    We propose a projected shell model (PSM) for description of stellar weak-interaction rates between even-even and odd-odd nuclei with extended configuration space where up to six-quasiparticle (qp) configurations are included, and the stellar weak-interaction rates for eight rprp-process waiting-point (WP) nuclei, 64^{64}Ge, 68^{68}Se, 72^{72}Kr, 76^{76}Sr, 80^{80}Zr, 84^{84}Mo, 88^{88}Ru and 92^{92}Pd, are calculated and analyzed for the first time within the model. Higher-order qp configurations are found to affect the underlying Gamow-Teller strength distributions and the corresponding stellar weak-interaction rates. Under rprp-process environments with high temperatures and densities, on one hand, thermal population of excited states of parent nuclei tends to decrease the stellar β+\beta^+ decay rates. On the other hand, the possibility of electron capture (EC) tends to provide increasing contribution to the rates with temperature and density. The effective half-lives of WP nuclei under the rprp-process peak condition are predicted to be reduced as compared with the terrestrial case, especially for 64^{64}Ge and 68^{68}Se

    The coevolution of overconfidence and bluffing in the resource competition game

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    Resources are often limited, therefore it is essential how convincingly competitors present their claims for them. Beside a player’s natural capacity, here overconfidence and bluffing may also play a decisive role and influence how to share a restricted reward. While bluff provides clear, but risky advantage, overconfidence, as a form of self-deception, could be harmful to its user. Still, it is a long-standing puzzle why these potentially damaging biases are maintained and evolving to a high level in the human society. Within the framework of evolutionary game theory, we present a simple version of resource competition game in which the coevolution of overconfidence and bluffing is fundamental, which is capable to explain their prevalence in structured populations. Interestingly, bluffing seems apt to evolve to higher level than corresponding overconfidence and in general the former is less resistant to punishment than the latter. Moreover, topological feature of the social network plays an intricate role in the spreading of overconfidence and bluffing. While the heterogeneity of interactions facilitates bluffing, it also increases efficiency of adequate punishment against overconfident behavior. Furthermore, increasing the degree of homogeneous networks can trigger similar effect. We also observed that having high real capability may accommodate both bluffing ability and overconfidence simultaneously

    Nuclear β\beta spectrum from projected shell model (I): allowed one-to-one transition

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    Nuclear β\beta spectrum and the corresponding (anti-)neutrino spectrum play important roles in many aspects of nuclear astrophysics, particle physics, nuclear industry and nuclear data. In this work we propose a projected shell model (PSM) to calculate the level energies as well as the reduced one-body transition density (ROBTD) by the Pfaffian algorithm for nuclear β\beta decays. The calculated level energies and ROBTD are inputed to the Beta Spectrum Generator (BSG) code to study the high precision β\beta spectrum of allowed one-to-one transitions. When experimental level energies are adopted, the calculated β\beta spectrum by ROBTD of the PSM deviates from the one by the extreme simple particle evaluation of the BSG by up to 10%10\%, reflecting the importance of nuclear many-body correlations. When calculated level energies are adopted, the calculated β\beta spectrum shows sensitive dependence on the reliability of calculated level energies. The developed method for ROBTD by the PSM will also be useful for study of the first-forbidden transitions, the isovector spin monopole resonance etc. in a straightforward way

    (2 +1)-dimensional Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator under a magnetic field in the presence of a minimal length in the noncommutative space

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    Using the momentum space representation, we study the (2 +1)-dimensional Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator for spin 0 particle under a magnetic field in the presence of a minimal length in the noncommutative space. The explicit form of energy eigenvalues are found, the wave functions and the corresponding probability density are reported in terms of the Jacobi polynomials. Additionally, we also discuss the special cases and depict the corresponding numerical results
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