174 research outputs found

    Influence of Salvia miltiorrhizae on the Mesenteric Lymph Node of Rats with Severe Acute Pancreatitis or Obstructive Jaundice

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    Objective. To observe the effect of salvia miltiorrhizae injection on inflammatory mediator levels and mesenteric lymph nodes in severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and obstructive jaundice (OJ) rats and explore the protective mechanism of salvia miltiorrhizae on the lymph nodes of these rats. Methods. A total of 288 rats were used in SAP-associated and OJ-associated experiments. The rats were randomly divided into sham-operated group, model control group, and treated group. At various time points after operation, the pathological changes in mesenteric lymph nodes of rats in each group were observed, respectively. Results. The pathological severity scores in lymph nodes of SAP rats in treated group were significantly lower than those in model control group (P < .05) while the pathological changes in lymph nodes of OJ rats in treated group also showed varying degrees of mitigation. Conclusion. Salvia miltiorrhizae can exert protective effects on the lymph nodes of SAP or OJ rats via a mechanism that is associated with reducing the contents of inflammatory mediators in blood

    Phosphatidic Acid: From Pleiotropic Functions to Neuronal Pathology

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    Among the cellular lipids, phosphatidic acid (PA) is a peculiar one as it is at the same time a key building block of phospholipid synthesis and a major lipid second messenger conveying signaling information. The latter is thought to largely occur through the ability of PA to recruit and/or activate specific proteins in restricted compartments and within those only at defined submembrane areas. Furthermore, with its cone-shaped geometry PA locally changes membrane topology and may thus be a key player in membrane trafficking events, especially in membrane fusion and fission steps, where lipid remodeling is believed to be crucial. These pleiotropic cellular functions of PA, including phospholipid synthesis and homeostasis together with important signaling activity, imply that perturbations of PA metabolism could lead to serious pathological conditions. In this mini-review article, after outlining the main cellular functions of PA, we highlight the different neurological diseases that could, at least in part, be attributed to an alteration in PA synthesis and/or catabolism

    Experiments on bright field and dark field high energy electron imaging with thick target material

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    Using a high energy electron beam for the imaging of high density matter with both high spatial-temporal and areal density resolution under extreme states of temperature and pressure is one of the critical challenges in high energy density physics . When a charged particle beam passes through an opaque target, the beam will be scattered with a distribution that depends on the thickness of the material. By collecting the scattered beam either near or off axis, so-called bright field or dark field images can be obtained. Here we report on an electron radiography experiment using 45 MeV electrons from an S-band photo-injector, where scattered electrons, after interacting with a sample, are collected and imaged by a quadrupole imaging system. We achieved a few micrometers (about 4 micrometers) spatial resolution and about 10 micrometers thickness resolution for a silicon target of 300-600 micron thickness. With addition of dark field images that are captured by selecting electrons with large scattering angle, we show that more useful information in determining external details such as outlines, boundaries and defects can be obtained.Comment: 7pages, 7 figure

    Influence of Salvia miltiorrhizae

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    Prion Proteins and Neuronal Death in the Cerebellum

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    The cellular prion protein, a major player in the neuropathology of prion diseases, is believed to control both death and survival pathways in central neurons. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying these functions remain to be deciphered. This chapter presents cytopathological studies of the neurotoxic effects of infectious prions and cellular prion protein-deficiency on cerebellar neurons in wild-type and transgenic mice. The immunochemical and electron microscopy data collected in situ and ex vivo in cultured organotypic cerebellar slices indicate that an interplay between apoptotic and autophagic pathways is involved in neuronal death induced either by the infectious prions or by prion protein-deficiency

    Composition and diversity of gut microbiota across developmental stages of Spodoptera frugiperda and its effect on the reproduction

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    IntroductionSpodoptera frugiperda is a serious world-wide agricultural pest. Gut microorganisms play crucial roles in growth, development, immunity and behavior of host insects.MethodsHere, we reported the composition of gut microbiota in a laboratory-reared strain of S. frugiperda using 16S rDNA sequencing and the effects of gut microbiota on the reproduction.ResultsProteobacteria and Firmicutes were the predominant bacteria and the taxonomic composition varied during the life cycle. Alpha diversity indices indicated that the eggs had higher bacterial diversity than larvae, pupae and adults. Furthermore, eggs harbored a higher abundance of Ralstonia, Sediminibacterium and microbes of unclassified taxonomy. The dynamics changes in bacterial communities resulted in differences in the metabolic functions of the gut microbiota during development. Interestingly, the laid eggs in antibiotic treatment groups did not hatch much due to the gut dysbacteriosis, the results showed gut microbiota had a significant impact on the male reproduction.DiscussionOur findings provide new perspectives to understand the intricate associations between microbiota and host, and have value for the development of S. frugiperda management strategies focusing on the pest gut microbiota

    Chloroplast Genomes in Populus (Salicaceae): Comparisons From an Intensively Sampled Genus Reveal Dynamic Patterns of Evolution

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    The chloroplast is one of two organelles containing a separate genome that codes for essential and distinct cellular functions such as photosynthesis. Given the importance of chloroplasts in plant metabolism, the genomic architecture and gene content have been strongly conserved through long periods of time and as such are useful molecular tools for evolutionary inferences. At present, complete chloroplast genomes from over 4000 species have been deposited into publicly accessible databases. Despite the large number of complete chloroplast genomes, comprehensive analyses regarding genome architecture and gene content have not been conducted for many lineages with complete species sampling. In this study, we employed the genus Populus to assess how more comprehensively sampled chloroplast genome analyses can be used in understanding chloroplast evolution in a broadly studied lineage of angiosperms. We conducted comparative analyses across Populus in order to elucidate variation in key genome features such as genome size, gene number, gene content, repeat type and number, SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) abundance, and boundary positioning between the four main units of the genome. We found that some genome annotations were variable across the genus owing in part from errors in assembly or data checking and from this provided corrected annotations. We also employed complete chloroplast genomes for phylogenetic analyses including the dating of divergence times throughout the genus. Lastly, we utilized re-sequencing data to describe the variations of pan-chloroplast genomes at the population level for P. euphratica. The analyses used in this paper provide a blueprint for the types of analyses that can be conducted with publicly available chloroplast genomes as well as methods for building upon existing datasets to improve evolutionary inference